Smile Brilliant & Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up

Who else is a Kardashian fan? I know, I may be a minority on this one, but I loooove the Kardashians. Their long gorgeous hair, killer curves and oh let’s not forget their perfectly white teeth. I know, you know, they’ve got some white teeth. I mean, Kris Jenner is a powerhouse of a woman and her teeth would probably blind you. My guess is that’s probably how she lands all of her deals, blinds them with her teeth first.

Now, I don’t have the Kardashian funds to go for a professional $500+ whitening in a dentist’s office, but I may have found the everyday girl’s close second, Smile Brilliant. I have a daily coffee (ok two coffees) habit. I’m fairly lucky my teeth aren’t more stained, but they were still a little yellow and in need of a little TLC. Here is my before and after picture:

Smile Brilliant Before and After

I’ve used at home whitening kits in the past, that worked, but the strips would unevenly whiten my teeth because my teeth aren’t perfectly straight. I also experienced some sensitivity on my gums from the strips. The difference with Smile Brilliant is their custom fitted trays. If you’ve ever been to the dentist for a crown or anything that needed a perfect fit to your teeth, you’re familiar with the molds they take of your mouth. Smile Brilliant comes with a kit to make your molds at home and you mail them off to create your custom trays. My trays were back within two weeks and I was ready to get whitening.

Smile Brilliant

My first go around, I was a little careless with applying the whitening gel and keeping the solution off of my gums and ended up with a little sensitivity. I was loving my results, but needed to take a couple weeks off to give my gums a rest. I read up on the issue and realized I wasn’t wiping the solution off of my gums like I was supposed to.

So, I went back to it and applied the solution to the trays properly and ensured that only my teeth were getting the action. Literally, within 4 treatments, my teeth were essentially stain free. I found myself smiling in the mirror more than usual and maybe making silly faces to examine all the teeth in my mouth. ya know, the things you would be embarrassed about if someone saw you doing it.


After the stain removal phase all you have to do is maintenance, so if you see new stains creeping up, apply the whitening gel until they are gone. It’s so easy and I’m thrilled with my results.

Overall Thoughts

– I thought the custom trays were really cool. Once I learned to use them properly they allowed for whitening without the gum sensitivity.
– The process was really easy and the whitening gel had a decent taste (not that you’re trying to eat it).
– The desensitizing gel really helped with any sensitivity from the process.
– It is recommended you avoid staining beverages during the process, which I didn’t abide by fully. Had I listened, my results may have been greater.
Smile Brilliantonly removes stains from your teeth and restores your natural color, so you shouldn’t go expecting blinding white results from the treatment.

But enough about my teeth, let’s link-up! Link-Up ‘Rules’ 1. Follow our blog on Bloglovin 2. Link back to our site from your post, you can grab our button if you like!

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Brooke of Pumps and Push-Ups - petite style blogger

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A petite (4'10") gal on the hunt for the best petite clothes. I show you where to shop for petite finds, and how to style them in my weekly style sessions. I don't alter or hem any of the clothing on my blog - what you see is exactly how the items fit me right from the store.

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  1. 8.26.15
    Mica said:

    Glad you’ve got such great results from the kit! πŸ™‚

    Thank you for the link up!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  2. 8.26.15
    Marta C said:

    Great results and you have such a pretty smile! Thanks for hosting ladies:)

  3. 8.26.15
    Living on Cloud Nine said:

    Gorgeous pearly whites! You’re so cute! Happy Wednesday and thanks for the link up!

  4. 8.26.15
    Jill said:

    Great results! You have a beautiful smile! Thanks for the linkup!

    Doused In Pink

  5. 8.26.15
    Monica Siembieda said:

    I’m working with my trays right now! Is it possible to see results after one application?! By the way loving your smile girl!

  6. 8.26.15
    Biana Perez said:

    That’s a pretty stellar difference! i usually just stick to the crest white strips before an event or something, but I’ll need to check these out! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

  7. 8.26.15

    I’m secretly a Kardashian fan too. Your teeth look great! This is such a steal compared to what dentists charge.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  8. 8.26.15
    Irene said:

    beautiful teeth! beautiful post!

