MAC FIX+ Makeup Setting Spray Vs. Urban Decay All Nighter

When it comes to makeup, one product I will use religiously is a setting spray. With a a setting spray your makeup looks better, and stays around longer – it truly makes a difference. For years I’ve been a fan of MAC Prep & Prime Fix+ Makeup Setting Spray, it’s really a great product. However, I was browsing through some beauty articles last week, and came across an article about Urban Decay All Nighter. I’ve really only used MAC Fix+ and a cheap NYX product that was blah. So this article made me curious, was Urban Decay better than my beloved MAC? So experiment time it was.

Urban Decay All Nighter vs Max Fix+, which makeup setting spray is better? | Pumps and Push-Ups

MAC Fix+ Spray vs. Urban Decay All Nighter

I tested each one through the various ways I typically use my setting spray. I used them as a primer, to enhance the staying power and pigment of my eye shadow, and of course, as the finishing touch.

Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray vs. Mac Fix+ Spray | which makeup setting spray is better? | Pumps and Push-Ups


As a primer, I prefer MAC Fix+. Of course neither one of these products is meant to be used a primer, but I use the MAC spray this way all of the time. It gives a little moisture boost, and I think it helps my makeup stay put. Urban Decay All Nighter has a somewhat sticky finish – like hairspray, so I didn’t like the results from spraying it on first.

How I use makeup setting spray in my beauty routine, and which products I like | Beauty | Pumps and Push-Ups

As a Shadow Enhancer

One trick I learned years ago was using a setting spray on your eyeshadow brush before you dip it in your powder. It helps to get a deeper pigment from your shadow, lessens creasing, and helps the shadow stay put. I frequently use my Fix+ spray this way. I feel like overall, it was a tie between the two products used in this way. Both gave the same effect, and I felt the lasting power was the same with each one.

How to get more pigment from your eyeshadow with makeup setting spray | Beauty | Pumps and Push-Ups Blog
Makeup setting sprays, which one is the best | Urban Decay All Nighter | MAC Fix+ Spray | Beauty | Pumps and Push-Ups

The Finishing Touch

As the finishing touch, I prefer my MAC Prep & Prime Fix+ spray. Remember I mentioned I found All Nighter to have a sticky feel? It keeps that tight, sticky, almost hairspray feel on your face. The MAC spray leaves my face feeling comfortable and moisturized. I plan to hold onto the Urban Decay spray to see how it performs in the summer humidity. Since my skin is dry right now, the tightness was uncomfortable, but I may appreciate that stronger staying power when the heat and sweat rolls around.

Urban Decay All Nighter Makeup Setting Spray | Beauty | Pumps and Push-Ups

The Winner…

My beloved MAC setting spray wins overall. I think the Urban Decay spray really has great staying power, so it does what it’s meant to do. However, I prefer the soft and comfortable feel of the MAC spray, over the tighter feel of the Urban Decay spray.

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