New Year’s Resolutions: Read More

New Year's Resolutions: Read More Books

Once upon a time, I made a New Year’s Resolution to read more! I’ve always had a love for reading, but I let my love take the back burner. Last year, I made it a point to take a little time to read every night, mostly stories that helped me relax and clear my mind, but also non-fiction books that taught me a thing a two. Here are a few of my favorites to inspire you to read a little more in 2016:

Best Books of 2015 | Read More 2016

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty. Liane Moriarty is the best! I’m going to share a couple of her books on this list, but I recommend all of her books! Big Little Lies tells the story of a group of grade school parents, that witnessed the death of one of their own during a party. The story is told from the point of view of many characters, that gives you insight into the mind of each parent and what they saw happen that night and the weeks leading up to the big event. This book is funny and like all of Liane’s books, has a great lesson weaved in between.

Best Books of 2015 | Read More 2016

The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty. This story is told from the point of view of a Tupperware selling trophy wife, a single mom and the mom who lost her daughter years ago. Tragedy has happened and someone has a secret. You won’t be able to guess! I loved how relatable every character was in this story, I found something in common with each woman and could hardly put this story down.

Best Books of 2015 | Read More 2016

Euphoria by Lilly King. This story follows three Anthropologists in the 1930s as they study the culture of tribes along the Sepik River. Through their studies, a love triangle develops and mysteries ensue. This story was fun to read and even though it was fictional, I felt like I learned something. This book was a top ten for 2014, so I was a little late to pick it up. But if you too haven’t read it yet. I highly recommend it.

Best Books of 2015 | Read More 2016

The Sell by Frederick Eklund and Bruce Littlefield. If you watch Million Dollar Listing New York you are familiar with Frederick. He is a hilarious, high kicking, real estate mogul. This book isn’t about being a sales person, rather it’s a book about owning who you are and making the ultimate sell in every aspect of your life. I thought Frederick was funny, easy to read and had a lot of great tips for anyone in different stages in their life.

Best Books of 2015 | Read More 2016

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. You will never guess how this book ends. It seems like a sweet story about a summer shared between friends and family on their own island, but it has a twist. I read this book in one day! Pick it up for an easy read.

Best Books of 2015 | Read More 2016
The Good Girl by Mary Kubica. This book is another twisty read that you won’t see coming. I’m a fan of novels that keep me guessing and this one doesn’t disappoint. In The Good Girl ,Mia Dennett, the daughter of judge and a well to do family disappears. While she is held captive in a secluded cabin, her mother and detective Hoffman work day and night to find her. In the end, you find that nothing is as perfect as it seems.

Best Books of 2015 | Read More 2016

The Castaways by Elin Hildebrand. A group of friends mourn the lose of their two friends who drown on a sailing trip that was set to celebrate their anniversary. This book follows the perspective of each of their friends through their grief and the experiences they shared with them. I like a book that makes you think and this one does that.

Reading has been shown to improve your vocabulary, improve your analytical thinking, enhance your memory and you’re more likely to learn something new every day! So grab a good book and read a little more this year.

– Brooke

Brooke of Pumps and Push-Ups - petite style blogger

Hello, I'm Brooke!

A petite (4'10") gal on the hunt for the best petite clothes. I show you where to shop for petite finds, and how to style them in my weekly style sessions. I don't alter or hem any of the clothing on my blog - what you see is exactly how the items fit me right from the store.

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  1. 1.4.16
    Rachelle said:

    I’m planning to read more this year so thanks for these reviews.


  2. 1.4.16

    Reading is something I love and never find time for! I’ve read a couple of those and loved them!! 🙂

  3. 1.4.16
    Biana Perez said:

    I’ve downloaded a few books to kick start reading this year and I’m so excited to read them!! I still haven’t read big little lies so that’s on my list! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

  4. 1.4.16

    I loved Big Little Lies! Such a great book.

  5. 1.4.16

    That’s how I felt before I made it a point to read more, now I can hardly go to sleep without a good book.

  6. 1.4.16

    You’re welcome!