  9. 8.26.15

    Great results! And so much better than having to go to the dentist’s office!

    Red Reticule

  10. 8.26.15
    Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom said:

    I wanted to try this so bad when they contacted me, but my two front teeth are bonded and it doesn’t work on bonding. Boo! Wow, your results are amazing!


  11. 8.26.15
    Blaire Bingham said:

    Look at that gorgeous smile! The results look great!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  12. 8.26.15
    Kelsey & Kenecha said:

    Beautiful smile doll, looks like a great product!


  13. 8.26.15
    Laura said:

    I have issues with sensitivity so I can’t use over the counter products. This sounds like a great solution! Your smile is looking beautiful!

  14. 8.26.15
    Sarah said:

    wow.. those are awesome results πŸ™‚

  15. 8.26.15
    Shaunacey said:

    great results!! might have to give this a try

  16. 8.26.15

    This looks easy enough that I might even want to try it. I can totally see the difference!

  17. 8.26.15

    It is really easy and you can still talk with the trays in your mouth. Haha

  18. 8.26.15

    Thanks girl!!! I didn’t love having my teeth photographed all close up, but I can see a difference.

  19. 8.26.15

    I hope you do!

  20. 8.26.15

    Thanks girl!! I tend to have trouble with sensitivity too, I even have a hard time with whitening toothpastes, so I was surprised that I didn’t have the same trouble with this.

  21. 8.26.15

    Thanks girls!!

  22. 8.26.15

    Aw thanks ladies!!

  23. 8.26.15

    Aw man!!! I wish you could have tried it, it’s really cool.

  24. 8.26.15

    Thanks girl! I agree, it was great being able to do it at home.

  25. 8.26.15

    Thanks girl!

  26. 8.26.15

    Glad I’m not alone. Kourtney is my favorite πŸ™‚

  27. 8.26.15

    I used to do the very same thing!

  28. 8.26.15

    I can’t remember if one application worked for me but I know the results came pretty quickly!

  29. 8.26.15

    Aw thanks Jill!

  30. 8.26.15

    I try! πŸ™‚ Thanks girl!

  31. 8.26.15

    Thanks Marta!

  32. 8.26.15

    Thank you for always coming by! πŸ™‚

  33. 8.26.15
  34. 8.26.15

    Such great results! I have this whitening system and haven’t used it yet because I hate having the trays in my mouth, but you just inspired me to actually do it!

  35. 8.26.15
    RedTagChicLA said:

    Wow your pearly whites are whiter – thanks for the heads up!


  36. 8.26.15
    Happinessatmidlife said:

    Thanks for sharing your review – you have great pearly whites!


    Would love to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.

  37. 8.26.15

    Great results!!!!
    I’d love for you to join me on Friday for my Fridays Fashions link up. πŸ™‚

  38. 8.26.15

    You got great results, thanks for sharing the review.

  39. 8.26.15

    You got such great results! My husband does something similar and it works like a charm, he drinks tea all day everyday.

  40. 8.26.15

    Impressive! Thanks for the review! Lovely smile, dear.

    All the Cute
    Recent Post: Basic Black & White

  41. 8.26.15
    Tianna said:

    awesome! great results!

    stop by and chat πŸ™‚

  42. 8.26.15
    Danielle said:

    Always looking for a way to brighten my teeth! And no you aren’t the only one teehee but I don’t tell many people. Hahahaha. Have an amazing day!!

  43. 8.26.15

    Lovely smile and great results! πŸ™‚

  44. 8.26.15
    Nomaqhawe said:

    Great product! It’s awesome that it fits your teeth as well.

  45. 8.26.15
    Kate said:

    This product sounds great and your teeth look beautifully white! And I love the Kardashians too! x

    Kate Louise Blogs

  46. 8.26.15

    There is a dramatic difference! Love that they offer custom trays and you only had to do it 4 times.

    xx Yasmin

  47. 8.26.15
    Shoshana said:

    You’re not in the minority of loving them, just in the case of admitting it. For some reason, adult women find it rewarding to hate and/or make fun of them. You should hear some of the older ladies in our office. So sad. I like them as well. I just find them funny and they have issues just like any other family. As for the hair & curves….. you can buy just as they have. I love that they’re so honest about having work done. Personally, I’m not a fan of extensions, weaves or wigs but I have to admit, the pay a lot of money for that hair and it looks fantastic. As for all the curves, I’m going to pass on that as well. It seems like they have to be in the gym 5 days a week just to maintain the weight. I’m way to lazy. 2-3 times a week is more than enough for me. I couldn’t get those curves even if I wanted to. I’m naturally on the lean side & i’m super tall at 5’10. Aside from that, your teeth look great!

