Ponchos & Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up

The older I get, the more I realize how very much I am just like my mom. Isn’t it funny how that happens? I spent my early teenage years thinking she was totally uncool and was the master at crushing my popularity. Mom, did you really wear that sweater to pick me up from school?!

Now, I talk just like her, parent just like her and find myself using the word ‘huh’ way too often, just like her. Which drives me crazyyyyyy

I can’t even pin point when it happened, when did I become the reincarnation of my mom? Was it when I passed 25 or has it just been constantly creeping up since I was little and by the time I’m 50, you may as well call me Lori.

How to wear a poncho | Pumps & Push-Ups

How to wear a poncho | Pumps & Push-Ups

Since the 70s are back in a big way, I now have the pleasure of dressing just like her…well the 17 year old version of her of course. When I donned this poncho, you can bet she just loved it!

How to wear a poncho | Pumps & Push-Ups

{Poncho – Pumps & Push-Ups Collection | Tunic | Kendra Scott Necklace | Pumps}

But when I sit back and think about it there’s no one else on this earth I would rather be like. My mother is kind, funny and always puts others before herself. Like mother, like daughter; I like the sound of that.

– Brooke

Also, it’s day 2 of the 12 Days Of Christmas Giveaway! Today, Laura of I Do deClaire is our feautured blogger:

Laura I do deClaire

Today’s giveaway is for a $50.00 gift card from Oakleigh Rose. Check out our picks below:


{1. Hittin’ The Slopes Cardi | 2. Fringe Scarf – Wine | 3. Pretty in Plaid Dress | 4. Back To Basics Tunic}

Enter below. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now, let’s get linking!

Link-Up ‘Rules’
1. Follow our blog on Bloglovin
2. Link back to our site from your post, you can grab our button if you like!

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Brooke of Pumps and Push-Ups - petite style blogger

Hello, I'm Brooke!

A petite (4'10") gal on the hunt for the best petite clothes. I show you where to shop for petite finds, and how to style them in my weekly style sessions. I don't alter or hem any of the clothing on my blog - what you see is exactly how the items fit me right from the store.

More About Me

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  1. 12.2.15
    Mica said:

    That looks like such a cosy cape! I like the fringe detail too 🙂

    Thank you for the link up!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  2. 12.2.15
    Rachelle said:

    love all the shades of blue.


  3. 12.2.15

    Such a cozy, comfy and polished look. I love the cool hues.

  4. 12.2.15
    Biana Perez said:

    I’m a carbon copy of my mom so I know how you feel!! That poncho is so fun! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

  5. 12.2.15

    Great look!! My mom had the best clothes in the seventies, I love looking at the old pics!! Lol!! I act way more like my Dad though now that I’m older!! Lol!

  6. 12.2.15
    Living on Cloud Nine said:

    Pretty in a Poncho!!! I bet your mama is beautiful just like you!! My boys laugh at me when I tell them I was Best Dressed in High School and at all the crazy things I do but I know they’re proud and just don’t want to admit it because when I go to the school they’re all about “Hi Mama, or “This is my mom” with a big grin!! I would say just from your Blog and comments, you are all those things and more: kind, funny, giving with a heart of GOLD!!! Oh, and stylish as can be!!!!!

  7. 12.2.15
    Jill said:

    It’s funny how we end up doing the things our Mom’s did that drove us crazy! This is such a great look on you! Your poncho is gorgeous!

    Doused In Pink

  8. 12.2.15
    Monica Siembieda said:

    I’m noticing myself turn into my mom too. Anyone who knows my mom has actually said the older I get the more I act and look like her. A lot of people say I’m her twin. Even the weird things that I found annoying as a child so I know exactly how you feel haha!


  9. 12.2.15
    Marta C said:

    Such a sweet post and so true! I find myself doing so many things just as my mom too! Loving this 70’s vibe outfit, that poncho is great on you!

