Simple Acts of Kindness & Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up

Everyday we wake up with a new chance to leave a lasting impression on someone else’s life; with a simple act of kindness.

Give a compliment

Compliment a strangers outfit, a friend’s organizational skills or your husband’s hard work. Share with someone what is really on your mind. Not only will it brighten their day, it will boost their confidence.

J. Crew Factory Sidewalk Skirt, Gingham top outfit

Offer A Helping Hand

Hold the door open for a stranger, help a fellow mom at the playground or make dinner for a friend. Often, the help we offer doesn’t take much extra effort on our part, but to the person in need, that little extra help means the world.

J. Crew Factory Sidewalk Skirt, Gingham top outfit

Show Someone You Care

Send a small gift to a sick friend, be a sounding board to someone in need of a talk or call a friend to see how they are doing. When someone is going through a tough time, a small gift or a listening ear can bring them a smile and a little relief.

J. Crew Factory Sidewalk Skirt, Gingham top outfit

{Skirt – J.Crew Factory | Shirt – J. Crew (similar) | Shoes – Halogen | Sweater – Banana Republic | Earrings – Kendra Scott}

J. Crew Factory Sidewalk Skirt, Gingham top outfit

Small acts of kindness don’t have to cost you a thing, but they are often the most valuable. You may change someone else’s day or outlook and it can leave a lasting impression. In return, you will be rewarded with the feeling that comes with doing something good for someone else.

Kindness is a powerful thing.

– Brooke

Now, let’s get linking!

Link-Up ‘Rules’
1. Follow our blog on Instagram
2. Link back to our site from your post, you can grab our button if you like!

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Brooke of Pumps and Push-Ups - petite style blogger

Hello, I'm Brooke!

A petite (4'10") gal on the hunt for the best petite clothes. I show you where to shop for petite finds, and how to style them in my weekly style sessions. I don't alter or hem any of the clothing on my blog - what you see is exactly how the items fit me right from the store.

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  1. 10.19.16
    Living on Cloud Nine said:

    Small acts of kindness and compassion make this world go round!! You’re a true sweetheart and love red on you!!

  2. 10.19.16
    Rachelle said:

    you are so sweet and loving your classic look.


  3. 10.19.16
    Marta C said:

    Love these thoughtful tips, more kindness is really needed nowadays! You look great, love this classic look!

  4. 10.19.16
    Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom said:

    This is so true! Kindness is something we MUST do. Especially when there are so many unkind people out there that we cross everyday! I love the colors in this outfit and your earrings!


  5. 10.19.16
    Jill said:

    Kindness is so needed in the world right now. These are great ideas to make a difference! Love this classic color combo on you!

    Doused In Pink

  6. 10.19.16
    Laura said:

    I love doing all of these suggestions. Honestly I think they make me feel better than the person I helped! Great tips!

  7. 10.19.16

    Very true! A small act of kindness can make a big difference.

    Emma xxx

  8. 10.19.16

    What a nice post. The other day I was talking with my husband about how his family helps us out so much (buying thrifted or on sale clothes for the kids, giving us food here and there) and I felt bad and like I didn’t do enough for them. I know his family loves us but it made me wonder how I can be kind back and his response was to remember that they feel loved by Acts of Service so helping them with a project or setting up a church event (they are pastors) would mean the world to them. It really is cool think up ways to be nice here and there for others. Thanks for sharing and I think this outfit is just the cutest.
    Rachel xo

  9. 10.19.16
    Cherie James said:

    Wonderful post, your right kindness is a wonderful quality. Love your outfit!


  10. 10.19.16
    Jodie Filogomo said:

    It’s the best message ever—kindness is so important to all of us…the one giving and the one receiving!!
    Love those shoes too!!

  11. 10.19.16
    RedTagChicLA said:

    What a nice & inspiring post – goes to show you’re lovely inside & out!

    Don’t forget to check out this outfit I am wearing this week at the blog for the last installment of my exciting collab with fashion forward brand STAYING SUMMER – I am sure you’ll like it!

    Happy Wednesday!


  12. 10.19.16

    Great reminder about how much the little things matter. You look gorgeous in these shots!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  13. 10.19.16

    Such a cute outfit. I love that skirt and that fabulous red cardigan!

  14. 10.19.16

    Great pointers…love the compliment one. Also, that red cardi is fantastic!

