The Reality of Family Christmas Photos & Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up

I LOVE the holidays and every year when they come around, I turn into the full blown stereotype. We take Christmas photos, shop Black Friday, eat way too much for about two months straight and spend lots of time with family. It is the BEST! Before we embark on eating, decorating, shopping and Christmas light gazing; we take annual family pictures. 

Christmas photos DIY with Kids

I used a Pinterest tutorial for these pictures, and was honestly surprised I could pull it off. All it took was a pair of PJs from Target and a string of lights. 

Holiday photos

Holiday photo outfits

Awww, aren’t they sweet?!I mean except for the fact that the best photo of our family is the one where the littlest isn’t even looking.Card worthy for sure. I’ll send these cuties out for my family and friends to soak in the picture perfect quality of my family.  Happy Holidays from our sweet little family. In reality our photos sessions (and 90% of our daily life) goes a little something like this…

The Reality of Family Christmas Photos

DIY christmas photos via pumps and push-ups

Because boys will be boys, if you ask them to “put their arms around each other” it turns into a a death grip hug…resulting in one squished cousin. 

Brooke of Pumps and Push-Ups Family Christmas Photos

Another attempt at “putting arms around each other” resulted in one little brother resisting and one big brother unable to hide his rage behind his faux smile. 

One hand dug into the fake presents. 

Although I had dreams of dressing them up in coordinating cute outfits, my procrastination and a failed trip to Target, left them wearing last year’s plaids (that were supposed to stay tucked in) and tennis shoes. We are a fancy bunch, let me tell you.

Taking family pictures is equivalent to herding cats, but you better believe it’s worth it. You have to capture those memories, even if they’re wild ones! 


Now, let’s…get…linking!!

NEW! I’ve started a collaborative Pinterest board for the Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up. I would love for you to join and share your looks there too! Just send me a message on Pinterest or at if you would like to be added.

Link up any post you would like to show off; your outfit, home decor, recipe, workout. Anything at all! Because, oh, hey girl! I want to see it!

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1. Follow me on Bloglovin or Instagram
2. Link back to my site from your post, you can grab a button if you like!

Pumps and Push-Ups


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Brooke of Pumps and Push-Ups - petite style blogger

Hello, I'm Brooke!

A petite (4'10") gal on the hunt for the best petite clothes. I show you where to shop for petite finds, and how to style them in my weekly style sessions. I don't alter or hem any of the clothing on my blog - what you see is exactly how the items fit me right from the store.

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  1. 11.15.17

    Haha so true! The photos still turned out great!

  2. 11.15.17

    Aww! I love this post! What great photos, and honestly, the crazy ones are just as great as the well-posed ones! Plus, your boys are too cute. You did a great job with the pj photos! Man…I can’t wait for the holidays! I’m with you, full-blown stereotype Christmas person and I’m totally ok with that because you know what, there are a lot of things in life that are depressing but pretty lights, cheerful music, family and good will are all things that make me happy! I’m going to embrace them!

    More to Mrs. E

  3. 11.15.17
    Rachelle said:

    The pictures came out so nice, love the silly ones too. You have a beautiful family.


  4. 11.15.17
    Biana Perez said:

    I think the funny ones are so worth it to put on the back or something – just too funny and a great memory! xo,Biana –BlovedBoston

  5. 11.15.17
    Living on Cloud Nine said:

    What a gorgeous family, I adore the plaid!!! Oh do I ever remember trying to get teh 5 of us to pose with antsy boys backk in teh day!! One day friend, it won’t be so hard but they will ALWAYS be beautiful wiht your sweet smiles!!

  6. 11.15.17

    The fun photos are the ones you’ll love the most as they get older! So cute!!

  7. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    I agree, the outtakes are just as great! They had me laughing. I love all of the happiness and togetherness of the holidays, it’s the best!

  8. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Thank you Amy!

  9. 11.15.17
    Marta C said:

    These are beautiful family pics and love the natural “reality” shots! Thanks for hosting Brooke:)

  10. 11.15.17

    I love these so much! Such natural and real photos. Ya’ll are such a cute little family! I think they turned out great πŸ™‚

    Katherine |

  11. 11.15.17
    Kelsey B. said:

    These came out so cute!!!

  12. 11.15.17
    Mica said:

    Oh these are cute photos! πŸ™‚

    Our usual photo go-to for some reason decided to do just 2 hours worth of photos this year, so when we called up they were booked out. We ended up going with the only other choice available at late notice and we didn’t get to pick the photo – you only get one and they pick it, so I’m hoping that when it arrives in 2 weeks (why it takes that long I don’t know!) that it’s a good one, haha! So hard to get a good Santa photo that includes our dog too – I’ll need to be quicker next year to book in with our original company!

