The Cha & Petbrosia

You may remember Cha from his introduction on our blog a few weeks ago.


I mentioned there that he was a lazy little guy who preferred to spend his days napping and eating. He is pleasantly plump, which is more to cuddle if you ask me. But, as he ages, his weight has become more and more of a problem for him and has been putting excess strain on his little joints. Watching him resist going up stairs and struggling to climb onto the couch was breaking my heart. So, it was time to do something about his weight.


On top of encouraging more activity for Mr. Cha, I’ve been feeding him a new food that was specially designed for his needs from Petbrosia. Their online service allows you to create a custom blend for your dog by inputting your dogs breed, activity level and any allergies they may have. Cha does have an allergy to corn and wheat, they give him itchy skin, so it was nice to be able to include that in his blend. Each blend is specially designed by a pet nutritionist to ensure they are getting the right amount of protein, carbs and fats for their specific needs. Pretty cool, right?! Sometimes, I wish there was a food like that for me. Since it’s all done online, it’s easy to change their blend based on their aging needs or hey, even a healthier body type if they’re dropping pounds with their new food.


We started Cha, as well as the rest of our animals on their new blend about a month ago. I was interested the most in how it would effect Cha, since he has the most health issues. All of them had no problem switching over to the new food and seemed to enjoy it. But, none of them are terribly picky, so I wouldn’t expect them to. For Cha, over the last month on Petbrosia’s blend, I’ve noticed he’s been a little lighter on his feet. Not only has he been taking the stairs with ease and getting to his rightful place on the couch again, I witnessed him chasing my husband on a dirt bike at top Cha speed. I won’t go into the fact that my husband, who hasn’t ridden a bike or anything of the sort since he was a teenager, was riding our teenage neighbors dirt bike, but Cha was running faster than I’ve seen him run in years! I expected him to literally walk into the house after that and take a nap, but he kept up the chase. I was quite impressed with my marshmallow.


So, for now, we’re going to keep Cha on Petbrosia and adjust his blend with his improving health! I hope he will continue to be more active, have more energy and be the Cha he was meant to be.

See who we link-up with!

Brooke of Pumps and Push-Ups - petite style blogger

Hello, I'm Brooke!

A petite (4'10") gal on the hunt for the best petite clothes. I show you where to shop for petite finds, and how to style them in my weekly style sessions. I don't alter or hem any of the clothing on my blog - what you see is exactly how the items fit me right from the store.

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  1. 8.31.15
    Biana Perez said:

    I hope that the new diet works for the up – Cha is just adorable!!! Love your look with glasses!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

  2. 8.31.15
    Whitney said:

    You two are so adorable! Aging fur babies are so hard and no one likes to diet! Hope it goes well!


    Whitney & Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

  3. 8.31.15
    Laura said:

    What a cutie! So glad to hear that his new diet is working for him!

  4. 8.31.15

    Thanks girl! I only had to start wearing glasses recently, but I’m getting used to them!

  5. 8.31.15

    It is hard to watch them age, I’m like where did the time go?!

  6. 8.31.15

    Thanks Laura!

  7. 8.31.15
    ADA said:

    You and Cha are both looking adorable. I am happy to hear he is eating well and right, now. That skirt you are wearing is beyond cute!

  8. 8.31.15

    oh my, how adorable are you two! This is such a cool product! hope the pups diet goes well!

  9. 8.31.15
    tara langdale said:

    cutie pie! Its amazing the advances they’ve made for pets. I’m glad your little guy is getting healthy!

    Lights – Southern Belles”>Northern Lights – Southern Belles
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  10. 8.31.15

    He is so cute! This sounds like a great plan for his long term health. One of my guys is starting to get up there too and it is breaking my heart.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  11. 8.31.15
    Jill said:

    Aww! What a cutie! Our dog is getting up there in age and this sounds like a great meal plan.

    Doused In Pink

  12. 8.31.15

    These photos are adorable, your dog is so cute!!!

    Eleventh & Sixteenth

  13. 8.31.15
    Megan said:

    He is so adorable! I love your pretty outfit too!

  14. 8.31.15
    Christie Geiger said:

    So cute, Brooke! I absolutely love your outfit and it’s so cute that you did a photo with your dog. Love it!

    The Closet by Christie

  15. 8.31.15

    Cha is absolutely adorable, You take such good care of him. He looks so happy.

  16. 8.31.15
    Darcy said:

    Aww how adorable! great pictures!

  17. 8.31.15
    Hailey said:

    You have such an adorable little puppy! You are gorgeous too, love your dress!!


