Happy Birthday To Me & Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up

I recently read a book by Liane Moriarty called What Alice Forgot. In the story, Alice bumps her head at the gym and wakes up as if it is ten years earlier. Ten years earlier, Alice was a newlywed who was deeply in love with her husband, their new home and loved living an easy going life. What she finds is that ten years later, she has become rigid, scheduled, a mom to children who are essentially afraid of her and nearly divorced.

The sad part is, it was all the subtle things in life that we let consume us that caused Alice to turn into a completely different person. She was so caught up in being the ultimate mother/wife that threw lavish parties, wore a size two and dedicated her life to her children accomplishing tasks and eating a strict diet that she lost sight of who she was. The perfection she was striving for had a negative impact on her life.

You’ll have to read the book to find out how it ends (I highly recommend you do), but I will say that the book made me think. Who would I be if I woke up and was ten years younger?

Today is my 28th birthday. If I bumped my head and forgot the last ten years I would be 18. Boy that would be different. At 18 I didn’t care if things were a little messy, a little disorganized and Facebook was for college students only. Life wasn’t about raising child prodigies and achieving entrepreneurial success; it was finish this essay, work my shift and head out to the movies with my hot boyfriend (now hot husband).

I don’t want to be 18 again, I was immature and reckless. But, I would love to have a little bit of that could care less attitude back. Life was about relationships and experiences back then, chores and tasks always took the back burner. If I’m being honest, sometimes the chores and tasks take center stage in my life now. I have to catch myself, because ten years from now when I’m 38 and my boys are teenagers, I will be begging for the days when they were little again. Those dishes and laundry can wait. That to-do list can wait.


{ Scarf – Pumps & Push-Ups Collection | Sweater | Cable Knit Leggings – Pumps & Push-Ups Collection | Boots – similar}


So to celebrate, for a good week, I’m going to let the laundry pile up, eat what I want and lay on the couch a little more often and you can bet on that couch, there will be one handsome man and two little boys right beside me. Happy birthday to me!


It’s day 9 of the 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways! Today’s featured blogger is Jill of Doused in Pink!

Jill Doused in Pink

Our giveaway today is for a $30.00 gift card to Lonye Lynn!


{1. Headband | 2. Headband | 3. Hair Ties | 4. Headband }

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Pumps and Push-Ups


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Brooke of Pumps and Push-Ups - petite style blogger

Hello, I'm Brooke!

A petite (4'10") gal on the hunt for the best petite clothes. I show you where to shop for petite finds, and how to style them in my weekly style sessions. I don't alter or hem any of the clothing on my blog - what you see is exactly how the items fit me right from the store.

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  1. 12.9.15
    Mica said:

    Happy birthday! πŸ™‚

    that sounds like such a good book too! πŸ™‚ I’m learning little ‘shortcuts’ for doing all the chores I have to do, so I don’t do them as often and so I have more time with my son. Like you said, they are only this young once! πŸ™‚

    Thank you for the link up!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  2. 12.9.15
    Alice said:

    It sounds like such an interesting book to read, I’ll search for it! Gorgeous outfit!

    Fashion Soup

  3. 12.9.15
    Jill said:

    That book has been on my reading list for awhile and I’m looking forward to reading it. You’re right, we need to step back and focus more on our relationships and less on scheduling and chores! Happy Birthday! I love your chic and cozy outfit!

    Doused In Pink

  4. 12.9.15
    Living on Cloud Nine said:

    I knew TODAY was special!!!!! Happy Birthday to one of the cutest and sweetest ladies in all of Blog-Land!!! That book is ahhhmazing, and so are you!! Love that cozy outfit and the pic with your lil guy!! You are a gem that should be celebrated, have a glorious day while I dream of being 28 again, lol!!! Birthday hugs beauty!!!!

  5. 12.9.15

    That boo is a great reminder to reflect on yourself and keep things in perspective.

    Happy birthday!

  6. 12.9.15
    Carrie said:

    Happy Birthday! Hope you have a lovely day! That book sounds like a must read and I thank you for the recommendation.

  7. 12.9.15
    Diana C. Burke said:

    Happy Birthday! You look so lovely,and more years to come! Stay pretty! πŸ™‚

  8. 12.9.15
    Marta C said:

    Happy Birthday Brooke!! Sounds like an interesting book and I couldn’t agree more about enjoying the time we have right now and not putting so much pressure on perfection! Our kids grow just way too fast and it’s important to soak it up.

