Better Booty – Ball & Band Workout & Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up

Who doesn’t want a better booty?! This workout can be done in your living room and is so great for your thighs, booty and core! It even touches on the upper body a bit and has a nice cardio pump, so you’re going to love it! All you will need is a resistance band and a stability ball. If you don’t have the equipment, no worries, just perform the stability ball moves on the floor and leave the resistance band out of the moves! Before starting, make sure your body is nice and warm. I recommend a gentle jog mixed with squats, jumping jacks and high knees, for roughly five minutes. Finish this workout with a 10 minute full body stretch!

Leg Side Extension

Resistance Ball and Band Routine for Abs and Booty

Leg Back Extension

Resistance Ball and Band Routine for Abs and Booty

Jumping Jacks

Resistance Ball and Band Routine for Abs and Booty

Balance Bike

Resistance Ball and Band Routine for Abs and Booty

Sit Up

Resistance Ball and Band Routine for Abs and Booty

Balance Pike

Resistance Ball and Band Routine for Abs and Booty

Balance Curl

Resistance Ball and Band Routine for Abs and Booty

Balance Bridge

Resistance Ball and Band Routine for Abs and Booty

Bonus** Ball Roll-Up

Resistance Ball and Band Routine for Abs and Booty

We hope you love this one!

– Brooke & Erica

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A petite (4'10") gal on the hunt for the best petite clothes. I show you where to shop for petite finds, and how to style them in my weekly style sessions. I don't alter or hem any of the clothing on my blog - what you see is exactly how the items fit me right from the store.

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  1. 1.11.17
    Rachelle said:

    such a great workout and easy to to.


  2. 1.11.17
    Living on Cloud Nine said:

    I want a better booty!!!! LOVE the action shots, such a great tutorial!!

  3. 1.11.17
    Biana Perez said:

    Just pinned this to try at home!! I love gif images!! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston

  4. 1.11.17
    Jill said:

    I just pinned this too! What a great at home workout and tutorial! I love using the stability ball!

    Doused In Pink

  5. 1.11.17
    Mica said:

    Oh love the gifs they are so helpful with this guide! πŸ™‚

    I really need to go back to a physio and get the ok to do some exercising again, I have an exercise ball I used a lot in pregnancy (good for managing back pain and encouraging baby into the right position). It would be just what I need for this workout!

    Thank you for the link up!

    Hope you are having a great week πŸ™‚

    Away From The Blue Blog | 5 Year Blogaversary Giveaway

  6. 1.11.17
    Laura said:

    These are great exercises! And I love the gifs!

  7. 1.11.17
    Carrie said:

    Great tips and awesome post!

  8. 1.11.17

    Love the graphic- these are definitely things I can work into my home routine, thanks!

  9. 1.11.17
    Jodie Filogomo said:

    This is exactly what I need to get back into the groove—thanks so much!!

  10. 1.11.17

    Such great exercises! I love how they dont require any fancy equipment. I am laughing imagining myself trying to balance on that ball. Ha!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  11. 1.11.17

    I have been looking for some good at-home workouts because sometimes I just don’t feel like driving to the gym! LOVE this routine!

  12. 1.11.17
    Shauna C said:

    What a great post! Love the animated shots too! How did you do that? So cute πŸ™‚


  13. 1.11.17

    I will definitely be trying some of these booty moves! I’ve never tried jumping jacks with a band before. Thanks for this!

  14. 1.11.17
    Roxanne said:

    The ball balance move looks killer! What a great workout! Thank you for taking the time to put this together!
    Glass of Glam

  15. 1.11.17

    Looks like such a great workout! Love this post. I’ll have to try it!!


  16. 1.11.17

    This looks like a great workout! I really need to get into a workout routine now, and this looks like it would be a do-able workout.

