This post is sponsored by Skin Resource.MD, all opinions are my own.
I’m only on the brink of 32 but I have a feeling my 30’s are going to be a good decade. In my 20’s I was ultra-obsessed with what people thought about me, and spent a lot of time comparing myself to other people. I thought my nose was too big, my forehead was too wrinkly, my thighs were too big and countless other little things I nit-picked about myself. I used to stand a certain way in my photos, never turned my head too far to the side or my big ol’ nose would show, and I used to, I’ll admit, soften my crows feet in photos.

I saw things about myself, that really no one else saw, I realize that now. In my 30’s it’s much more, what you see is what you get. Yeah, my nose isn’t the smallest, but it’s mine. Wrinkles are inevitable, and there can be a lot of beauty in aging, it’s signs that you’re still here, living life and apparently, in my case, laughing and squinching my eyes and nose a lot.
My 20 something-year-old self had dull skin that I didn’t take care of, I didn’t take notice of it until the wrinkles started to pop up in my late 20’s. Then I started to care. I thought at the time that my skin was just aging, and I better start to take care of it or it would just get worse. Turns out, after I started to take care of it – my skin actually looks better now, than it did a couple of years ago. I may have a few more wrinkles, but my skin is more even, bright and well nourished. And just like accepting and loving who I am and what I look like in my 30’s, I’ve learned to accept my natural beauty, wrinkles and all.
Why Your 30’s Is The Best Time To Start Taking Care of Your Skin
So, why are your 30’s the best time to start taking care of your skin? Because, if you’re like me, I hope your 30’s (or maybe even your 40’s, 50’s) are a season of learning to love yourself. Not hate your aging skin, and want to just cover it up, but love it, nourish it and watch it glow! Here’s the products I use for brighter, more even and glowing skin:
Brighter Skin

Glycolic Acid and AHA Serum
I’ve experimented with all sorts of skincare, but I’ve been using Skin Resource.MD products the most for the last year. So I attribute a lot of how my skin looks to those products. When it comes to brighter skin, I saw instant results after I started using their Age-Limit Advanced Refinishing Serum. The glycolic acid and AHA blend in this serum exfoliates, nourishes and brightens skin. It remains one of my favorite products to use a couple times a week.
I’ve written about exfoliating and this serum on the blog here, and here.
Improve Dark Spots and Fine Lines

Total Antioxidant Serum
When it comes to even skin, with less wrinkles and dark spots, I think the Total Antioxidant Serum does it for me. I use this serum on my face, and the Eye Perfection Therapy on my eyes. This serum has retinol which is wonderful for reducing wrinkles! I wrote specifically about retinol on the blog here.

Glowing Skin
Glowing skin, is hydrated skin! If I start to skimp on my hydration routine, it shows. Including not drinking enough water, hydration is inside and outside.

Visibly Moist Toner & Hyaluronic Serum
In addition to Cerave lotion on my face, I use Visibly Moist Toner after I cleanse, and Hyaluronic Moisture Boost Serum after moisturizing to lock in moisture! Remember that using a toner after you cleanse, moisturizes and prepares the skin for your serums!
Love Your Skin
No matter your age, I hope you embrace your natural beauty. Don’t cover it up, airbrush it or try to hide it, just show it a little love and glow girl!
Now, let’s get linking!