  9. 12.9.15
    Danielle said:

    Happy birthday, Brooke! That book is so interesting; I would like to read it. Thank you for reminding us of what is really important, our family. That scarf is so pretty! Lovely photos! The photo of you and your son is beautiful! Have a wonderful birthday!


  10. 12.9.15
    Rachelle said:

    Happy Birthday Brooke wishing you all the best. xoxo


  11. 12.9.15
    Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom said:

    I need to read that book! I let the to-do’s take over, too! I want to enjoy the special moments with my kids too before they are teenagers. Love that scarf, it is so pretty! Happy birthday!


  12. 12.9.15
    Laura said:

    Sounds like a great book! Loving your scarf today!

  13. 12.9.15

    Happy Birthday! I need to read that book. πŸ™‚

  14. 12.9.15
    Shaunacey said:

    happy birthday!!!! enjoy your week πŸ™‚


  15. 12.9.15
    RedTagChicLA said:

    Awwww that would be a great reading material – wishing you a lovely & blessed year ahead!

    Happy Holidays!!


  16. 12.9.15

    I am so going to read that book!! Sounds like a great read. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!

    xx, Elise

  17. 12.9.15

    Happy birthday! This is such a cute, cozy look and I absolutely love what you said. I can often get caught up in perfectionism and my to-do list too, so thinking about this and and about what really matters will hopefully help me not to get TOO caught up. And now I want to go read that book πŸ™‚ Enjoy your day!

  18. 12.9.15
    Shauna C said:

    Happy happy birthday!! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead! -xo



  19. 12.9.15
    Brittany S said:

    Happy birthday!!


  20. 12.9.15

    Such a wonderful perspective and reminder. Thank you for sharing!! Happy birthday. May we all enjoy this week with the people we love without letting life get in the way.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  21. 12.9.15
    ADA said:

    Happy 28th birthday gorgeous lady. I love how you wrote this and connected it to the book, which I must read. I also love and hmmm want all those pieces from your store, that you are wearing today.

    Your 3 guys are so lucky to have you, dear Brooke.

  22. 12.9.15

    Happiest of birthdays to you, Brooke! Great layered look and your cable knit leggings are so cute.

  23. 12.9.15
    Happinessatmidlife said:

    Happy Birthday Brooke! This sounds like a great read, I will have to add it to my list of books to read. Loving your look, those leggings are so fun!

    Thank you for hosting and hope you are having a fab week!



    Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.

  24. 12.9.15

    Happy Birthday! and wow that book sounds like something I need to read as I have been thinking the exact same things lately. I stress easily lately and feel like a chicken with my head chopped off with the things I want to get done but don’t so I add more stress. I find myself wishing for the days when I had a tidy and clean house and felt like I could actually “hold” and snuggle with my hubby as now I find myself giving most of my attention to my kids and tasks. It is hard to slow down and just relax but I am glad you shared this as its a great evaluation start.

    Treasureshttp://www.garaytreasures.com“>Garay Treasures

  25. 12.9.15

    Happy Birthday! I hop you have an amazing day full of love with your family. Love the outfit! So cute!

    We Shop in Heels

  26. 12.9.15

    So well said! Love your outfit too! Happy Birthday!

  27. 12.9.15

    I’ll have to read this book, so interesting. Love this post. Most importantly, Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day!


  28. 12.9.15

    Happy Birthday Brooke! This sounds like a great book, and I’ll definitely have to read it. Sometimes we all need a little perspective to remind us what is truly important in life. I hope you have a great week and enjoy your boys!

  29. 12.9.15

    Happy Birthday Brooke!! Wishing you a wonderful day and month, because we all know it is your birthday MONTH! Stress has been taking over lately but I am trying to be more positive and eliminate any negative thoughts. Love your look too.

    XO Chelsea http://www.shesaidhesaidfashion.com

  30. 12.9.15

    Happy, Happy Birthday Brooke! I hope you have the best day ever, and yes let that laundry pile up and just have a great week with the family. Love the look this week!

  31. 12.9.15
    Lee T said:

    Such a great, great post!!! I really love the idea of doing some reflection around your birthday and it seems like you have nailed that. Happy Birthday!! Hope it is amazing <3

    Lee |

    LegalLee Blonde

  32. 12.9.15
    Megan said:

    You are so young and look amazing! I love What Alice Forgot…you should read all of Liane Morality’s books! Happy birthday!!

  33. 12.9.15

    Happy Birthday! Enjoy your twenties – before you know it time will have passed and you wonder what happened!

