Oh It’s Olive & Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up

I’m writing on borrowed time. Currently my husband is holding my screaming baby who neeeeedds his momma. Sweet baby has this little thing called separation anxiety, from his momma only, at the moment. So, I’ll catch up with you ladies a little more next week, I have a baby to hold. 🙂

Olive Fall Outfit | Pumps and Push-Ups

Olive Fall Outfit | Pumps and Push-Ups

Olive Fall Outfit | Pumps and Push-Ups

photos taken by my three-year-old

Steal My Look: Skirt | Top | Jacket | Shoes
Now, let’s get linking!

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Pumps and Push-Ups


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Brooke of Pumps and Push-Ups - petite style blogger

Hello, I'm Brooke!

A petite (4'10") gal on the hunt for the best petite clothes. I show you where to shop for petite finds, and how to style them in my weekly style sessions. I don't alter or hem any of the clothing on my blog - what you see is exactly how the items fit me right from the store.

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  1. 10.7.15
    Mica said:

    Love that skirt!

    It can be hard when babies need nothing but cuddles and you’re trying to get stuff done, haha! But there’s nothing like cuddles! 🙂

    Thank you for the link up!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  2. 10.7.15
    Living on Cloud Nine said:

    Cute cute cute!! Cheers to baby cuddles, I miss them!! 😉

  3. 10.7.15
    Monica Siembieda said:

    I love that a three year old took these pictures, how adorable!


  4. 10.7.15
    Marta C said:

    Love the olive jacket with the wine skirt, super cute look!! Babies know how to do that sometimes;)

  5. 10.7.15
    Blaire Bingham said:

    Love this outfit! You may have a screaming baby, but I bet you look super cute holding him!

    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  6. 10.7.15
    Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom said:

    That wine-colored skirt is beautiful, love how you styled it! My daughter used to be the same way! lol!


  7. 10.7.15

    Yes, love the olive and love the jacket. Perfect for fall!

  8. 10.7.15
    Laura said:

    Love that pretty skirt! And those leopard flats are adorable with it! Soak up all that time with your little one! It’s bittersweet when they are out of that stage!

  9. 10.7.15
    ADA said:

    Your three year old did a great job taking the photos and ohh poor baby having separation anxiety. Vivian is almost three and she still has separation anxiety.

    Your skirt is so cute. I love the little pattern mixing with the leopard flats, Brooke. =)

  10. 10.7.15
    Jill said:

    Love the olive jacket and your cute skirt! I miss baby snuggles!

    Doused In Pink

  11. 10.7.15
    Shaunacey said:

    I love that skirt! SO pretty
    I still think your 3 year old is going to be a photographer!
    I hear ya with the baby… sometimes I feel like all I do is hold the baby but then I remember, I’ll miss this someday

  12. 10.7.15

    I love your posts. Always so down to earth. You go snuggle that baby!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  13. 10.7.15
    RedTagChicLA said:

    Awww I miss those days of my kids needing and crying for me! 🙁 Loving your mix of all my fave transition pieces!


  14. 10.7.15

    Lovely outfit, and your three year old did an awesome job too, very cute.

    Please join me for “Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me” link up now LIVE

    Rachel xo

    Garay Treasures

  15. 10.7.15
    Megan said:

    That is such a great jacket! I love the pretty skirt too!

  16. 10.7.15

    I love that your 3 year old is taking your outfit posts! So great. Love that skirt too.

  17. 10.7.15

    🙂 Thanks girl!!

  18. 10.7.15

    Thanks Megan, I wear it a little too much, I love it so much!

  19. 10.7.15

    Thanks Rachel!!

  20. 10.7.15

    I know I’m going to miss it someday, so I’m soaking it in now. 🙂

  21. 10.7.15

    Thanks Amy, I’m currently typing one handed, haha!

  22. 10.7.15

    Thats exactly what I tell myself. Sometimes it’s frustrating when the to-do list is going undone, but these moments with them will go by too quickly, the list can wait!

  23. 10.7.15

    Aw thank you Jill!! I know I’m going to miss it one day too!

