Instant Mood Boosters

It’s been one of those days. You know what we mean? The kind where nothing seems to go right, everyone says the wrong thing and you just feel totally, blah. You’re in need of a total mood boost, before someone gets to feel the wrath of your bad mood.

What do you do? Take a time out and do one of these three things for an instant mood boost:

Get your jam on. Music speaks to your soul and can instantly relax you. Turn up the volume on your favorite tunes and let your stresses melt away. Sing-a-long, dance a little and laugh a lot. You’re going to be in a better mood before you know it.

music as a mood booster

Soak up some sun. Now that the weather is nicer, a sunny walk through your neighborhood can do wonders for your mood. If you don’t feel like walking, just get some fresh air! You can take a drive in your car with every single window rolled down, let the breeze blow through your hair and relax!

Go For A Walk - Instant Mood Boosts

Read a book. Books allow you to escape to another world. By getting lost in a good story you will forget your stresses and relax! Pick up a book that makes you laugh, lay in your favorite spot on the couch, or even better, on a blanket in the sun! We promise the good vibes will be coming soon.

Instant Mood Boosters - Read

{Top – Nordstrom Pleoine | Shorts – J. Crew Factory | Sandals – Steve Madden | Purse – Marc Jacobs }

Feel better? We do! Tell us, what do you do to boost your mood after a tough day?

– Brooke & Erica

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Brooke of Pumps and Push-Ups - petite style blogger

Hello, I'm Brooke!

A petite (4'10") gal on the hunt for the best petite clothes. I show you where to shop for petite finds, and how to style them in my weekly style sessions. I don't alter or hem any of the clothing on my blog - what you see is exactly how the items fit me right from the store.

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  1. 6.8.16
    Mica said:

    Love that Marc Jacobs bag πŸ™‚ These are great tips – I agree with the music recommendation, singing along (however badly!) is an instant mood booster.

    Thank you for the link up!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  2. 6.8.16

    Music is a game changer for me when it comes to boosting my mood. I love to read when I want to wind down at the end of the day.

  3. 6.8.16

    Great tips for relaxing! I usually go for some fresh air or read a book when I need a time out!

  4. 6.8.16
    Living on Cloud Nine said:

    Love these tips, and I can never feel down when I’m dancing!! πŸ˜‰ and LOVE the gold lace ups!!

  5. 6.8.16

    Great ideas!

  6. 6.8.16
    Jill said:

    Going for a long walk always clears my mind and helps me feel better! Those lace up sandals are so cute!

    Doused In Pink

  7. 6.8.16
    RedTagChicLA said:

    Wow these are so inspiring – thanks ladies!

    See how I styled my favorite shorts this week at the blog – Happy Wednesday!


  8. 6.8.16

    Perfect mood boosting tips. Now I just need the discipline to actually do them when I’m in a bad mood. πŸ˜‰ Loving those gold lace up sandals!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  9. 6.8.16

    I love these tips! So perfect. Thanks for sharing!!


  10. 6.8.16
    Jodie Filogomo said:

    You’re so right about each point….although it does depend on the kind of music—there are times the oldies depress me!! It’s funny, because I think we gravitate towards the music of our youth, but I find it fun to listen to the modern tunes!! jodie
    thanks so much for hosting

  11. 6.8.16

    I take a hot bath and then lay down and watch a funny movie or t.v. show

  12. 6.8.16

    Really good tips and you both look great! I am a huge fan of turning up my favorite tunes and having an impromptu dance party to lift my mood. Works every time. πŸ™‚

  13. 6.8.16
    Happinessatmidlife said:

    Exercise is always a great mood boaster for me.

    Thank you for hosting and hope you are having a fab week!


    Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.

  14. 6.8.16
    Laura said:

    Such great tips and definitely ones I do to help me get out of a slump!

  15. 6.8.16
    Shaunacey said:

    all of things things help!
    I love the music tip the best, whenever I’m stressed or the kids are not behaving I turn up the music and make them dance, it’s a quick reset for everyone!

  16. 6.8.16
    ADA said:

    These are all great tips, I will keep them in mind. Good music usually works for me. My favorite one especially for us moms is to play with our kids. Playing and spending quality time with my little girl definitely boosts my mood. I also like binge watching one of my favorite shows and a good cup of tea with honey is also relaxing.

    Brooke I have mentioned that I love your bob. Cute shorts and sandals here.

  17. 6.8.16

    Yes to all of these things! I typcially don’t do a drive, mostly because i have the kids with me and that defeats the purpose, hehe. But mostly I like to workout or go for a short run…usually clears up my head and I’m back in the game.

  18. 6.8.16
    Lana L. said:

    Music is the best mood lifter! Love your outfit – those shorts are so cute!

