Prenatal Fitness, Title Nine & Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up

Hey guys!!  Hope you are all having a fabulous, fitness charged kind of week. 🙂 Today marks week 35…only 5 more weeks left to go!! Well, that’s if little one decides she is going to cook for the full duration.  Even in late stages of pregnancy, it’s super important to keep things moving as long as medically possible, even if its just a light fitness routine.  Today we are going to show an easy, low impact strength training routine that can be done at any point during pregnancy.

Pumps and Push-Ups Prenatal Fitness |Title Nine Custom Fit Sports Bras

The bra featured in this workout came from fun, fitness apparel company, Title Nine.  While I do not have a physical Title Nine location near me, I was able to schedule a phone meeting with one of their representatives for a fitting. The process really couldn’t have been easier (though FYI, make sure to note what time zone you are in when scheduling a time as they are based out of the west coast). My personal representative started by asking what sort of activities the bra would be used for, gauging the intensity and impact level of my workouts. She showed me a couple of different bras based on my profile, taking into account that I was pregnant and how well each bra would work with breast feeding. I ended up choosing this bra because it is comfortable to be worn all day if desired and has an adjustable back closure. The bra can also be worn racerback or like a regular bra, giving it a lot of versatility.  Plus, its pretty. 🙂 



Now, let’s get linking!

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Brooke of Pumps and Push-Ups - petite style blogger

Hello, I'm Brooke!

A petite (4'10") gal on the hunt for the best petite clothes. I show you where to shop for petite finds, and how to style them in my weekly style sessions. I don't alter or hem any of the clothing on my blog - what you see is exactly how the items fit me right from the store.

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  1. 9.23.15
    Mica said:

    That looks like a great bra for a workout! Thanks for sharing your workout tips too 🙂

    Thank you for the link up!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  2. 9.23.15
    Jill said:

    Cute workout bra! These are great low impact workout tips!

    Doused In Pink

  3. 9.23.15
    Biana Perez said:

    You go girl! I feel like I need that bra for my support even though I’m not pregnant lol! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

  4. 9.23.15
    Living on Cloud Nine said:

    Such a cute top and fantastic tips!! Bet you’re getting soooo excited!!

  5. 9.23.15
    ADA said:

    Oh you are so close and exercising like a pro. That bra top is so cute Erica.

  6. 9.23.15
    Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom said:

    Could you be any cuter? Seriously! I love that workout bra, it has such fun colors… the back of it is really cute, too!


  7. 9.23.15
    Laura said:

    You are adorable! I am saving this workout in case I ever get pregnant again and putting that bra on my wish list!

  8. 9.23.15

    These workouts look so easy going and fun and by the way what a cute workout bra.
    Rachel xo

  9. 9.23.15

    You look amazing at 35 weeks and that is one cute workout outfit.

  10. 9.23.15
    Shaunacey said:

    um you’re looking fantastic!! guess those workouts are paying off!

  11. 9.23.15
    Blaire Bingham said:

    This is a great workout for anyone! You look amazing and I am in love with workout bra. The detail in the back is adorable!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  12. 9.23.15

    Thanks for sharing. Looks like a great workout and a cool bra.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  13. 9.23.15

    Wow! That’s impressive customer service. Also, I’m not event pregnant and I’m sweating watching this little workout routine! You ladies rock.

  14. 9.23.15
    RedTagChicLA said:

    You’re so rocking the pregnancy glow- more power & thanks for the heads up!


  15. 9.23.15
    Happinessatmidlife said:

    You are looking amazing and great job on keeping up with your workout!


    Hope to see your Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.

  16. 9.23.15

    Great job, thanks for sharing
    Check out my new post

  17. 9.23.15

    You look great! Thanks for sharing the workout tips.

    Daily Style Finds

  18. 9.23.15

    It really is, I love it! I’m glad you liked our workout 🙂

  19. 9.23.15

    Thanks girl!

  20. 9.23.15

    haha well its a great bra pregnant or not. 🙂

  21. 9.23.15

    OMG so excited!! I can’t believe I am 5 weeks away!