  24. 10.7.15

    Aw poor Vivian!! My older had it for a few months in his first year, but now he’s Mr. Independent. But I will say I love being able to cure a crying fit with a hug 🙂

  25. 10.7.15

    It really is! I’m snuggling him as much as I can now, it will be soon that he’s all no mommma and what not.

  26. 10.7.15

    Thanks Cynthia!

  27. 10.7.15

    Thank you Carrie! I know they grow out of it, I’m not loving that I can’t accomplish much most days, but I am loving that I am the one that comforts him 🙂

  28. 10.7.15

    You’re too sweet Blaire!! I try. 🙂

  29. 10.7.15

    Hehe, oh babies!! Thanks Marta!

  30. 10.7.15

    Thanks Monica!! He’s in pre-school now, so the picture taking has slowed down, but he was having so much fun with it!

  31. 10.7.15

    Thanks Andrea! I’m getting all the snuggles I can now!

  32. 10.7.15

    Thats the truth, the cuddles are the best!!!

  33. 10.7.15

    Such a cute skirt and outfit!

  34. 10.7.15

    I love this outfit! I’m always looking for ways (honestly how to justify buying) to use casual pieces in my work wardrobe! This would be perfect

  35. 10.7.15

    looking great in this outfit sweetie!!
    back to sending my love from the sandpit…

  36. 10.7.15
    Happinessatmidlife said:

    Great casual outfit and great job by your 3 year old!



    Hope to see your Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.

  37. 10.7.15
    K. said:

    This is such a cute skirt and I am so loving the jacket as well. Wonderful look. And a baby always wants there momma :).

    Kia / KTS

  38. 10.7.15
    Lana L. said:

    Love these colors together – so pretty! Great pictures by your 3 year old!

  39. 10.7.15
    Jalisa said:

    Loving that jacket combined with the skirt, it adds such a nice and unique contrast! I hope you’re having a wonderful day, beauty!



  40. 10.7.15
    Kirsten Wick said:

    What a great combo, love your skirt with the casual jacket! Kirsten xx


  41. 10.7.15
    Harija Ravi said:

    Great post and interesting!!!!


  42. 10.7.15

    Love the military jacket/florals look!

    xx Yasmin


  43. 10.7.15

    Love the olive and purple mix.


  44. 10.7.15
    WhatWouldVWear said:

    You look stunning, and may I tell you: It gets easier! My son just turned 4 and there are days where I wish he was 9 months again! They grow so fast! Cherish every moment with you baby! Much love!

    Happy Wednesday!

    xoxo, Vanessa


  45. 10.7.15

    You hold that baby! Poor little thing. I love this gorgeous color pairing–olive is one of my favorites right now, and it’s perfect with that pretty plum-colored skirt.

  46. 10.7.15
    Heidi D. said:

    Perfect look for this time of year! I love your cargo jacket.

    Wishes & Reality

  47. 10.7.15

    Perfect look! Great colour pairing

  48. 10.7.15

    Hi there! I’m new to your link up. Thanks for offering all of us one!

    Love, Ann from Kremb de la Kremb

  49. 10.7.15

    Oh my! I just came back and saw “Photos taken by my 3 year old!” Right on. My 12 year old takes mine. Imagine! These shots are great. You’re going to have a famous fashion photographer on your hands!! A x

  50. 10.7.15
    Sarah said:

    another lovely skirt… you rock it 🙂

  51. 10.7.15

    Enjoy every moment with you baby. You look so lovely in this skirt. o)

  52. 10.8.15
    Rumela Dey said:

    Love this look .love how you styled it very chic.
    My blog: RumelaTheShopaholic

  53. 10.8.15
    Irene said:

    love the skirt!

  54. 10.8.15
    Gina Daily said:

    Great outfit! I love the burgundy and olive pairing. And your three year old did an impressive job on the photos!


    On the Daily Express

  55. 10.8.15

    How fun is this linkup! You look so darling like always!

  56. 10.8.15
    Belle melange said:

    Such a lovely outfit!


  57. 10.8.15

    Such the perfect and cute fall look. I love the color of your skirt!