  15. 10.19.16
    Lee T said:

    Aww i love, love, love this. Its so important to remember the simple things to do throughout your day that make a difference.
    Lee |

    LegalLee Blonde

  16. 10.19.16

    Adorable outfit and precious reminders! It’s always amazing how much joy I feel when I bless others with kindness. Thanks for sharing!

  17. 10.19.16

    Really nice layered look for fall! I have been making more of an effort to offer compliments to strangers and it is amazing how they just light up. Great reminders of how little bits of kindness can make such a difference in someone’s day.

  18. 10.19.16

    I love this post, and it is such a great reminder. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my kid’s life I forget about simply calling a friend to see how they are doing. Def going to do this today! Also loving the red cardigan on you!

  19. 10.19.16

    I love these acts of kindness! This outfit is great. Love the mixed patterns and pop of red!

    xx, Elise

  20. 10.19.16
    Lana L. said:

    I try to do something kind for someone else every day – although, I work from home, so sometimes I don’t see anyone :)! Such a great post & reminder. You look adorable!

  21. 10.19.16
    Alyssa Renee said:

    Love your Simple Acts of Kindness post! We really need to see more of this in our world! BTW, your outfit is so cute! =)

    Follow Me:
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  22. 10.19.16
    Julie said:

    What a cute post!!! Love your outfit as well!


  23. 10.19.16
    Sheree said:

    Love this post and your outfit must get a ton of compliments because it is so simple yet chic. The pop of red worked so well with gingham.

    ~ xo Sheree
    Posh Classy Mom

  24. 10.20.16

    Love these little reminders! Always a good idea to be kind. Love your outfit, great combination!!


  25. 10.20.16

    Love this cute outfit!

    xo Jules

  26. 10.20.16

    Love your outfit and the pictures turned out gorgeous! And an act of kindness goes so far, it can totally change a persons day from bad to great 🙂

  27. 10.21.16

    I remember that time when Rachel (of Garay’s Treasures) and her family did an entire month (I believe) of random acts of kindness. It was such a pleasure to read what they did, and feel this warm fuzzy sensation in my heart, which was quickly followed by a sense of guilt and shame. The world would be a much happier place if we all did one random act of kindness each day, huh?

  28. 10.21.16

    That is such a great idea! Rachel is so sweet. I agree with you!

  29. 10.21.16

    Thanks so much Sarah!! I’ve had a couple people do really kind things for me lately and it made such a big impact 🙂

  30. 10.21.16

    Thank you!

  31. 10.21.16

    Thank you so much Ada! You are always so sweet and give the best compliments!

  32. 10.21.16

    Thanks mary!

  33. 10.21.16

    Thanks so much Sheree!!

  34. 10.21.16

    Thanks Jules!

  35. 10.21.16

    I agree! Thank you so much Alyssa 🙂

  36. 10.21.16

    That’s so awesome Lana! 🙂

  37. 10.21.16

    Thank you so much Elise!!

  38. 10.21.16

    I needed to write this post to remind myself to think about some of my friends! I get wrapped up in the mom life too and start to feel like I don’t have time to talk.

  39. 10.21.16

    Compliments from strangers are the best! I know how much it brightens my days what I get them, even a simple, “I love your shoes” feels awesome! 🙂

  40. 10.21.16

    I do too Shelly! It feels even better than to give than to receive. 🙂

  41. 10.21.16

    Thanks so much Lee!

  42. 10.21.16

    Thanks so much! I love this cardi, I’ve had it for a few years and it still looks brand new.

  43. 10.21.16

    Thank you Amy!

  44. 10.21.16

    Aw thank you Amy!

  45. 10.21.16

    Thats so sweet of you to say Rebecca! Thank you!

  46. 10.21.16

    Absolutely! 😀

  47. 10.21.16

    Thanks Cherie!

  48. 10.21.16


  49. 10.21.16

    I think so too Laura!

  50. 10.21.16

    It really is! I’ll just do my part but staying kind. 🙂 Thank so much Jill.

  51. 10.21.16

    Yes!! So true. 🙂 Thank you Carrie!

  52. 10.21.16

    Thank you so much Marta. 🙂

  53. 10.21.16

    Thanks Rachelle!

  54. 10.21.16

    Your husband is so right! You two sound like an awesome couple. 🙂 I was reminded of your series of posts that highlighted acts of kindness you and your family did for a month, I think that’s fantastic!

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