  10. 12.2.15
    Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom said:

    You keep getting such CUTE items in your boutique!! I feel the same way. I sort of dread the years when my kids will feel that way about me and it will be soon for my son! He won’t even walk into school with me anymore starting this year, he walks in with his friends. 🙁 But, that is good he is getting more independent. I still walk my daughter in, so I am enjoying every minute of that while I can!


  11. 12.2.15

    I dread the day when I’m ‘uncool’ to my boys! I was hard on my mom as a teenager, so I can imagine the payback is coming!

  12. 12.2.15

    Thanks Marta!

  13. 12.2.15

    Haha that is me too! The thing that freaks me out is how I talk like her, it’s like man mom, you rubbed off on me too much! Lol

  14. 12.2.15

    It is funny, I remember thinking I wouldn’t do certain things like her, but now I do all of those things!

  15. 12.2.15

    Your boys sound so sweet! You are a stylish momma to be proud of!! And you are the sweetest!

  16. 12.2.15

    I love looking at old pictures too, I’m like I wish you still had that in your closet!

  17. 12.2.15

    Thanks Biana!! The older I get, the more I appreciate being just like her 🙂

  18. 12.2.15

    Thanks Bogi!

  19. 12.2.15

    Thanks Rachelle!

  20. 12.2.15

    Thanks so much Mica!

  21. 12.2.15
    Laura said:

    That poncho is so cozy and cute! I love it on you! Great picks from Oakleigh Rose too! I want that plaid dress!!

  22. 12.2.15
    ADA said:

    Nothing wrong being like your mom. I sound and resemble more like my mom each day. In love with that poncho. It will be the next piece I buy from your store. Thanks for another fab giveaway, today.

  23. 12.2.15
    Danielle said:

    You not only have a sweet smile, you are a sweet person! I not only behave like my mom, I look like her and I’m happy about it. You look very pretty in this poncho; I like its style very much.


  24. 12.2.15
    RedTagChicLA said:

    Your mom must be so lovely inside and out like you – and this is a sweet poncho!!!


  25. 12.2.15

    This post made me laugh because I’m the same way… definitely turning into my mom. I’ll say things and then think “oh my goodness I’m my mom!” But that’s not a terrible thing 🙂 I love that cute, cozy-looking poncho!

  26. 12.2.15

    Awww, what sweet and kind words to speak of your mother. I’m sure she is proud to have a sweetheart of a daughter. This poncho is soooo perf in every way. Looks nice and cozy. Thanks for sharing and hosting the linkup as well 🙂

  27. 12.2.15

    I’m getting more and more like my mom too. I definitely don’t hate it though. She is pretty great. Your poncho is so good!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  28. 12.2.15
    Shauna C said:

    Funny, I feel the same way about being more like my Mom too..but she’s pretty great – so I’m OK with it 🙂 Love the poncho, and the grey is so pretty on you!



  29. 12.2.15

    It’s crazy isn’t it? I hear myself laughing like my mom and it kills me. Now that I have a daughter who is close to your age it means so much when I hear people say she is like me..I love it!

  30. 12.2.15

    Love the unique sleeves in this poncho! Pretty color too!

  31. 12.2.15
    Megan said:

    I love that poncho! They are such great pieces!

  32. 12.2.15

    Love this poncho!! and the grey and navy is so pretty!!

    xx, EE

  33. 12.2.15

    This poncho looks great! It drapes beautifully. I totally get what you’re saying – being just like you’re mom… I’m the same way. She’s my biggest inspiration.


  34. 12.2.15

    Such a pretty poncho, I am a sucker for anything grey!

    XO Chelsea http://www.shesaidhesaidfashion.com

  35. 12.2.15

    Aw and I bet your mom is just as lovely as you Brooke. Love that poncho!
    Rachel xo

    Garay Treasures

  36. 12.2.15
    WhatWouldVWear said:

    LOVE your poncho! It looks so comfy!!! And I hear you! I am just like my mom too but that’s great since she’s my best friend! 🙂

    xoxo, Vanessa


  37. 12.2.15

    Thanks Vanessa! My mom is my best friend too 🙂

  38. 12.2.15

    Thats sweet Rachel, thank you!