  58. 10.8.15

    Love the jacket over this cute girly outfit! 🙂


  59. 10.9.15

    Adorable parka, great piece for fall!


  60. 10.9.15
    Quinn said:

    Love this adorable fall look! Your baby sounds so sweet 🙂

    xx http://www.qustomquinns.com/blog

  61. 10.9.15
    Stripes n Vibes said:

    Loving this cute skirt, definitely a staple piece for fall!


  62. 10.9.15

    What a fab girly skirt – so cute!


  63. 10.10.15

    Such a fun and effortless look!

    Red Reticule

  64. 10.12.15

    Pretty and fab! <3

    x, Kat of Nested Thoughts

  65. 10.12.15

    Hey there! Thank you so much for coming and linking up to my very first Style Story Link Up!

    Love, Ann from Kremb de la Kremb

  66. 10.12.15

    Pretty outfit, I love it especially your beautiful skirt, thank you for sharing, you look lovely!!!



  67. 10.12.15
  68. 10.12.15
    Valentina Ioana Penescu said:
  69. 10.12.15
    Jen Dang @ Skirt The Rules said:

    The perfect fall outfit!

    xo Jen
    Skirt The Rules

  70. 10.12.15

    🙂 You are sweet, thank you!

  71. 10.12.15

    Thanks Girl!

  72. 10.12.15

    Thank you so much. 🙂

  73. 10.12.15

    Aw thank you!

  74. 10.12.15

    Thanks for hosting!!

  75. 10.12.15

    Thank you!!

  76. 10.12.15

    Thank you pretty lady!

  77. 10.12.15

    Thanks so much Michelle!

  78. 10.12.15

    🙂 Thanks Tanya!

  79. 10.12.15

    Aw thank you Quinn!

  80. 10.12.15

    🙂 Thank you!

  81. 10.12.15

    Thanks girl!

  82. 10.12.15

    Thanks Daphnee, I love the jewel tones of fall!

  83. 10.12.15

    Thanks a bunch!

  84. 10.12.15

    🙂 You are too sweet!

  85. 10.12.15

    Pleasure, ladies! 🙂

    xoxo Ira

  86. 10.12.15

    Thank you Amy! 🙂

  87. 10.12.15

    haha I’m always trying to justify new purchases 🙂

  88. 10.12.15

    Thanks so much!

  89. 10.12.15

    Thank you Alice!

  90. 10.12.15

    They sure do! 🙂

  91. 10.12.15

    Thanks so much Lana!

  92. 10.12.15

    Thanks for coming by Jalisa! 🙂

  93. 10.12.15

    Thank you Kirsten!

  94. 10.12.15

    Thank you!

  95. 10.12.15

    Thanks girl!

  96. 10.12.15

    Thank you!

  97. 10.12.15

    I know exactly what you mean! I have a four year old also, well almost four (next week)! I’m always wondering where the time has gone!

  98. 10.12.15

    I will!! I hold him every chance I get 🙂 Soon he’ll be telling me not to touch him haha

  99. 10.12.15

    Thanks so much Heidi!

  100. 10.12.15

    Thank you!

  101. 10.12.15

    hehe 🙂 Thank you!!

  102. 10.12.15

    I will for sure!! 🙂

  103. 10.12.15

    Thanks so much Rumela!

  104. 10.12.15

    Thanks so much Irene!

  105. 10.12.15

    Thanks Gina! I will tell him you said so 🙂

  106. 10.12.15

    Lol, yep, that’s my son (2 years old)–“I want down mama, want down!” 🙂

  107. 10.12.15

    lovely look! love the jacket <3



  108. 10.12.15

    You look great! And why is your 3 year old so talented! Love.

    xo, c.
    The Block is Haute

  109. 10.13.15

    This look is so lovely! 🙂


  110. 10.13.15

    i love that your 3 year old took your pics!! you look so pretty!

  111. 10.13.15
    Ana Luiza said:

    You ladies always are on point with your looks! Thanks for linking up with us on Start the Week Stylish!
    -Ana Luiza
    The Northwest Blonde

  112. 10.15.15

    This is the cutest skirt! I think you have a budding photographer on your hands!


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