Tartan Scarf & The Oh, Hey Girl Link-Up!

Tartan scarves, red coats and riding boots are just a few of the things I think of when I think of the Holiday season. I also think about twinkling lights, snowflakes falling and love all around. The holidays are just downright special, making December my favorite month. But, you know what else makes December my favorite? On top of Christmas cheer and beauty all around, December is also the month I celebrate my birthday!

Next week, I will turn 27 and I couldn’t happier with where I am today. So for fun, here are 10 life lessons (because 27 would be a lot!) I’ve learned along the way:

1. It is so important to be the friend you want to have. If you’re not there when your friends need you, don’t expect them to be there when you need them.

2. Laundry is a lot easier if you do a load a day (or every other day). I used to be a once a week laundry person, with a mountain to wash and a mountain to fold. I can’t tell you how easy it has become to pop a load in the washer in the morning, dry it in the afternoon and fold it while we watch the news. Haha I feel old. I also used to underestimate the ease of bulk ironing, I do that now too.

3. Babies need schedules. I fought this lesson. I didn’t want to believe what everyone said because I don’t like schedules. But, yes, they do, they need a nap time and to eat their meals around the same time or they’re a hot mess.

4. The majority is not always right. Just because everyone says something should be a certain way, doesn’t mean it’s the right way. Do what works for you. There is power in the ability to think for yourself.

5. Nonverbal communication is just as important as verbal communication. That means put down your phone, make eye contact and engage with whomever is speaking to you. Hard lesson to learn.

6. A positive outlook goes a long way. Chances are, if you approach any situation with a positive can do attitude, you will be successful. If you always feel the world is against you, you’re so stressed or la la la, chances are, life will be hard.

7. Never make assumptions, if you’re unclear about a situation, speak up.

8. Bottling up emotions never ends well. Again, be open and honest.

9. A budget goes a long way. You don’t neeeddddd those pink pumps, always factor the cost per wear.

10. Everything else aside, the people you love in life should always be the priority. Whether it be your family or your friends that have become family, put them first, you’ll be much happier.

Brooke of Pumps and Push Ups wearing a black ASOS maternity dress with riding boots, tartan scarf and a red coat

Brooke of Pumps and Push Ups wearing a black ASOS maternity dress with riding boots, tartan scarf and a red coat

Brooke of Pumps and Push Ups wearing a black ASOS maternity dress with riding boots, tartan scarf and a red coat

Brooke of Pumps and Push Ups wearing a black ASOS maternity dress with riding boots, tartan scarf and a red coat

Shop The Look: (similar items)

Thanks for reading, I hope you have the best Wednesday! (Oh and link-up below!)


This week’s link-up feature is Whitney of Peaches in a Pod in a darling buffalo plaid look. Scrolling through last week’s looks this one caught our eye immediately, we just love her top!



We are currently looking for co-hosts for the Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up. Drop us an email at brooke@pumpsandpushups.com and let us know if you’re interested, we would love to have you!

Link-Up ‘Rules’

1. Follow our blog on Bloglovin
2. Link back to our site from your post, you can grab our button if you like!

Pumps and Push-Ups

Linked With: Why I Do DeClaire | Celebrate Southern | WIWW | Shopping My Closet | Because Shanna Said So | The Mummy Chronicles | Style Elixir | Tucker Up | The Pleated Poppy | Get Your Pretty On | More Pieces of Me | Lisa A La Mode | Pampers and Pearls | Feel Great Fashion | Who’s Wearing What |< a href="http://www.walkinginmemphisinhighheels.com/2014/12/trend-spin-linkup-coats-capes-ponchos.html#more">Walking in Memphis in High Heels

Brooke of Pumps and Push-Ups - petite style blogger

Hello, I'm Brooke!

A petite (4'10") gal on the hunt for the best petite clothes. I show you where to shop for petite finds, and how to style them in my weekly style sessions. I don't alter or hem any of the clothing on my blog - what you see is exactly how the items fit me right from the store.