  18. 8.31.15

    So cute!!!!
    Fridays Fashions link up

  19. 8.31.15
    Casey said:

    Ok, both you AND Cha are so adorable!! We don’t have any pets but this sounds intriguing!! Thanks for linking up with us! See you next week! XO ~ Casey @ A Little Bit of Cheer

  20. 8.31.15

    Thanks Casey!! I thought it was pretty interesting!

  21. 8.31.15

    Thanks Jaymie!!

  22. 8.31.15

    Thanks Christie! He steals the show in this one.

  23. 8.31.15

    I try!! I feel bad about how chunky I let him get! 🙂

  24. 8.31.15

    Thanks Kimberley!

  25. 8.31.15

    Yeah! I was really impressed with the process and his results.

  26. 8.31.15

    It’s hard to watch them get old, I feel like he was a fluffy puppy just the other day!

  27. 8.31.15

    Isn’t it?! I’m really impressed and grateful!

  28. 8.31.15

    Thanks Victoria!

  29. 8.31.15

    Thanks sweet Ada!

  30. 8.31.15

    I love the skirt you are wearing and your dog is adorable! Are you sure you just had a baby girl cause you look amazing!

  31. 8.31.15
    Living on Cloud Nine said:

    Oh my goodness, Cha looks a lot like our Daisy!! We occasionally have to restrict her diet as well, which is hard when my husband loves to give her treats. He’s Cute as can be and how adorable is his mama!! Look at you, fabulous skirt and rockin’ those frames!!!

  32. 8.31.15
    Johanna said:

    Love the skirt you’re wearing! And the pup is pretty cute, too!

  33. 8.31.15
    Abby said:

    Your pup is adorable! But I can’t help but notice how adorable your look here is!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

  34. 8.31.15
    Kelsey & Kenecha said:

    He’s so adorable!! Glad to hear he is eating well and has more energy to run around! 🙂

  35. 9.1.15

    Wow he is such a cutie pie! I wish I had a cuddly pup like him. Glad to hear he is active and healthy again!

    xx Yasmin

  36. 9.1.15
    Shauna C said:

    Can these pics be any cuter!! That pup has the cutest face!!


  37. 9.1.15
    Erica Kato said:

    Loving the skirt!

    xo | The Fashion Forecast

  38. 9.1.15
    Tina Phan said:

    Cha is so stinkin cute!!! I have three pups myself so I’m a little dog obsessed heheh


  39. 9.1.15
    theblackblush blog said:

    Love your skirt! And Cha is so cute!

  40. 9.1.15
    wonderwall said:

    Your puppy is so cute awwww love your skirt btw

    Lou of, Steal the Style

  41. 9.1.15

    Look at that cutie pie!!!

    Red Reticule

  42. 9.1.15
    Marta C said:

    He is so cute & love these adorable pics of the two of you!!

  43. 9.1.15

    What a cutie… Hope he feels better!! Cute photos!

    All the Cute
    Latest Post: Chambray & Silver with eShakti Dress Customization

  44. 9.1.15

    This so cool- and how cute is Cha?! Such a handsome boy!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  45. 9.1.15
    Harija Ravi said:

    Love it and at this time I would like to thank you for all your support!

    Hope you had an amazing weekend!!


  46. 9.1.15

    What a great concept! We do not have a dog now but this sounds great. Cha is adorable! Love your glasses.

  47. 9.1.15
    Danielle said:

    He is so cute!!! Aaww!! I have two dogs! Love this!

  48. 9.1.15
    Adriele said:

    LOVE POSTS WITH DOGS! Haha, sorry for the all caps response, but this was so cute! And I love the idea and concept!

    Stopping by from the Confident Twosday link-up!


  49. 9.1.15
    trend-mixblog said:

    Your dog is so cute! I also really like your skirt! 🙂

  50. 9.1.15
    Kathy said:

    Your dog is so cute. You look so cute together. It sounds like you are doing a great job caring for him.


  51. 9.1.15

    So glad cha is feeling better and there are alternative options for food! It’s great to see a cute dog so happy. 🙂

  52. 9.2.15
    Michèle said:

    aww how cute that dog is

  53. 9.2.15
    Vanessa said:
  54. 9.2.15
    Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom said:

    You are too cute (as is your dog) here! I love you in glasses!


  55. 9.3.15
    Laura Clark said:
  56. 9.3.15

    Aww Yay! Cha! what a neat dog food service!

    Thank you for linking up to “Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me”

    Rachel xo

    Garay Treasures

  57. 9.5.15
    Aditi Oberoi Malhotra said:

    Such a lovely post! You look gorgeous <3

    -Adi xxo

  58. 9.7.15
    Happinessatmidlife said:

    Mr. Cha is adorable! Thank you for joining TBT Fashion link up and hope to see
    you next week.


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