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I believe in living a life of balance. I love to workout, and love a healthy lifestyle – and I also love to eat all the ice cream, and queso dip…and sometimes salad. The balance is key for me. While I do wish daily ice cream was realistic, you can’t eat traditional ice cream every day, especially the entire pint and not expect to expand a little. Unless, of course, that ice cream is N!CK’S Swedish-style Light Ice Cream.

N!CK’S Premium Light Ice Cream
N!CK’S Swedish-style Light Ice Cream is the better-for-you ice cream that is low in calories, but not light on taste. Each pint comes in around 250-300 calories, so you could eat the entire thing and not be overcome with those “yikes, did I just do that” thoughts. According to N!CK’S, the Swedish way of eating is known for being clean, healthy, organic, sustainable and innovative. Which is why their style of ice cream is rich and creamy, without the sugar and extra calories. It’s so good!

Putting N!ck’s Swedish-style Light Ice Cream To The Test
N!CK’S Swedish-style Light Ice Cream is another new product on the market that I was one of the first to taste! I tried Chocolate, Caramel Cappuccino, Cookie Dough, and Chocolate Swirl.

First, the texture. Texture is important to me if you’ve ever tried the light version of just about anything – it can sometimes seem just a little bit different and can really ruin the whole thing for me. N!CK’S Swedish-style Light Ice Cream is magic! Their ice cream includes a powerful ingredient that prevents the body from absorbing the fat that is used in the product. So, you get the creamy feel you’re used to, without the calories. After my first try, I can say that this light ice cream is truly rich and creamy. It is soft and easy to spoon out of the container as well. I also don’t think it strays from the texture of the traditional ice cream I’m used to. When it comes to the creamy factor N!CK’S Swedish-style Light Ice Cream is a winner.

Calorie Content
Each pint I tried came in under 300 calories and they have no added sugars. N!CK’S uses natural sweeteners that I prefer and use at home, like Stevia! Since these pints are so low in calories, I may or may not hide in the kitchen and eat the whole pint so I don’t have to share. Especially not with this cat- no matter how hard he tries.

I made you wait for the most important part till last – the taste! Of the three flavors I tried, they were all delicious, but I truly enjoyed the Chocolate and Caramel Cappuccino. They were both so good and totally hit the spot, and satisfied my sweet cravings. I’m looking forward to trying more of the flavors N!CK’S Swedish-style Light Ice Cream offers, like Salted Caramel.

So, if you ask me whether or not you should try N!CK’S, my answer would be, jaaaassss (that’s Swedish for yaaaaaass)! Go ahead and indulge.
Take $1 off your purchase of N!CK’S Swedish-style Ice Cream with a coupon here.