Another month, another fix from Stitch Fix- and I’m still finding something to love in each one (well mostly, more on that below). This month, it was a darling blush pink cardigan with a scallop trim.

Sweater c/o Stitch Fix | Jeans | Tee | Shoes | Bag
Petite Long Cardigan
I’m lucky to keep getting the same stylist, who gets my girly style. They get my love of long cardigans and they nail my size! Many of you have asked me on Instagram, but I can’t tell you their name (I so wish I could) and I can’t tell you where to get this cardigan, except requesting it in a fix. I’m sorry y’all! Although Stitch Fix does sell non-exclusive items, I’m finding my favorites, are the things I can’t get anywhere else.

How To Nail Your Fix
Feedback, feedback, and more feedback. I actually have two monthly memberships going at the moment, thanks to this blog and the influencer program. However, they are not created equal. The membership that this sweater came from has a great stylist that gets me, but the other one is still getting to know me. I’ve sent back the most recent fix without keeping anything. However, I was sure to leave feedback about what I didn’t like, and why I didn’t keep anything. I share feedback, ask for specific things and share my Pinterest boards with them. Blogging means my Pinterest board is full of things I love, but blogger or not, fill a Stitch Fix board with things you like and share it with your stylist. You’re more likely to get styles that are more you.
You may also like: Stitch Fix Petites – February

Also in this fix, a pair of white denim crops that I ended up keeping and loving, and a cute ruffle collar tank. I’ll be sure to share them in future posts. I’ve requested to see fun colorful shoes in a future fix, I’ll let ya know if my stylist delivers!
Have you tried Stitch Fix yet?