More About Me

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  1. 12.3.14

    Happy early Birthday! The tartan plaid is perfect for this time of year, and it goes beautifully with that coat. You look amazing. Those are such great words of advice, I am working on number 5 because I always fidget or cross my arms when I am nervous. Thank you so much for the feature guys we appreciate it so much!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  2. 12.3.14

    I love December as well but it’s so much different in my part of the world. December here means soaring temperatures, bush fire danger, magnificent afternoon electrical storms and flies … lots and lots of flies. Xmas day means cooking a full sit down roast for 20+ people and battling all of the above while doing it but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love an Aussie summer 🙂 Well maybe I could do without the bushfires and flies lol


  3. 12.3.14
    Ada said:

    I don’t have any of the infamous Tartan Blanket Scarves but I am craving the one currently at Zara (if and when it goes on sale, only). Yours is gorgeous and looks perfect with the red coat. =)

  4. 12.3.14
    Jill said:

    I definitely agree with all of those life lessons! Especially the one about laundry! 🙂 Your scarf is gorgeous! Thanks for hosting the linkup!


  5. 12.3.14
    Monica said:

    Love love love this scarf! It’s so festive and looks so incredibly warm!


  6. 12.3.14
    Amy Ann said:

    I love how you accessorized this dress to make it your own. Happy birthday month! Ten great lessons. I feel like the older I get, the more I learn and get comfortable with who I am.

    xo, Amy Ann
    The Real Arnolds

  7. 12.3.14
    Shannon said:

    You look stunning!! Love that scarf! It looks so cute with the red blazer! Gorgeous!

    <3 Shannon

  8. 12.3.14

    I love the way you glammed up that blanket scarf. Great holiday look! You look gorgeous!

  9. 12.3.14

    Awwww those are great life truths – thanks for sharing. AT my age (49) I should say that I’ve been there – done that – but I feel there is still much to learn as we go on with life & I am wishing you all the best as you journey on!

    On a style note – all the looks u created with the IT scarf of the seasons are awesome but I think it’s your smile that stands out!!


  10. 12.3.14
    Joanna said:

    I’m 27 too and can definitely relate to these life lessons, especially the budget part and the piece about friendship. December is such a wonderful month and I hope you have some wonderful birthday plans for next week xx


  11. 12.3.14
    Becky said:

    LOVE the dress! Especially with the leggings and scarf! So pretty!


  12. 12.3.14

    You look gorgeous as always!! I love these lessons you’ve shared too… I need to get on a laundry schedule that is more often than once a week (or two weeks… shhhh). And you’re so right about making eye contact and being present. It makes such a difference.

    Simplicity Relished

  13. 12.3.14

    Love the look! What a great scarf 🙂

    Tiffany Ima
    Style Honestly

  14. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thank you Tiffany!! One of my favorites 🙂

  15. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thank you Daisy! I have definitely learned it’s easier to keep up with laundry but I still have my weeks where it totally gets away from me!

  16. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thank you Becky, you’re so sweet!

  17. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thank you Joanna! I learned many of these the hard way, I can only imagine what I will have learned ten years from now! 🙂

  18. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thank you so much Rebecca, that is so sweet of you to say. It’s so true that we learn so much as life goes on, you are so wise. Also, can I just say I am still in shock that you’re 49 every time I visit your blog I swear you’re not a day over 25! 🙂

  19. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thank you Tatiana!

  20. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thank you Shannon!!

  21. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    I totally agree Amy, I will always have more to learn, but my confidence grows all the time 🙂

  22. 12.3.14
    Stephanie said:

    What a great post! I love all of your little things you’ve learned along the way. 🙂

  23. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thank you Laura! You’re so right, that one was always hard for me, I typically feel totally uncomfortable looking people in the eye and can be a little shifty, but I’ve learned I need to overcome that if I want people to take me seriously.

  24. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thank you Monica! It is totally warm, I can only wear it when it’s super cold, ha!

  25. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thank you Jill!! I wish I had caught onto the laundry thing earlier, that’s a recent lesson for me 🙂

  26. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thank you Ada! I have a couple of blanket scarves but they are both cheapies 🙂 This one was from Forever21 and my other one was from Target, I can’t justify the Zara cost even if I do wear a scarf nearly everyday!

  27. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Allison, It really is amazing how things are different on the other side of the world! I know it always throws me through a loop on instagram when its summer here, you guys are bringing out your winter wear!

  28. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thank you Blaire! It’s hard not to feature you ladies every week, your outfits are always so perfect!

