I celebrated my 32nd birthday this weekend. 32 beautiful years! My 30s have just begun, but they’re already becoming my favorite. I’m a little bit older – a little bit wiser, and a whole lot less likely to care what other people think. I’m at a point in my life where I know success is defined as more than the amount in your bank account and that the true treasures in life are your family, friends, and Jesus. I’m trying to worry less and taking the time to really soak in my relationships, because really, does anything else matter?
Even with a few years under my belt, I still have so much to learn from the wise women with a few more years on me. For real y’all, what is legit the best wrinkle cream and how do you deal when your kids grow up and move away? But we’ll get to that.

I celebrated with a weekend full of my favorite things. Saturday was spent with my girlfriends starting with brunch, that turned into a full afternoon of laughing so hard my stomach was sore the next day. My girlfriends are the best.

Saturday night I was treated to a date with Steven – a few hours kid free and some queso was pretty perfect. Then on Sunday, I convinced Steven to take me shopping after church where I found this polka dot sweater. I wore it to dinner that night and the compliments were flowing, you just can’t help but smile at a polka dot. (p.s. I’m wearing the sweater in xxs, it has a nice oversized fit!)

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All in all, it was a perfect weekend, and a perfect way to celebrate my 32 years. Here’s to many more!
Now, let’s get linking!