  7. 1.4.16
    Megan said:

    I love everything Liane Moriarity! I have read 4 books in the past week and a half and on my 5th! “I’ve Got You Under My Skin” is so good!

  8. 1.4.16
    Laura said:

    Oh my gosh these all sound so good! I try to make time to read, too. It’s so beneficial for you and enjoyable!

  9. 1.4.16
    Dara said:

    I love that you have two Liane Moriarty books on this list! I just finished The Hypnotists Love Story, so good! My 4th Liane Moriarty (I may have a small obsession with her writing). Anyway, The Good Girl is also a great one, and We Were Liars — wonderful reads! Great list! XO


  10. 1.4.16
    Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom said:

    I read Big Little Lies and loved it! It kind of reminded me of the gossipy moms in my daughters class! haha!! Ok, maybe I shouldn’t have said that on the internets! Now I really want to read The Husband’s Secret from her!


  11. 1.4.16
    Lauren Blair . said:

    I’m actually starting a reading series on my blog, but it will be more non-fiction stuff (post coming Saturday). Reading is so great for you and it’s awesome to see another blogger be into books! XO

  12. 1.4.16

    Ooh I love book recommendations, so I’m pinning this for sure! I think that’s a great resolution, and I hope to get more reading in this year too!

  13. 1.4.16

    Wow! So many great recommendations. I definitely want to look into The Husband’s Secret and The Sell.

    xx Yasmin

  14. 1.4.16
    Tara Williams said:

    I love this summary! I am such a non reader but when i find a book i LOVE i read through it in a couple days. The good girl sounds awesome!

    Xo, Tara

  15. 1.5.16
    Rasa Virviciute said:

    These all sound so good! xo

  16. 1.5.16
    Anett said:

    Thanks a lot for these suggestions! I’ll be sure to check out a couple of them, like Euphoria and The good girl. If you love Moriarty, like I do (I just finished Big little lies two days ago), try Jojo Moyes (British) and Marian Keyes (Irish). Both authors write in a fun language (with British humour) while handling deeper issues. I love all three of them, in addition to Isabel Allende, of course.

    Anett | Tall Girl’s Fashion

  17. 1.5.16
    Whitney said:

    Great list! I will put them on my must read for sure!!

    Happy new year!

    Whitney & Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

  18. 1.5.16

    I looove Frederick! I want to read his book!

    District of Chic

  19. 1.5.16
    Jalisa said:

    These look like some great reads, Brooke! I’m especially interested in The Sell; I love books like these 🙂 Thanks so much for hearing and I hope you’re having a wonderful day and start to your New Year!



  20. 1.5.16
    Darcy said:

    I just picked up the husband’s secret! I can’t wait to start reading it.

  21. 1.5.16
    Christie Geiger said:

    Great picks!! I’ve been wanting to read Big Little Lies. I’m actually ready for a new book, so maybe that one will be next! Thanks for the lovely review.

    The Closet by Christie

  22. 1.6.16

    I’ll have to read that one!

  23. 1.6.16

    It really is! I’m hoping my love of books will rub off on my boys 😉

  24. 1.6.16

    I read that one too, so good!!! I went on Amazon and bought every liane moriarty book I could find this summer, she has the best writing style!

  25. 1.6.16

    Yes!!! I loved big little lies, hit those gossipy moms spot on!

  26. 1.6.16

    Awesome! I’ll check it out!

  27. 1.6.16

    I’m forever pinning reading lists too!

  28. 1.6.16

    Both were so great! I hope you read one.

  29. 1.6.16

    I feel like I have to know the ending asap, so I read through books fast too!

  30. 1.6.16

    They were! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  31. 1.6.16

    Definitely going to check them out, I love Liane!

  32. 1.6.16

    Awesome! Let me know what you think!

  33. 1.6.16

    He is so hilarious, I loved his book!

  34. 1.6.16

    I loved that the Sell was informational but also entertaining, it’s a great book!

  35. 1.6.16

    I hope you love it!

  36. 1.6.16

    You’re welcome Christie! I thought Big Little Lies was great!

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