  22. 9.23.15

    So close! 🙂 Thank you!

  23. 9.23.15

    You are so sweet Carrie, thank you! I know I really liked the red version of this one too. 🙂

  24. 9.23.15

    Thank you darlin! 🙂 Yay, I’m so glad to hear that!

  25. 9.23.15

    Thanks girl!

  26. 9.23.15

    Thank you so much 🙂 xoxo

  27. 9.23.15

    Thank you Shaunacey! 🙂 xoxo

  28. 9.23.15

    Thank you so much Blaire! I looooove the back detail of this sports bra – its my favorite part!

  29. 9.23.15

    I’m glad you like 🙂

  30. 9.23.15

    lol you rock 🙂

  31. 9.23.15

    Thank you Rebecca!! 🙂

  32. 9.23.15

    Thank you Alice! I’m trying my best!

  33. 9.23.15


  34. 9.23.15

    Thank you Lisa, I’m glad you enjoyed the workout!

  35. 9.23.15

    Love that you are keeping up your workouts while pregnant. This is a great inspiring post!

  36. 9.23.15

    You’re so inspiring! And you look fabulous.

  37. 9.23.15

    Thanks girl! I’m trying to keep moving as much as possible in attempt at keeping the aches and pains of pregnancy at bay and in hopes it will make getting back into the swing of things after delivery a little easier. 🙂

  38. 9.23.15

    Thank you Claire, you are so sweet! 🙂

  39. 9.23.15

    You look fantastic! I was terrible about working out when I was pregnant, but I hope that when I have another one I’ll be a little bit more motivated!! Love the blue details on that sports bra!

  40. 9.23.15

    I think it totally will, not to mention pre pregnancy bod will be back in no time!

  41. 9.23.15

    Love that bra, I am all about fun workout gear!

    Eleventh & Sixteenth

  42. 9.24.15
    Lana L. said:

    I love Title Nine! You look amazing – good luck with the last few weeks of your pregnancy!

  43. 9.24.15

    Love that fun bra and all the best for your last few weeks of wait. You look great !

    Latest Post.. Indian Festive Wear

  44. 9.24.15
    Siffat Haider said:

    It’s so wonderful to see that you’re trying to keep fit through your pregnancy, more people need to adopt that mindset! And of course, you look fabulous!

  45. 9.24.15

    Keep it up girl! Love that you are staying fit and healthy and encouraging others to do so too 🙂 Even though I am not pregnant, you have more guts than me to show off looking so fit and fab in your exercise bra 🙂

    xx Yasmin

  46. 9.25.15
    May Cho said:

    What a great post! Staying fit and healthy while pregnant; good on you! I’ve yet to find myself a good sports bra, though, hmm..

    May | THE MAYDEN

  47. 9.26.15

    Great workout! You look fantastic!

  48. 9.27.15

    Thank you Shea!! That’s my favorite part about it! 🙂

  49. 9.27.15

    Thanks girl, me too!! Its one of those things that if I didn’t exercise self control would be the majority of my wardrobe. hehe

  50. 9.27.15

    Thank you so much girlie! 🙂 Me too! I just learned of them recently but they have such an awesome collection and I love their customer service so I’ll definitely be getting more of my fitness apparel from them in the future.

  51. 9.27.15

    Thank you so much!! 🙂 I can’t believe I am headed into the home stretch!

  52. 9.27.15

    Thank you 🙂 xo

  53. 9.27.15

    Thank you doll! I’ve found it’s so much easier for me to bare all with a pregnant belly than without because it’s okay that my tummy is less than perfect and sticking out because its supposed to be that way hehe

  54. 9.27.15

    Thanks girl!

  55. 9.27.15

    Thank you! I’m glad to hear you like it!

  56. 9.29.15
    Rachel said:

    Look at you go!!!!! That sports bra is too cute!

  57. 9.29.15

    hehe Thanks girl! This is probably my favorite sports bra ever.

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