  17. 1.11.17

    Love this post! I have always exercised religiously six days a week until last fall. I stopped exercising because I had so many fall garden chores to do and it was too hard on my body to do both. Then once the gardening was done, I had to start Christmas decorating, so then I thought “I’ll exercise once the Christmas decorations are down”. Then I got sick right after Christmas (still am). Now it’s been so long since I’ve exercised I’m worried about the pain when I start up again. This looks like a good start for me. I have an exercise ball, so maybe I’ll start with those!

  18. 1.11.17
    Lana L. said:

    Your post reminded me that I need to get a new stability ball! Love these kinds of workouts – I’ll definitely give this one a try. Hope you have a great week!

  19. 1.11.17

    Oh girl do I need these work outs I HAVE THE FLATTEST TUSH!

    Life is just Rosie

  20. 1.11.17
    JarOfSweeets said:
  21. 1.11.17
    Liz H. said:

    Oh I love using my ball! I’m going to try these out today. Yay!


  22. 1.11.17

    These are some great exercises to do! You guys always come up with the best stuff! Off to pin this!

  23. 1.11.17

    Great post! Resistance bands are really useful for taking on holiday, they take up no room at all. I need to blow my ball up again, it got put away when I moved house and I haven’t used it since.

    Emma xxx

  24. 1.11.17

    Such a great post!!! Love all of these moves and you looks so fit and stylish while doing them πŸ™‚ Great motivation to get back into a solid gym routine πŸ™‚ Thanks for hosting, beauties!

    Sarah Bell
    Trendy & Tidy

  25. 1.12.17
    Sheree said:

    Get it girl! Great workout to kick start the new year!

    ~ xo Sheree
    Posh Classy Mom

  26. 1.12.17
    Karen said:

    I discovered the name of your blog and I love alliteration but I also love the two topics you cover! Great workout post, the gifs are hard work but super fun, so keep it up girls!

    Much Love, Karen

  27. 1.12.17
    Whitney said:

    These are such great exercises and girl you have a killer bootie!!

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  28. 1.23.17

    Thanks so much! Made my day!

  29. 1.23.17

    Thats so sweet of you to stay Karen! Thank you so much!

  30. 1.23.17

    Thanks Sheree!!

  31. 1.23.17

    Thank you so much Sarah! You’re so sweet!!

  32. 1.23.17

    Great point Emma! I love taking my resistance bands on trips too!

  33. 1.23.17

    You’re the best Sarah!! Thank you!

  34. 1.23.17

    My ball is my favorite! Especially for ab moves!

  35. 1.23.17

    Thank you so much!!

  36. 1.23.17

    I bet its a fabulous tush!!

  37. 1.23.17

    Hope you’re having a great week Lana!! If you try this workout, I hope you love it!

  38. 1.23.17

    Workout outdoors is a great workout, so that’s a totally valid reason to ease up on your fitness routine in my opinion! I’m all about activity in general, no matter which way you go about it! Once you get back into your routine, the temporary pain will be worth it!

  39. 1.23.17

    I’m all about the easy workouts!

  40. 1.23.17

    I hope you love it!

  41. 1.23.17

    You’re welcome Roxanne! Thank you for reading!!

  42. 1.23.17

    It’s killer!! It does knock you off balance a little, so make little jumps! Hope you love it!

  43. 1.23.17

    It’s actually really easy to do in photoshop! I used this tutorial –

  44. 1.23.17

    Thanks girl! I’m all about at home workouts!

  45. 1.23.17

    haha! I have fallen many times!

  46. 1.23.17

    You’re welcome Jodie!

  47. 1.23.17

    You’re welcome Deena, I’m glad you love it!

  48. 1.23.17

    Thanks Carrie!

  49. 1.23.17

    Thanks so much Laura!

  50. 1.23.17

    Exercise balls are great! They can be used for many reasons!

  51. 1.23.17

    Thanks so much Jill!! I can always count on your to pin from us, you’re the best!!

  52. 1.23.17

    Thanks Andrea!!! I’m always striving for a better booty!! πŸ˜€

  53. 1.23.17

    Thanks so much Rachelle!!

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