Christmas Sweater & Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up

The Christmas Sweater, memory provoking and one of the best holiday traditions; for us at least. Every year we have a tacky/holiday sweater party to kickoff the holiday season. In honor of our party being this past weekend, we are dedicating this post to Christmas memories, holiday sweaters and celebrating together.

Erica’s Christmas Flashback

When I saw this old Christmas picture the first thing that came into my mind what how much I miss being a kid.  I remember the excitement of waking up on Christmas morning to a display of presents that had been delivered by “Santa” while I was fast asleep.  I vividly recall one Christmas coming down to find the plate of cookies that I had left for Santa and carrot left for Rudolph had been partially eaten and I was so thrilled – it was all so real.  I remember lying in bed wide awake every Christmas Eve as I eagerly awaited Santa’s visit.  To this day I still hold dear the Christmas traditions from childhood.  Decorating the tree, making cookies, and watching classic Christmas movies with my mom every year keeps the magic of Christmas alive and helps me to feel a little bit of that same wonder that I felt when I was a child.  

Brooke’s Christmas Flashback

I was the second child, so when faced with the task of finding a memory provoking holiday photo, finding one of me solo just wasn’t happening. Of course, there were many of my older brother cheesing in front of the tree with his new Christmas treasures, but once I came along, he was forced to always pose with the little sister. I joked with my parents that they must not have loved me as much since there were less pictures of me, but really the truth is, all of my Christmas memories include him, so a picture together was the best fit. I remember spending every Christmas eve in our rooms watching movies so Santa could come and deliver presents unseen. We were both so excited we could hardly sleep of course. When morning came, we woke up extra early and ran to our parents room to wake them up; sometimes opening our stockings before they got up because the wait was just too unbearable. We opened gifts avoiding pictures and spent the rest of the day playing with our new treasures and visiting with family. Every holiday was the same until we reached our teens and he enlisted in the Marine Corps. There were a couple Christmases spent without him, but luckily for our family, there were only a few that we had to spend apart. Now that were all grown up we don’t tear into our stockings in the wee morning hours of Christmas together, but for the most part, the day is still spent together, as it always should be.

Let the Celebration Begin

Our celebrations started out separately, but thanks to one big brother, we have become family turned friends and have been making holiday memories together for the last five years. More memories were made this weekend at our annual holiday party, where we donned cute sweaters courtesy of Boohoo, laughed with friends and snuck in a few puppy dog kisses along the way.

A tacky Christmas Sweater party, sweaters via Boohoo blogtacky2blogtacky1

Shop this post: On BrookeSweater c/o Boohoo | Shoes | Jeans | Shirt | Bow On EricaSweater c/o Boohoo
Now for the link-up. We are so excited to have Katie of Hot Tea and the Empty Seat co-hosting the Oh, Hey Girl link-up with us this week!


Our link-up feature this week is Jenna of Sincerely Jenna Marie in her cutie pie cardigan! We love this outfit for many reasons, the biggest being her cozy and adorable cardigan, but the doggie may have won her some extra brownie points!

Thanks for linking up ladies, we can’t wait to see your outfits this week.
We are currently looking for co-hosts for the Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up. Drop us an email at [email protected] and let us know if you’re interested, we would love to have you!
Link-Up ‘Rules’

1. Follow our blog on Bloglovin
2. Link back to our site from your post, you can grab our button if you like!

Pumps and Push-Ups

Linked With: Why I Do DeClaire | Celebrate Southern | WIWW | Shopping My Closet | Because Shanna Said So | The Mummy Chronicles | Style Elixir | Tucker Up | The Pleated Poppy | Get Your Pretty On | More Pieces of Me | Lisa A La Mode | Pampers and Pearls | Feel Great Fashion | Who’s Wearing What |Personal Style Monday | Let it Shine |Induffinitely Me | Myriad Musings | What I Wore

Brooke of Pumps and Push-Ups - petite style blogger

Hello, I'm Brooke!

A petite (4'10") gal on the hunt for the best petite clothes. I show you where to shop for petite finds, and how to style them in my weekly style sessions. I don't alter or hem any of the clothing on my blog - what you see is exactly how the items fit me right from the store.

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  1. 12.10.14

    You girls are too cute! Love those flashback pictures, and those tacky sweaters are adorable. thanks for hosting the link up!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  2. 12.10.14
    Marta said:

    Love this post and you two are both so adorable in your Christmas sweaters!

  3. 12.10.14
    Jill said:

    Tacky Christmas sweater party’s are so fun and the perfect way to kick off the holiday season! So fun to see your childhood photos and the last one with the dogs is adorable!


  4. 12.10.14
    Monica said:

    You two both look so adorable!!! I love the reenactment photo and then the baby bump photo is just too precious. Christmas is so close!!!

  5. 12.10.14

    Cute sweaters ladies 🙂

  6. 12.10.14
    Laura said:

    Om my goodness I love those sweaters on you both! They are so cute and festive!

  7. 12.10.14

    Love the flashback pics and the picture of you two together is sweet, especially with the cute sweaters. Have a great rest of the week! ~Cynthia |

  8. 12.10.14
    Amy Ann said:

    I love this! You all are too cute!