  48. 8.26.15

    You can definitely see a difference, certainly worth a try!

  49. 8.26.15

    Girl, your teeth look amazing and so does your hair! You are totally making me want to chop mine! You look great! xo

  50. 8.26.15

    Aw you noticed!! Thanks girl, it feels so great, it’s been a long time since I’ve had shorter hair.

  51. 8.26.15

    Haha all so true!! I think they’re hilarious!

  52. 8.26.15

    Yeah! It was so easy to use.

  53. 8.26.15

    Glad to have a fellow kardashian fan. πŸ™‚

  54. 8.26.15

    That was definitely my favorite part!

  55. 8.26.15

    Thanks girl!

  56. 8.26.15

    I don’t admit it often either. Hehe πŸ™‚

  57. 8.26.15

    Thanks tianna!

  58. 8.26.15

    Thanks Amber, glad you came by!

  59. 8.26.15

    That’s awesome! I love tea too!

  60. 8.26.15

    You had great results too!

  61. 8.26.15

    I will be coming by to link up!

  62. 8.26.15

    Thanks a bunch Alice!

  63. 8.26.15

    I was actually surprised to see the side by side myself!

  64. 8.26.15

    I feel ya girl! Those trays aren’t always fun, but it’s nice to have a whiter smile πŸ™‚

  65. 8.26.15

    Thanks Rachel! Hope you have a great day.

  66. 8.26.15

    Yeah! I didn’t think it would take away my coffee stains like I did!

  67. 8.26.15
    Megan said:

    Your teeth look amazing! I’m a major major Kardashian fan!

  68. 8.27.15
    Christie Geiger said:

    Great review, Brooke! I’m trying out this product too and it’s really great! Your teeth look stunning!

    The Closet by Christie

  69. 8.27.15
    Jessica said:

    thanks for the tip πŸ™‚ will be trying this out πŸ˜€


  70. 8.27.15

    Look at that gorgeous smile! πŸ™‚

    Le Stylo Rouge

  71. 8.27.15
    Kiki Rampone said:

    Your teeth look so much whiter! Sounds like this really works! Lovely review πŸ™‚

    xo Kiki

  72. 8.27.15
    Jennifer said:

    This looks like it works great! I’m definitely going to check it out!

  73. 8.27.15

    great review! teeth whitening is the best!

  74. 8.27.15

    Great results!

    District of Chic

  75. 8.28.15

    Thanks! and thanks for coming by!

  76. 8.28.15

    Isn’t it?! Thanks girl.

  77. 8.28.15

    Yeah! I hope you love it too.

  78. 8.28.15

    Thanks a bunch Kiki!

  79. 8.28.15

    Awh you’re too sweet Ms. Ashley. πŸ™‚

  80. 8.28.15

    Hope you get great results!

  81. 8.28.15

    Oh fun! Im excited to see your results.

  82. 8.28.15

    Haha, I knew you had to have a heart for the K girls like me. πŸ™‚

  83. 8.28.15
    Alyssa Renee said:

    Your teeth look great! =)


    Follow Me:
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  84. 8.28.15

    I really enjoyed reading this review as I have received my trays and am just starting this process. Your results look great!

    Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday!

    Jennie – A Pocketful of Polka Dots

  85. 8.28.15
    Kelsey & Kenecha said:
  86. 8.28.15

    Wow, that whitening is impressive! I’ve always been disappointed with at-home whitening systems. They never seem to do anything! But his stuff seems great!

    Sierra Elizabeth

  87. 8.29.15

    Whenever I’ve tried the trays I’ve experience the sensitivity you spoke about as well, glad to see there is an easy fix! Thanks for the review!

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