  39. 12.2.15

    Thanks Chelsea!

  40. 12.2.15

    Mine too! Thanks Mary!

  41. 12.2.15

    Thanks so much!

  42. 12.2.15

    Thanks Megan!

  43. 12.2.15

    Thanks so much Amy!

  44. 12.2.15

    It is crazy! Despite a few oh my mom is so embarrassing moments in life, I’ve always thought she was the best person, so I am glad to be just like her!

  45. 12.2.15

    Thanks so much Shauna!

  46. 12.2.15

    I think my mom is great too! It’s nice to be like our moms 🙂

  47. 12.2.15

    You are so sweet! Thank you!

  48. 12.2.15

    Yes!! Me all the way 🙂

  49. 12.2.15

    Aw thank you so much Rebecca!

  50. 12.2.15

    I was trying to dig up an old photo of my mom for this post, because I look just like her too! We have some fabulous mommas 🙂

  51. 12.2.15

    Thanks so much Ada! I do love being just like my mom, I hope I turn out to be as good as mother to my boys as she is to me!

  52. 12.2.15

    It’s so cute! I love a lot from Oakleigh Rose!

  53. 12.2.15

    I find myself becoming more like my mother everyday too, but since she is my best friend, I’m sure it’s not a bad thing! What a perfect poncho! I love the color and the fringe details.

  54. 12.2.15

    I really love ponchos, I have no idea why I don’t own one! They’d be perfect for our fake Winter mornings where it starts off chilly but is 70 degrees by 10 am. You look adorable and chic girlie!


  55. 12.2.15

    I’m exactly like my mother, I can totally relate 🙂


    the way to my Hart

  56. 12.2.15
    Happinessatmidlife said:

    I agree that we do turn into our moms and I am sure just the best traits 🙂 Love the poncho! Thank you for hosting and hope you are having a fab week!



    Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.

  57. 12.2.15
    Tal said:
  58. 12.2.15
    Shaunacey said:

    how seriously cute is this look on you?! I LOVE it!

    Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy

  59. 12.2.15

    I love that poncho!! It’s just lovely, as is your outfit. Great color for you. And I totally know what you mean about becoming your mother. I hear it in the things I say all the time!

    Have a wonderful holiday season!

  60. 12.2.15
    Kathy said:

    I’m not sure when it happens but we do all turn into our moms. Right now I have two teenagers who think I’m uncool, but I know they will appreciate me again some day. Just have to live through this bumpy part for a little while. I love your poncho. You look fantastic.


  61. 12.2.15

    Oh my gosh, so funny you mention you becoming more like your mom and ponchos, my mom and I just bought the same exact poncho this weekend! I’ve never actually owned one and I am so excited for this one!

  62. 12.2.15

    So sweet! I know how you feel though!
    You look great in the poncho.

  63. 12.3.15
    Lana L. said:

    Oh, I can relate. I’ve completely become my mother! I’m loving ponchos this fall/winter, and this one is so pretty with the fringe. Love this on you!

  64. 12.3.15

    I love this poncho! You look great. xo~ Megan The Fashionista Momma

  65. 12.3.15

    Thanks so much Megan!

  66. 12.3.15

    Thanks so much Lana!

  67. 12.3.15

    Thanks Traci!

  68. 12.3.15

    Haha that’s cute!!

  69. 12.3.15

    They will def appreciate you again soon! I’m so afraid of the teen years with my boys!

  70. 12.3.15

    You’re so sweet Jeanine, thank you!

  71. 12.3.15

    Thanks Shaunacey!!

  72. 12.3.15


  73. 12.3.15

    i hope you have a great week too Alice!

  74. 12.3.15

    🙂 it’s funny how that happens!

  75. 12.3.15

    Haha fake winter! You guys do have some crazy weather!

  76. 12.3.15

    My mom is my best friend too! 🙂

  77. 12.3.15
    Catarina Neves said:

    Amazing look, love the poncho!

  78. 12.7.15
    Darcy said:

    Cute! I love this poncho and you tsyled it great!

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