5 Tips for Functional Postpartum Fashion

There is no experience quite like having a baby. You’re elated, of course, by your beautiful newborn baby. I can’t tell you the amount of hours I’ve spent just staring at my little love as he sleeps. I am much more aware at how fleeting these first few moments are the second time around. With my first baby, I was all, how will I ever get everything done, wishing the baby would nap so I could do a load of laundry. This time around, I spend most of my day just soaking in the cuddles.


But, let’s be real, despite all of the warm and fuzzy feelings, you’re also very tired, maybe a little blue (thanks hormones) and you feel downright gross. Your once cute baby bump has turned into a mushy, still looks a little pregnant mess. It’s during this time that so many women feel like throwing in the towel and surrendering to the sweat pants gods. Now, not that there’s anything wrong with that, you deserve a good sweat pants day or two, but if you’re anything like me, a cute but functional outfit and a touch of makeup makes me feel so much better. Even if it’s just for a trip to the Starbucks drive through.

So, what do you do when your clothes only kind of fit and your sweet little bundle may or may not hit you with a puke or poo shower at any moment? You go for fashion and function.

Like all good things in life, it’s pretty darn easy to fake it till ya make it when it comes to getting dressed post partum. You may not feel bright eyed and bushy tailed, but grab yourself some spanx and a light as air blouse and strangers will be gasping, “you just had a baby?!” “Why yes I did”, says the three months pregnant looking tummy mush hiding under your spanx.

Boppy Diaper Bags, Fashion + Function

1.Grab some spanx or a belly band. Chances are your pre-pregnancy pants won’t fit for several weeks. If you had a belly band for maternity wear, pull that bad boy out and leave your pants undone, no one will know the difference. You can also go for leggings or a dress, but I prefer pants for my next point.

2.Loose tops are your friend. I don’t mean tops that are two sizes too big either. I mean the boho chic vibe tops that are made of pretty fabrics and full of swing. It will fit you like its supposed to while hiding any belly bulge and possibly undone pants!

3. Add a cute pair of flats to your shoe collection. I am a big high heel lover, I think that comes with being 4’11. But, having a very fast three year old and holding a fragile newborn makes for many situations that make heels impractical. Plus, when you’re feeling crummy, why make your feet hurt too? My tip is to grab a pair that make you feel pretty. For me, that is a pair of simple pointed toe nude flats I grabbed at Nordstrom.

4. Simple and powerful makeup. You’re short on time, but the bags under your eyes need a little TLC. My go-to look is simple, using the few products thats were in my hospital bag. My biggest tip, swipe highlight powder under your eyes to smooth and deflect shadows away from tired eyes. Also, skip liner on your lower lash lines to avoid darkening tired eyes further.

5.A fabulous diaper bag. Your diaper bag will go everywhere with you, is likely to replace your purse and should be as fabulous as you. Boppy® recently launched a new line of diaper bags made with the fashionable mom in mind. Great prints and extras like a clutch for quick diaper changes, paci pod and a multi purpose clip on the outer flap keeps you cute and organized! I personally opted for the Metro print in black and white and love that I can clip my Boppy® pillow to the outside.


If you’re a new mom or mom to be, congrats!! I wish you all the best and hope your days are filled with baby cuddles, smiles and of course a great comfortable pair of shoes.


This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Boppy via Burst Media. The opinions and text are all mine.
Boppy® Diaper Bags are available for purchase at Amazon | Babies R’Us | BuyBuyBaby
Please visit Boppy.com for more product info. Follow Boppy® Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest


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Brooke of Pumps and Push-Ups - petite style blogger

Hello, I'm Brooke!

A petite (4'10") gal on the hunt for the best petite clothes. I show you where to shop for petite finds, and how to style them in my weekly style sessions. I don't alter or hem any of the clothing on my blog - what you see is exactly how the items fit me right from the store.

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  1. 4.13.15
    Joanna said:

    What wonderful tips and I’m so glad you are enjoying this time with your little bundle of adorableness!!! xx


  2. 4.13.15
    Jill said:

    The photos of you and your son are so sweet! That diaper bag is so cute! Would be a great gift for a new Mom!

    Doused In Pink

  3. 4.13.15

    These are such great tips. I definitely lived in my maternity jeans past that due date! You look absolutely beautiful, and I am so glad everyone is dong well!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  4. 4.13.15
    Laura said:

    These are such great tips! A belly band was a lifesaver for me in the few weeks after I had my daughter! Love the diaper bag, too!

  5. 4.13.15
    Megan said:

    He is adorable! I love your outfit and you look great! Like, really great! Congratulations again!

  6. 4.13.15

    I love your baby bag!! And your flowy top is so perfect post baby! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston

  7. 4.13.15
    Tori McKimm said:

    I am not a mom yet–but these are such great tips!! Moms really should be able to feel so great about themselves–they just produced a miracle–its does help though when you feel good about the way you look 🙂 So glad you are having so much fun with your new little one!!


  8. 4.13.15
    Shauna said:

    Such beautiful pictures! He is adorbs!!! Congratulations! -xx



  9. 4.13.15
    Susan said:

    You look amazing and your baby is precious! I wish I would have had your blog around when I had my daughter! I wore running pants and scrubs for months after she was born( : Susan

  10. 4.13.15

    He’s so precious! These are great tips, I love how motherhood doesn’t mean that women have to look worn and frumpy. There are so many gorgeous moms out there pre and post pregnancy!


  11. 4.13.15

    Wow! I love these tips, and will be stashing them away for when I become a mama!

  12. 4.13.15
    Anna said:

    So in love with you little one! And I love these suggestions for an easy transition. Hope you’re both doing well! XO


  13. 4.13.15
    Denise said:

    What wonderful tips and thanks for sharing! You look amazing by the way and I commend any mother for being to get up, show up, and dress the part! Loving all these photos, he is too adorable!

    Denise | Fashion Love Letters

  14. 4.13.15
    Whitney said:

    These are such great tips!!! Thanks for sharing them, will def take them into account when I have a baby! 😛



  15. 4.13.15
    Monica said:

    I love this post. You have the mommy glow for sure and you look so extremely happy. Congrats!


  16. 4.13.15

    Congratulations – your baby is so precious! Amazing pictures!
    We Shop in Heels

  17. 4.13.15
    Carylee said:

    These are great tips! Even for me as a non-mom. There are definitely days I feel blah and bloated!! Fun shoes always help get me through it!
    Carylee | more pieces of me

  18. 4.14.15
    Ada said:

    I didn’t know you were only 4.11. You look a lot taller. I agree with your tips especially about the easy makeup, pretty everyday flats and a nice and pretty diaper bag. This post couldn’t have sounded any more true. My daughter is still pretty young so even with a toddler, a lot of this is still happening. You and your little guy are both gorgeous. Such precious photos of you two. When was he born, what date?

    Wishing you both my best. <3 Ada.

  19. 4.20.15

    I have to say that first picture of you and your little one is precious. You need to frame that one. ~Cynthia

  20. 5.7.15

    You look great! So does the little babe 🙂

    XO Chloe
    A Latte Lipstick

  21. 11.11.15
    WhatWouldVWear said:

    You look beautiful, and your baby is just the cutest! I love your tips esp the tip about the diaper bag! There are so many fab versions out there and it definitely helps boosting your mood when postpartum gets the best out of you! Sending you a big hug!

    xoxo, Vanessa


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