    Thank you for the link up!

    Hope you are having a lovely week so far πŸ™‚

    Away From The Blue Blog

  13. 11.15.17

    But even though there is the craziness—that’s what makes it so special! Just think how boring it would be if everyone stood correctly and did what they were told…ha ha!

  14. 11.15.17

    So many sweet photos! you have such a precious family! Your hair looks AMAZING in these pictures!

    Rosy Outlook

  15. 11.15.17
    Carrie said:

    You have the most beautiful family. Thank you for sharing them today!

  16. 11.15.17
    Pamela said:

    Haha I don’t even have kids and my holiday photos turn out rather similar πŸ˜‰ You have such a gorgeous family girl! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  17. 11.15.17

    Oh family photos! Your Pinterest ones turned out so well!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  18. 11.15.17
    Daenel T said:

    Sooooo adorable and funny. You did a great job capturing your family and the random silliness {trust me, they’ll look back and laugh and you’ll be happy you have those photos}.

  19. 11.15.17

    YES. This is my life, and I love seeing pictures like these just as much–actually, more–than the Pinterest-perfect ones. That first one though is PERFECT! How adorable are your little guys?! πŸ™‚ I don’t even try to do holiday photos–I just use some good ones from earlier in the year for our Christmas card. How’s that for lazy? πŸ™‚

  20. 11.15.17

    haha! Such a fun post! Well, I find Christmas Photos frustrating no matter how old everyone is. We are all adults in our family and we still can’t take a decent photo. Someone is always blinking, or doesn’t have a good expression, whatever. I actually gave up on the photo years ago and I do just do a Christmas Card Photo Collage. I pick one good photo of everyone or every couple and put that on the Christmas card.

  21. 11.15.17

    Brooke, this photos are the best! Reality is where it’s at, I tell you. Way cute!


  22. 11.15.17

    Your photos are the bomb….love,love, love them!

  23. 11.15.17

    Your children are darling and you all look fabulous for the season!

  24. 11.15.17
    jess said:

    Wow those photos you took with the lights behind the kids turned out great! The family pics are great too, the kids are so cute and funny, that is real life. i love taking holiday photos too.
    jess xx

  25. 11.15.17
    Lisa Richardson said:

    Such a precious little family, Brooke. You are just as tiny as your husband is big. Love it. Getting the “perfect” Christmas card pic is such a stress. I’m hoping to get one while the kids are here next week. Love your cute skirt!!!

  26. 11.15.17

    OMG these pics are so cute! Yall are too adorable and those a the boys looked like they had so much fun!

    Brittany πŸ™‚

  27. 11.15.17
    Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom said:

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pic of your husband before! You are such a beautiful family. I also love those first photos of the boys in the red PJ’s and the simple string of lights. Wow! Looks amazing!


  28. 11.15.17
    Christine Besen said:

    Love your holiday family photos! You’ve inspired me to share ours on the blog too!

  29. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Do it! I would love to see them!

  30. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Haha I love it! I even like the silly ones more!

  31. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Aw thank you Carrie! I wasn’t so surprised I half way pulled it off!

  32. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    They totally did! I was going crazy haha! But the aftermath is hilarious!

  33. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Thank you Lisa! I’m hoping his tallness rubbed off on our boys! That Christmas card photo is tough to get! Haha!

  34. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Thank you Jess!

  35. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Thank you Valerie!!

  36. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Thank you Rosemary!

  37. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Haha reality is the best! Thank you Shelbee!

  38. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    That’s a great idea Amy! I totally agree, it’s hard to get a good one!

  39. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    I think that’s an awesome idea and one I need to take advantage of next year! Haha!

  40. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Thank you Daenel! I think they’ll be fun to look back on too. πŸ™‚

  41. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Thanks Amy!

  42. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Haha! That makes me feel better! Thank you Pamela!

  43. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Thank you so much Carrie! πŸ™‚

  44. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Thank you Kelly! That’s so sweet!

  45. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    You’re so right! You have a lot of wisdom Jodie!

  46. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Aw I bet it’s going to be great!!

  47. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Thank you kelsey!

  48. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Thank you Katherine!

  49. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Thank you Marta!

  50. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Thank you Jaymie! I’m going to keep them forever!

  51. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    And one day they’re all going to be huge and I’ll be all small haha!! Then I’ll cherish these photos! Thank you Andrea!

  52. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Great idea! I’m going to do it!

  53. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Thank you Rachelle!

  54. 11.15.17

    Lovely Pictures..Cute kids.