    Daily Style Finds

  34. 12.9.15

    That was a great reflection. NOW is time to Enjoy your life, your kids and your handsome husband. Happy birthday!


    The Color Palette

  35. 12.10.15
    Lana L. said:

    Happy Birthday! This is such a great post, and so true. It’s hard to stop and enjoy your kids when they’re little, and the list of to-do’s is so long. But trust me, the time goes by so quickly. Hope you have a wonderful birthday week!

  36. 12.10.15

    Thanks Megan! I did read all of her books, I started with The Husbands Secret and hunted down all of her books on Amazon after that, she’s a great author!

  37. 12.10.15

    That’s a great idea Mica, you should blog about those shortcuts, I would love know what they are and maybe add them to my life!

  38. 12.10.15

    Thanks so much Alice! It is a great book, a must read!

  39. 12.10.15

    I loved it, it was one I just couldn’t put down!

  40. 12.10.15

    Thank you so much Andrea!!!! You made me smile from ear to ear this morning πŸ™‚

  41. 12.10.15

    Thanks so much Bogi!

  42. 12.10.15

    Thanks so much! Def pick it up, it was great!

  43. 12.10.15

    Thanks so much Diana!

  44. 12.10.15

    So true Marta! I always have to remind myself of that.

  45. 12.10.15

    Thank you so much Danielle!

  46. 12.10.15

    Thank you so much Rachelle!

  47. 12.10.15

    I let the to-dos take over wayyyy too much! It sure it hard to stay on top of life and enjoy it at the same time!

  48. 12.10.15

    Thanks so much Laura!

  49. 12.10.15

    You do! It’s great!

  50. 12.10.15

    Thanks so much Shaunacey!! I hope you have a fabulous week as well!

  51. 12.10.15

    Thanks so much Rebecca!

  52. 12.10.15

    I hope you love it! I thought it was great!

  53. 12.10.15

    The whole time I was reading the book I felt totally guilty of letting tasks take over my life like Alice! It’s a great book, brings a lot of perspective!

  54. 12.10.15

    Thank you so much Shauna!

  55. 12.10.15

    Thanks Brittany!

  56. 12.10.15

    Thank you for your sweet words Amy!

  57. 12.10.15

    Ada you are so sweet! Thank YOU for always being so positive and supporting!

  58. 12.10.15

    Thank you so much Jennie! I shipped your poncho yesterday afternoon so it should be on your doorstep soon! I hope you love it πŸ™‚

  59. 12.10.15

    Thank you so much Alice! I didn’t think I would love these leggings as much as I do, they are so soft on the inside!

  60. 12.10.15

    I know exactly what you mean! I’ve been struggling with a lot of the same lately. It is so hard to juggle everything!

  61. 12.10.15

    Thank you so much Tatiana!

  62. 12.10.15

    Thank you Amy!

  63. 12.10.15

    Thank you so much Mary!

  64. 12.10.15

    So very true! Thanks Rachael!

  65. 12.10.15

    I tell my husband that every year! I need to celebrate for atleast a month! Lol thanks so much Chelsea!

  66. 12.10.15

    Thank you Sarah!! I need to be more like you, I love reading your posts and seeing how much fun you make out of life!

  67. 12.10.15

    Thank you Lee!

  68. 12.10.15

    Thank you Lisa!! I feel like it was just yesterday I turned 21! Time sure does fly by!

  69. 12.10.15

    Now is definitely the time! Thank you Abril!

  70. 12.10.15

    Thank you Lana! I’m learning so much from parents of older children, the one thing every one of them had said is enjoy it while you can, it will pass by before you know it!

  71. 12.10.15

    aww, thanks that is so sweet of you to say! So happy that I found you guys, love reading your blog!

  72. 12.10.15
    Mica said:

    haha I’m by no means an expert! πŸ™‚ Just little things, like taking advantage of the open-plan house to sweep and load and fold laundry and do dishes while the toddler’s in his chair eating, and always making putting a load of washing on the first thing I do so that playtimes can be for playtime! πŸ™‚

  73. 12.11.15
    danielle said:

    happy belated birthday! i just had mine two days before yours and it’s making me reflect on my life a lot as well.


  74. 12.14.15

    Happy Birthday! I keep hearing about this book and I definitely need to pick it up and read it. It would be strange to wake up and it be 10 years prior. I’m night and day different from how I was at 15. Love your outfit here, very cute and cozy looking!

  75. 12.14.15
    Darcy said:

    I have really wanted to read this book! I have heard so manygreat things. Happy birthday!

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