  29. 12.3.14
    Christie said:

    Gorgeous scarf, Brooke! I’m so loving plaid right now! Happy early birthday! You’ll have to let me know how 27 is- I’m right behind you!

    The Closet by Christie


  30. 12.3.14

    I loved reading this–you have such good insight 🙂 Being there for the people you love is so important and I have really been trying to put them first no matter what else I have on my list. Also, laundry…why is it never ending?! Ha I need to start doing a load a day or so 🙂


  31. 12.3.14

    I’m celebrating my birthday this month as well! I love your red jacket and that gorgeous scarf – such great Holiday pieces!
    xoxo Danielle
    For the Love of Leopard

  32. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Happy birthday to you too Danielle!! Thank you for the sweet compliment!

  33. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thank you Tori! I’m always fighting the laundry monster for sure!

  34. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thank you Christie! I’ll let ya know 😉

  35. 12.3.14
    Darcy said:

    LOOOOVE that red coat!

  36. 12.3.14

    I so love the title of your blog! The blanket scarf is gorgeous! The colors would work well with most anything! Didn’t you also had a weekly link-up, I think I’ll join in! Thanks for hosting!


  37. 12.3.14
    Rebecca H said:

    Both of these outfits are so fabulous! Festive and put together.

  38. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thank you Rebecca!

  39. 12.3.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thank you Darcy! I’ve had it for years, it’s a favorite 🙂

  40. 12.3.14
    Marta said:

    LOVE that scarf, it goes so well with anything and love the colours of this one! Thanks for hosting ladies:)

  41. 12.3.14
    Jane said:

    Those scarfs are amazing! Totally in love!!
    xo, Jane

  42. 12.3.14
    Morgan said:

    Love those scarves, and the tartan shirt!


  43. 12.3.14
    Tara said:

    Happy almost birthday! Your scarf is so pretty, love it with that red coat!

  44. 12.3.14
    Claire said:

    You look so cute, and winter wonderful!

    God bless,
    XO, Claire

  45. 12.4.14

    I love your scarf – you look beautiful (:

    – Deniz

  46. 12.4.14
    erin said:

    Love that Scarf! I am so happy to have found your blog I just began following you on Bloglovin and I would love it if you could follow me as well!
    Xo Miss Erin
    See what I have to say at:

  47. 12.4.14

    Such a cute look!! I love the way the dress bounces! 🙂 So girly and fun! 🙂 The plaid scarf is obviously perfect too!
    xo Erin

  48. 12.4.14
    Alex said:

    Great way to tie the scarf! And aren’t you right with your little list. So true. I can second everything.

    Alex – Funky Jungle

  49. 12.4.14
    Melanie said:

    Those scarfs are so cute!!! I’m obsessed!
    Melanie @ meandmr.com

  50. 12.4.14

    You are so dang cute! I love the scarf and I especially love the red coat! The boots are perfect with the outfit too! Thanks for hosting the link up and for joining in on the Celebrate Southern fun again this week! xoxo

  51. 12.4.14
    Ivete said:

    Brooke, I’ve really enjoyed reading these 10 life lessons. You are very wise for such a young age! You look adorable in this outfit. The scarf is such an eye-catcher!


  52. 12.4.14
    Susan said:

    You’re looking good love! And what a beautiful and honest list of life lessons!! Soooo true! Pinning this now to the official Celebrate Southern Pin Board! Cheers!

  53. 12.4.14

    Great looks ladies. Brooke I absolutely love your style, you look beautiful.
    –Me and My Mini Me

  54. 12.5.14
    Lindsey said:

    I love that scarf! And you’re right, tartan absolutely makes me thing of the holiday season too! First time joining the link-up and I’m so happy to be joining! Thanks for hosting! 🙂

    High Heels and Training Wheels

  55. 12.8.14

    Noticed that scarf right away. I have the same one and I love it! Looks great with the red coat. Perfect color palette for the holiday season. Didn’t know you guys had a linkup, will need to link up next time. ~Cynthia | http://www.myrosecoloredshades.com

  56. 12.8.14
    Tameka said:

    A nice way to dress up the black dress with that awesome scarf and coat. Thanks for linking up at Who’s Wearing What Wednesdays at Pastries, Pumps and Pi!

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