    Amy Ann
    The Real Arnolds

  9. 12.10.14
    Audrey said:

    This is the sweetest post! I’m only child so my memories include a lot of my cousins, and they’re all moved away. It’s nice to remember all of our traditions. Thanks for sharing!


  10. 12.10.14

    This post is so adorable! The flashback pictures are really cute!

  11. 12.10.14
    Christie said:

    Aw, you ladies look so cute in your “ugly” sweaters!! And I love Jenna Marie’s look!! So cute! Thanks for introducing us to her! I’ll have to check out her site.

    The Closet by Christie

  12. 12.10.14

    What a cute post! I love it! It sounds like y’all are in the holiday spirit! Thanks for hosting the link up! xoxo

  13. 12.10.14

    These flashbacks are too fun!!


    Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.

  14. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Alice, Thanks doll – so glad you like them! 🙂

  15. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    J, Thank you – we definitely are! 🙂 Thanks for linking up today!

  16. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Thank you Whitney and Blaire for your sweet words and for linking up! 🙂

  17. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Thank you Marta!

  18. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Jill, Thank you! Totally agree with you that tacky sweaters are perfect for kicking off the season! These are more cute than tacky, which I love. 🙂

  19. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Monica, Thanks girlie!! I know, we are counting the days!! Only two weeks left to go!!

  20. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Thank you Allison!

  21. 12.10.14

    It’s always awesome to look back at pictures of Christmas past – thanks for sharing! Wishing you the best of the holidays too!!


  22. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Thank you Laura! 🙂

  23. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Thank you Cynthia! You too!!

  24. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Amy Ann, Thank you so much! 🙂

  25. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Audrey, I am an only child too!! So glad to hear you liked today’s post. 🙂

  26. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Tatiana, thank you!! 🙂

  27. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Christie, Thank you!! Jenna Marie is super cute – you should totally check out her blog!!

  28. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Rebecca, Thank you – we hope you have a wonderful holiday season too! 🙂

  29. 12.10.14
    Joanna said:

    Erica & Brooke- you are both just so beautiful! I loved reading about your holiday memories. Christmas as a child is so magical and as an adult, I’ve just become so much more grateful and appreciative to share the day with my loved ones. This is such an adorable post. Thank you for sharing!! xx

  30. 12.10.14

    Love the stories from when you were little! Y’all are so cute! And those are perfect Christmas sweaters.

    <3 Daisy
    Simplicity Relished

  31. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Joanna, you are so sweet – thank you for your kind words. 🙂

  32. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Daisy, Thank you! It’s always fun to take a trip down memory lane. 🙂

  33. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Such a sweet post! 🙂


  34. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Thank you Erica!!

  35. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Thank you very much Floortje! 🙂

  36. 12.10.14
    Megan said:

    Those Christmas flashback pictures are so cute! I love that plaid poncho too!

  37. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Thank you Megan 🙂

  38. 12.10.14

    I love this post! The personal touch of the Christmas pics from your childhood is wonderful!

  39. 12.10.14
    Erica said:

    Thank you Daphnee!! 🙂

  40. 12.10.14

    Omg I’m just loving these outfits and flashback photos. Way to cute.

    –Me and My Mini Me

  41. 12.11.14
    Ashley said:

    I’m loving these cute throwback Christmas photos! 🙂

    Le Stylo Rouge

  42. 12.11.14
    melisa said:

    You girls are so cute in that amazing sweaters. Have a great day. Mel

  43. 12.11.14
    Stephanie said:

    You two could not be any cuter! Love the old photos and the sweaters!

  44. 12.11.14

    Wow! I love seeing a post like this. Look how time flew so fast. You were just a kid right there beside the Christmas tree and now you’re all grown up. As well as the little cutie beside her brother. Ahhh, this post is too cute. Good thing you’re still having the Christmas party tradition with the whole family! 🙂 Advance Merry Christmas to both of you! 🙂

    can’t wait to see more of your upcoming posts. Have a great day! 🙂


  45. 12.15.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Gosh I know it Shaira, time just flies!! Merry Christmas to you too!

  46. 12.15.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thanks a bunch Stephanie! Nothing better than a good ol Christmas sweater 🙂

  47. 12.15.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thanks so much Mel! We hope you have a fabulous day too!

  48. 12.15.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    We had a lot of fun pulling them out Ashley, it’s always fun to take a trip down memory lane 🙂

  49. 12.15.14
    Amber Duffey said:

    These are beautiful pictures!!! The sweaters are fabulous and I am loving the “Eat, Drink & Be Tacky” Sign! Perfect!!!

    Thanks so much for linking up with Tremendous Tuesday! I hope you all can stop by again tomorrow!! Is your linkup every week? I would love to stop and linkup!!!

    Hugs! Amber

  50. 12.16.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thank you Amber, we will definitely be linking up! We do our link-up every Wednesday, come link-up tomorrow!

  51. 12.16.14

    I can’t believe this is the first time I am reading your blog! I love it!! I actually think you look adorable and the Christmas sweaters are just so fun!! I am so excited to see more of your style! Susan

  52. 12.16.14
    pumpsandpushups said:

    Thank you so much Susan and so excited you found our blog!!

  53. 12.22.14
    Marianne said:

    I just love those sweaters! You both look great! Love your old photos! Thanks for sharing!

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