I posted on Instagram this week about feeling the need to brighten my wardrobe up after the holidays. Turns out, a lot of you feel the same way! I kind of thought I was the only one shoving all my cinnamon candles to the back of my closet after Christmas, so it’s nice to know I’m not alone.

Winter is gray, often cold (although it’s been warm lately) and I just crave a little bit of bright to get me through. I took these photos on a surprisingly warm, but crazy windy day, so enjoy the fact that I look like I’m in a wind tunnel in most of them.
Winter Brights

Today’s post is all about adding in bright colors to your winter wardrobe, while still staying warm!
Bright Sweaters

Shop The Outfit
Starting off with a bright sweater! I bought this yellow sweater just before Thanksgiving and it’s been sitting in my closet ever since, feeling very fall like to me. However, it now has a fresh spring like vibe to me, especially with white denim. So it’s back in rotation.
Shop Bright Sweaters
Bright Coats and Layers
Bring on all the bright layering pieces! I prefer a less expensive cardigan when I’m looking for something that’s bright and bold, but a bold coat is beautiful and can really brighten up a gray day.

Shop Bright Coats and Layers
Bright Accessories
Nothing is easier to add a little color than a bright accessory. Bonus points, a bright accessory will take you into the spring and summer too!

Shop Bright Accessories
I’ll just be over here willing spring to start for the next few months. What about you? Are you also looking for a little more color these days?
Now, let’s get linking!