When it comes to makeup, one product I will use religiously is a setting spray. With a a setting spray your makeup looks better, and stays around longer – it truly makes a difference. For years I’ve been a fan of MAC Prep & Prime Fix+ Makeup Setting Spray, it’s really a great product. However, I was browsing through some beauty articles last week, and came across an article about Urban Decay All Nighter. I’ve really only used MAC Fix+ and a cheap NYX product that was blah. So this article made me curious, was Urban Decay better than my beloved MAC? So experiment time it was.

MAC Fix+ Spray vs. Urban Decay All Nighter
I tested each one through the various ways I typically use my setting spray. I used them as a primer, to enhance the staying power and pigment of my eye shadow, and of course, as the finishing touch.

As a primer, I prefer MAC Fix+. Of course neither one of these products is meant to be used a primer, but I use the MAC spray this way all of the time. It gives a little moisture boost, and I think it helps my makeup stay put. Urban Decay All Nighter has a somewhat sticky finish – like hairspray, so I didn’t like the results from spraying it on first.

As a Shadow Enhancer
One trick I learned years ago was using a setting spray on your eyeshadow brush before you dip it in your powder. It helps to get a deeper pigment from your shadow, lessens creasing, and helps the shadow stay put. I frequently use my Fix+ spray this way. I feel like overall, it was a tie between the two products used in this way. Both gave the same effect, and I felt the lasting power was the same with each one.

The Finishing Touch
As the finishing touch, I prefer my MAC Prep & Prime Fix+ spray. Remember I mentioned I found All Nighter to have a sticky feel? It keeps that tight, sticky, almost hairspray feel on your face. The MAC spray leaves my face feeling comfortable and moisturized. I plan to hold onto the Urban Decay spray to see how it performs in the summer humidity. Since my skin is dry right now, the tightness was uncomfortable, but I may appreciate that stronger staying power when the heat and sweat rolls around.

The Winner…
My beloved MAC setting spray wins overall. I think the Urban Decay spray really has great staying power, so it does what it’s meant to do. However, I prefer the soft and comfortable feel of the MAC spray, over the tighter feel of the Urban Decay spray.
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