I remember the first time I learned how to flat iron curl my hair. We were on a trip to Vegas for my brother and sister-in-law’s (to be) joint bachelor/bachelorette party. I’ve always predominately curled my hair – but I showed up to Vegas without a curling iron. In a pinch I walked over to the nearest shopping center, which if you’ve been to Vegas, you know it’s in like every hotel, and looked for a curling iron.
Suprisingly, I couldn’t find an actual curling iron, but I met a girl who was demonstrating flat irons and how to curl with them. She sat me down, showed me how with one loop around the iron and a pull you could get big lasting curls. I was impressed. I bought the iron, then went back to my hotel room and horribly failed at making the same curls with the iron.
It took me a WHILE to finally get the hang of the loop and pull that goes along with flat iron curls, but years later I find myself using this technique the most these days. The curls that come from a flatiron last longer for me, a little more of a wave, and they curl a little higher up in my hair than a curling iron.

My Hair Texture
My hair is very fine and on the thin side. My hairdresser often says you have fine hair, but a lot of it. That is until recently when I accidentally thinned my hair too much with the Revlon brush hairdryer. That’s my little PSA – I love, love, loved that thing. Until, I realized it was breaking my hair pretty badly. So badly that at my last haircut, my stylist asked, “have you been thinning your hair?” Needless to say, I’ve stopped using it.
Flat Iron Curls
If you check out my IGtv tutorial you can see the technique in action. I start by separating my hair into two sections. Then I clip my hair at the top loop it around the iron 1-2 times and pull down. I will often hold the hair, and grab small sections, to try to keep it in the iron, if it falls out you’ll have straight pieces mixed in with the curl.

I should also mention, my video is maybe the worst job I’ve ever done of curling my hair, LOL! It’s hard to look into a camera and curl, but I’m hoping it still gives you a good idea of the technique!
Soften the Curls
When I’m done curling I spray my hair with a little hairspray and lightly brush my hair out. The brushing softens the curls and makes it look less messy.

My Flat Iron
I’ve had the same Babyliss iron for around 13 years now, and she’s still going strong. Mine is a little bit thicker than the updated version, but if the new version is anything like this old gal it’s a worthy buy!

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Other Techniques
I’m mostly using the flat iron method these days, but I’ve also shared a tutorial and review of L’ange wands and the CHI Spin n’ Curl if you’re interested. You can find those tutorials here and here.
Thank you girls for your requests. I put this tutorial up for vote against my go-to jewelry and it won as the first pick. However, the jewelry post was a close second, so you’ll be seeing that soon!
I’ve never been able to master curling my hair with a flatiron. Your hair looks gorgeous! Thank you for the tutorial!
Jill – Doused in Pink