  19. 6.8.16
    Megan said:

    So cute! Reading a book is my favorite!

  20. 6.8.16

    These are all excellent and I couldn’t agree more. Music and sunshine are two huge ones for me that help me to feel so much better. πŸ™‚

    Simply Rachel Nicole

  21. 6.8.16

    Oh man I SO know what you mean–today started out like that for me. Luckily it got better, but these 3 things are all things that always work to improve my mood. The one thing I’d add is listening to a good podcast–I did that this morning and it definitely helped!

  22. 6.8.16

    Great suggestions, those are definitely things I use to boost my mood. Sometimes watching a comedy to lift my spirits helps as well or picking up the phone and speaking to a friend I know has my back!

  23. 6.8.16

    Great suggestions. A nap when the babies nap helps or sitting and reading my Bible with warm lemon water.

    Rachel xo

  24. 6.8.16
    Lydia said:

    Great suggestions! At night I love a glass of wine and a good tv show. I love it when my kids are in bed and the house is peaceful for the first time in the whole day. Unfortunately, only one naps while the other one is awake, so not a whole lot can get done during the time. Mostly play time =)


  25. 6.9.16
    Helena S. de Ilenczfalva said:

    Awesome article, babe, and great suggestions! πŸ™‚ You are just the loveliest! πŸ™‚ x

    Helena – Swedish girl in Tokyo

  26. 6.9.16

    Good music as I take a walk and also coffee with a slice of my favourite cake are my mood boosters!

    Ela BellaWorld

  27. 6.9.16
    Dana Ivy said:

    I hate to say it but watching TV with no distractions makes me feel better on a tough day! The best!! But love your ideas as well!

    Xox Dana Ivy //

  28. 6.9.16
    Sora said:

    I love these suggestions! Reading a book or just lying down and turning on some music always helps me. Sometimes, believe it or not, I’m even pushed as far as thinking maybe a run will help clear my mind. (This is when I go out for my run and quickly remember how much I hate running haha.)

    Via Sora

  29. 6.9.16

    It’s okay to sing badly! I think its more fun that way πŸ˜‰

  30. 6.9.16

    Yeeees! Definitely a great way to chill out and prepare for sleep!

  31. 6.9.16

    That’s great! πŸ™‚

  32. 6.9.16

    Dancing is the best!!! πŸ™‚ Thank you!!

  33. 6.9.16

    Thank you!

  34. 6.9.16

    Definitely – getting a little extra oxygen to the brain really helps move the stressful energy out and good energy in πŸ™‚

  35. 6.9.16

    You’re welcome! Will do πŸ™‚

  36. 6.9.16

    I know right, sometimes its easy to forget that all it takes is a few simple strategies like this to kick us out of a funk! Thank you πŸ™‚

  37. 6.9.16

    You’re welcome! πŸ™‚

  38. 6.9.16

    You know I get that. Sometimes I hear songs from my youth and get a little sad because that time of my life is over and I’m not that age anymore!

  39. 6.9.16

    YES!! I love watching stand-up when I need a good laugh.

  40. 6.9.16

    Thank you so much love!! πŸ™‚ YES to dance parties!!!!!!!

  41. 6.9.16

    Most definitely!! πŸ™‚

  42. 6.10.16

    I really need to get back into reading books – I barely get through magazines these days!

    District of Chic

  43. 6.10.16

    I love reading. I try to read a book on the way home from work while I’m commuting to and from work. It’s such a great way to relax and destress

  44. 6.12.16

    Great list of mood boosters! I try to make some me time every day for reading. It makes such a difference…

    Andrea’s Wellness Notes

  45. 6.13.16


  46. 6.13.16

    That’s a great idea! πŸ™‚

  47. 6.13.16

    So true! Thank you πŸ™‚

  48. 6.13.16

    Thank you!

  49. 6.13.16

    So relaxing!

  50. 6.13.16

    Amen to sunshine!

  51. 6.13.16

    Thank you!

  52. 6.13.16

    Oh yea? I’ve yet to do that!

  53. 6.13.16

    Love watching comedy for turning that frown upside down and definitely talking with a friend. Trying to keep a positive attitude when talking with a friend so as to not bring them down really helps me to forget my worries!

  54. 6.13.16

    Oh yes!!

  55. 6.13.16

    Thank you! Second to the glass of wine, tv and silence but totally get what you are saying about the naps. πŸ˜›

  56. 6.13.16


  57. 6.13.16


  58. 6.13.16

    Coffee and cake are always a great way to perk up a mood!

  59. 6.13.16

    It can be hard with our busy lives sometimes!

  60. 6.13.16


  61. 6.13.16

    That’s such a great use of that time!

  62. 6.13.16

    That’s great!

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