What’s In My Home Gym & Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up

If you’re anything like me, you don’t have a gym membership or an endless amount of money to build a fancy home gym. But, don’t let that stop you from getting in a great workout, right at home! Here’s a list of what I use at home to get a killer workout day after day.

Build A Home Gym

{Mat | Capris – c/o fabletics | Dress – c/o fabletics}

You can get a great workout with your body weight alone, there are many days that I do that myself, but when you’re ready to add a little resistance to your routine I recommend adding a few of these to your home gym:

Dumbbells are easy to tuck away and since you can get a full workout with just 1-2 sets, they are affordable! I use my dumbbells the most because they’re so versatile. The weight you choose will be dependent on your level of fitness, but I recommend having 2-3 different pairs. You’ll want to use the lightest pair for some of your smaller muscle groups, like your shoulders, then move up to your next weight for some of your stronger upper body muscle groups, like back and biceps and then finally a heavier pair that you will use for your lower body exercises. I personally use 12 lb, 20 lb and 25 lb dumbbells in my home gym. If you’re looking to make an investment, you can grab a weight that can be adjusted so you’ll be set as you move through different muscle groups and as you become stronger. If you can only afford one set of weights, to start out I recommend grabbing a weight that you can easily use for your upper body routines. If you use the same weight for your lower body routine, you can just increase your repetitions to fatigue the muscles.

Resistance Bands
Resistance bands are super affordable, great for any level of fitness and can be used for so many exercises. I also love that resistance bands are travel friendly, so you can take them on vacation!

Stability Ball
Stability balls are great for toning, cardio and stretching, so you’ll get a lot of bang for your buck! A stability ball takes standard exercises, like push-ups, bicep curls, etc. up a notch by adding the element of balance and a greater challenge to your core! I love using my stability ball to work multiple muscles at the same time.

Odds & Ends

If you’re really on a budget, don’t discount items you already have lying around the house! Paper plates and napkins paired with a slick surface can make for a great sliding workout that challenges your balance and increases your range of motion. You can also use household items like canned goods and gallon jugs as weights! Also, take a peek in your kid’s toy boxes; you can steal their jump rope or hula hoop for a fun workout. Also, you can get a killer workout with a set of stairs!

I’ve linked to online sites for great deals on equipment, but if you’re out and about, I recommend stopping in T.J.Maxx, Marshalls, Wal-Mart and 5 and Below for more awesome deals!

How do you workout at home? You can find all of our at-home workouts here!

– Brooke

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A petite (4'10") gal on the hunt for the best petite clothes. I show you where to shop for petite finds, and how to style them in my weekly style sessions. I don't alter or hem any of the clothing on my blog - what you see is exactly how the items fit me right from the store.

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  1. 7.27.16
    Mica said:

    Good tips! Staying fit doesn’t have to be expensive.

    Thank you for the link up!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  2. 7.27.16
    Biana Perez said:

    Buying dumbbells was a great thing, I have two sets the 3 pounders for more repetitive work and 10 lbs ones as well!! xo, Biana

  3. 7.27.16
    RedTagChicLA said:

    Thanks for the fitspiration – I also do keep a set of dumbbells at home!

    I can’t wait for you to see what I’m wearing this week at the blog – come check it out and lemme know what you think!

    Happy Wednesday!


  4. 7.27.16
    Blaire Bingham said:

    This is such a great list. I have been wanting some dumbells for a while and just never pulled the trigger. With the kids going back to school I think now is a good time.

    xo, Whitney and Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

  5. 7.27.16

    It’s amazing what having these things allows you to do. You two always motivate me!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  6. 7.27.16
    Jodie Filogomo said:

    This is so, so true!! Sometimes you can even find dumbbells at the thrift store. And the internet can provide great ways to use them!!

  7. 7.27.16

    I used to be good about working out at home but have gotten out of the habit. I like the idea of having a few things that I can pull out for a quick workout, and this is a great list. I need to get some resistance bands!