  55. 11.15.17

    Basically SOML when it comes to family photos ….LOL I always fail so dont feel bad. I think this was the first year I may have gotten decent ones!

  56. 11.15.17

    Oh this is so funny! This is exactly how ours goes! I usually try and do them when we go to the Christmas tree farm so they have perma smiles on their faces! Haha!

  57. 11.15.17

    Your boys are adorable, and I love these photos! The ones on the bed came out so good too! I have the hardest time getting my boys to look at the camera at the same time, so I usually end up skipping holiday photos, ha!

  58. 11.15.17

    Haha!! Call it wisdom or call it old age!! But I do wish I had enjoyed the experiences more no matter if they went the way I had planned or not in the past!!

  59. 11.15.17
    Carly said:

    Your family photos are beautiful, but honestly I think I like the candid ones best. I’m so glad you shared those! The boys’ personalities really come out in those

    Carly at A Modern Mom Blog

  60. 11.15.17
    Laura said:

    Family photos can be so hard! You’ve got about 10 minutes to get one or two good ones and then good luck to you! I often bribe with candy! Haha!

  61. 11.15.17
    shootingstarsmag said:

    Aw, you got some good photos though! I can’t imagine trying to wrangle my two nieces and nephew into a worthy photo for the holidays. haha


  62. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Haha I’m a fan of bribery!

  63. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Thank you Carly! They’re my favorite too! πŸ˜€

  64. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    I didn’t think I would be able to get them to look, it was a miracle! Lol

  65. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Those are so cute too! Can’t beat Christmas tree pics!

  66. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Haha! I’m glad I’m not alone!

  67. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:


  68. 11.15.17
    Brooke said:

    Haha it’s comical for sure!

  69. 11.15.17
    Maryam said:

    You have a beautiful family! and your boys are seriously so cute.

    xx, Maryam

  70. 11.16.17
    Lana L. said:

    As a mom of two boys, I can totally relate! Even at 22 and 20, I still get complaints from them when it’s time for family photos. Loved this post – your family is adorable!

  71. 11.16.17

    Omg these are too precious!!

  72. 11.16.17
    Blaire Bingham said:

    Awww, your photos turned out so cute this year! What a beautiful family.
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  73. 11.16.17

    I am totally with you, I am a big holiday nerd. I love all aspects of the holidays. These photos are great! The best part is that they really capture how the boys are at this age, perfect!

    xx, Elise

  74. 11.16.17

    Haha, I love seeing both the reality and final versions of the fam photos- your family is beautiful, girlfriend!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  75. 11.16.17
    Claudia Senger said:

    hahaha great! really soo adorable that you caption the REAL experiences here πŸ™‚ love it! but that’s the “ugly” truth. greetings from my vacation at the hotel eppan

  76. 11.16.17

    This is too funny! Pretty much all of my Pinterest projects coming to reality is this right here! Your boys are too precious, and you’ve just reminded me how far behind I am on the Christmas card photos this year. I haven’t even gotten an outfit for Serena yet πŸ˜›

    Green Fashionista

  77. 11.16.17
    Kim said:

    Your children look like angels! Even when their shirts are untucked hehe.


  78. 11.16.17
    C A M I said:

    Your family is so adorable, I am glad you love the holidays!

    My Vogue Style |

  79. 11.16.17
    Mariann Yip said:

    Your family is so adorable! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season this year!

  80. 11.17.17

    Love this! The outtakes are too funny. As a mom of two sons I totally get it. Sometimes I still feel they are the same even though they are now grown! The pj photos are adorable.

  81. 11.17.17
    Sheree Ho said:

    These family photos are so cute! I especially love the one where your sons are being goofy lol! I’m sure it is always an adventure to try and get them to be serious for photos.
    Thank you for linking up this week!

    ~xo Sheree

  82. 11.17.17
    Donna Holder said:

    i love all the pics!!!!!

  83. 11.17.17
    Courtney Hardy said:

    These pictures are so cute! Christmas photos are always silly because it’s hard to pose normal for Christmas photos.

  84. 11.17.17

    Who’s not excited for black Friday? Everybody is! Massive sale and sometimes there are even limited stuff to offer. I am extremely excited for up coming holidays.

    StyleSprinter Blog by Katya Bychkova

  85. 11.18.17

    Beautiful photos! The outtakes are so funny – I have difficulty getting one child to play ball!

    Emma xxx

  86. 11.18.17
    Jacqueline Rendine said:

    These picture are so cute!
    Stylin In St. Louis

  87. 11.19.17

    Omg these pictures turned out so cute and beautiful!

  88. 11.21.17
    Jessica said:

    Your photos are really lovely dear! Great job!

    Jessica |

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