The white t-shirt: a wardrobe staple nearly everyone has in their closet. You can find them just about everywhere but they’re not all created equal. Today I’m sharing three options I found that work well for petites and I think are great quality.
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Petite-Friendly White T-Shirts
My Sizing: I’m 4’10”, and my bust, waist, and hip measurements are 32″, 24″, and 36″. My inseam is 25″ (the measurement from the inside of my leg to my ankle bone). The clothes shown are unaltered and show how they fit me right from the store. I list my sizing beside each item to help you compare when shopping online. When referencing my true size, that is often the smallest option available at a brand or petite xxs/00/24. I wear a size 5 shoe.
Vintage Straight Jeans
Before I get into the tops, I’ll share a quick review the jeans I paired with them. The Vintage Straight Jeans from Abercrombie are a new style for me. They have a relaxed straight fit and are mostly rigid with light stretch. I went with my true size (24 extra short) but if you want a close fit I would recommend going down a size. They have light stretch and loosens with wear.
Quince Organic Cotton Slub T-Shirt
The Organic Cotton Slub T-Shirt at Quince is a perfect weight. It has a nice thick collar that is great for layering under crewneck sweaters and sweatshirts. Although this top isn’t petite I think the sleeves are a great length and through the body the top has a comfortable relaxed fit. It is somewhat heathered so it’s not see-through but it’s not opaque either.

T-Shirt XS | Jeans 24 Extra Short (oversized fit) medium wash | Shoes tts
Old Navy Vintage T-Shirt
I have found many great t-shirts from Old Navy over the years. In particular I love the t-shirts from their vintage line. These are typically 100% cotton and thick. They come in petite so they’re a great length through the sleeves. The style I chose for the post is somewhat boxy and cropped but still long enough to tuck in.

T-Shirt Petite XS | Jeans 24 Extra Short (oversized fit) medium wash | Shoes tts
Gap Compact Jersey Top
This t-shirt from Gap is a great option if you like a close fit. It comes in petite, but I found the petite sizing to be too short overall and the sleeves were too short for me so I went for regular sizing. This top is compressive and double lined in the front (so it’s not see through) but if you want a little more room I would recommend a size up. Even if you go from petite to regular, I would recommend a size up if you don’t want a tight fit.

T-Shirt XXS but could go up a size | Jeans 24 Extra Short (oversized fit) medium wash | Shoes tts