I know it’s cliche to say, but when you look back on a year, it sure does seem like it rolled by fast! Personally, this year was full of new challenges, that I’ll be honest, weren’t always enjoyable. However, with every new season and challenge comes strength and learning. On the blog front, I continued to challenge myself and strive to bring better content to this space of mine. For 2019 I plan to continue to up my game, and really nail my photography! So, in the spirit of celebrating all that was 2018, I thought it would be fun to look back on the top five posts from 2018.
5. Trunk Club Review
As a blogger there are some posts you’re incredibly proud of – you nailed the photos, you nailed the story, and then there are the ones you throw together last minute because you need content. This Trunk Club review was the latter for me. Not my best work, however it became one of the top posts of 2018! Turns out, readers want to know what I think about Trunk Club. I continue to get trunks, but haven’t done a review in a while – I’m thinking it’s time I do one!

4. Top Drugstore Mascaras
Ok, now this one I was proud of, and excited to see that y’all loved it too! Not only did I feel good about what I had to say, I thoroughly enjoyed trying out each brand and found a new brand I love. This post inspired me to start doing the same thing with other drugstore products, like matte lipstick.

3. The Family Friendly Racing Town You Should Visit
This post was sponsored by Cabarrus County and to date is the most fun I’ve had as a blogger! I was excited to see that this post topped the charts in terms of popularity this year, because for me, it was also a highlight. My boys loved Cabarrus County and our family really enjoyed finding a new place to visit close to home. Fun fact, I was so sick that weekend! I remember having a terrible cold and feeling crummy the entire time, but still had a great time.

2. How to Dress a Pear Shape Body
This post came from me not liking a photo of myself. I planned to write all about the orange pants and two ways to wear them, but after seeing the pictures, I decided to write this post instead. It was meant to be, and ended up being the second most popular post for the year.

1. First Grader Approved Packed Lunches
Oh I was so ambitious when I wrote this post. I crafted a set of beautiful lunches for my first grader to be, and fully intended to keep that up the entire school year. Then…life happened, and while I’ve still tried my best to craft great lunches for my guy, the truth is, they are a far cry from these lunches. Still, this post was the most popular this year, so I hope I inspired many of you!

So, what does taking a look back tell me about my blog? The beauty is in the mix of topics. I enjoy writing about a wide range of things, and luckily, my audience enjoys reading it! I plan to continue to let the posts of Pumps and Push-Ups align with my life and what interests me at the moment. Cheers to 2019!