  8. 7.27.16
    Happinessatmidlife said:

    I go to Crossfit but when I take my son to soccer, I will bring my jumprope with me and do some exercise when I am there. It doesn’t take much to stay active, the main thing is motivation.

    Love your workout pants.

    Thank you for hosting and hope you are having a fab week!



    Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.

  9. 7.27.16

    Holy cow girl, you are super woman! I don’t think I could do anything with a 25 pound weight! πŸ™‚ My 2 year old weighs that…does that count? hehe…I’m currently doing the 21 day fix and really liking all of the different workouts.

  10. 7.27.16

    I’m that same way and work out from home everyday, and all I have are a few dumbbells, resistance bands and a yoga mat. I’m also more toned now than my gym and barre days!

  11. 7.27.16

    There is a walking trail behind my office, so I enjoy walking at lunch (when it’s not a billion degrees out). I am trying to get back on track with going to my gym, but am still being slack. Otherwise, I Love doing kettle bell workouts at home, as very little equipment is required and they don’t require a ton of time.

  12. 7.27.16

    I appreciate the tips on how to workout on a low budget and the places you listed to buy equipment as I often forget about 5 and Below and TJ Maxx but they definitely have good deals. Great list!
    Rachel xo

  13. 7.27.16
    Sheree said:

    25 pounds oh my….my child is 31 does she count? πŸ˜€ I can only work out at home now too, with a few weekend run squeezed in while my husband watches the kids and I feel better than going to the gym. Thanks for hosting girls and would love for you to stop by my Wednesday Inspo linkup.

    xo Sheree
    IG: @poshclassymom

  14. 7.27.16
    Laura said:

    Great ideas! You don’t need a ton of items to have what you need to work out at home! love the idea of the paper plates!

  15. 7.27.16

    Great post! There are so many things that can be done at home or even on the go with little to no equipment. I’m so obsessed with leggings, these you have here are so hot!


  16. 7.27.16
    Lauren said:

    Those capris are so adorable! Love them!

    xo Lauren

  17. 7.28.16

    Thanks girl! They’re so fun and summery!

  18. 7.28.16

    So true!!

  19. 7.28.16

    Paper plate workouts are some of my favorites! My boys love to join in on those. πŸ™‚

  20. 7.28.16

    She totally counts! I use my kids all the time as weights lol.

  21. 7.28.16

    You’re welcome!! I love TJ Maxx!

  22. 7.28.16

    Kettle bells are so fun!! This heat has really put a damper on my getting outdoors too, it’s just so darn hot!!

  23. 7.28.16

    Woo!!! That’s awesome!

  24. 7.28.16

    I’ve heard a lot of great things about the 21 day fix! I love Beachbody programs. πŸ™‚ Your 2 year old totally counts! I think I have lifting my kids up and down all the time to credit for the fact that I can lift those weights, haha!

  25. 7.28.16

    Such a great idea! Crossfit is such a great workout!

  26. 7.28.16

    Resistance bands are the best, if you have any equipment at all I would recommend those!

  27. 7.28.16

    I didn’t even think about that! Great idea Jodie.

  28. 7.28.16

    We try! πŸ˜€

  29. 7.28.16

    Do itttttt! πŸ˜‰

  30. 7.28.16

    Thats awesome!! Coming to check it out now!

  31. 7.28.16

    Thats awesome!

  32. 7.28.16

    So true!

  33. 7.28.16
    Aditi Oberoi Malhotra said:

    Great tips!! This is definitely more affordable and convenient than a gym membership!

    Adi xx

  34. 7.28.16
    Hannah | Daily Opulence said:

    Love it! Working out at home is my favorite. It’s much more comfortable and there’s so much you can do at home!

    Shop & Get Inspired | http://www.dailyopulence.com

  35. 7.29.16
    Brittany said:

    Perfect items for a home gym!


  36. 7.30.16
    Betsy Todd said:

    Home gym, so cool. Love these items


  37. 8.2.16
    Dana Ivy said:

    I have all these things in my house but now I need to use them! Ha! Great post, girls!

    Xox Dana Ivy // http://www.iadorewhatilove.com

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