This post is sponsored by Skin Resource.MD, all opinions are my own.
My current skincare routine is currently all about holding on to my youth. I don’t have acne, but I do have these wrinkles; oh the wrinkles, especially the wrinkles on my forehead. Growing up, my brother used to call me bus head (brothers are so sweet aren’t they). While brothers pick, what he was referring to is my forehead, it’s loud and proud, and soaks up all the sun. I find now that I can’t even lift an eyebrow without an accordion showing up on my forehead. So, I’m just trying my best to not only protect this forehead of mine with a hat, to prevent more wrinkles, but I’m also trying every serum I can to lessen the wrinkles as much as possible. For the last year, most of those serums have come from Skin Resource.MD.
Why Your Anti-Aging Skincare Routine Should Include Baobab Oil
Last year I was introduced to Skin Resource.MD and shared all about the products I started trying in a post. Skin Resource.MD was established in 2007 by practicing dermatologist. Their products are gentle, full of high quality ingredients, and after one year of using them, I can fully attest that they work! Today in particular I’m going to talk about two of my favorites, that happen to include some special savings through the end of the month; the Baobab Skin Correction Facial Cream and the Hyaluronic Moisture Boost Serum. Let’s talk about the Baobab Skin Correction Facial Cream first.
Baobab Skin Correction Facial Cream
The star ingredient in this cream is Baobab Oil, from the Baobab Tree that originates in Africa. Nicknamed “The Tree of Life” the Baobab Tree not only produces nutrient dense fruits, it also produces oils that do wonders for your skin (and your hair). The Baobab oil that Skin Resource.MD uses is rich in antioxidants, with vitamins A, D, E, and F. What does that mean for your skin? Improvement of fine lines, wrinkles and lightening of uneven skin tone and sun damage.
While I don’t suffer from Melasma myself, I’ve been told this product is also great for treating those dark spots. For me, the cream is hydrating, and since using it, I feel like my wrinkles and fine lines have lessened and my skin tone is more even. The cream is meant for your face, but I even use it on my arms, where I have some sun damage.
Skin Resource.MD has an “Ask a Dermatologist” section on their site where you can find answers to common skincare questions, ask questions yourself and even watch a few videos. This video talks a little more about the Baobab Skin Correcting Cream in particular.
Hyaluronic Moisture Boost Serum
If you purchase the Baobab Skin Correction Facial Cream now through the end of June, you get the Hyaluronic Moisture Boost Serum free. So, it’s only fitting for me to tell you what I love about the serum too. I’ve learned that if you want to lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and give your skin a little plump, you need hydration and lots of Hyaluronic Acid. I put this serum on two times a day, especially before putting on my makeup. It plumps and hydrates my skin, and gives me a glowing appearance. I also use the serum on the backs on my legs and on my tummy, which took a beating from two pregnancies. Again, it’s meant for your face, but I figure it can’t hurt to use it other places too!
What I have loved about Skin Resource.MD and their products over the last year is not only their effectiveness, but also their gentleness. My skin is very sensitive, and I tend to get itchy easily. I’ve never had any reactions to their products. They’re gentle, high quality and they work!
If you have uneven skin, discolorations, or a few wrinkles you want to tackle, I highly recommend the Baobab Skin Correction Facial Cream – grab it before the end of June and get the Hyaluronic Moisture Boosting Serum for free!
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