Wardrobe Saving Tips & Tricks & Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up!

You make those purchases, invest in your wardrobe, and you just want it to last! Right?! Whether you’re looking to preserve some new items in your closet, or looking for ways to get more wear out what you already own, today’s post is for you! If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you’ll remember my sister-in-law Erica! We used to run this space together and she is joining me today! For the last year, Erica has challenged herself to streamline her wardrobe and not purchase a single new item. It’s really amazing! Aside from her wardrobe, she has also been making changes in her life to waste less in general, you can find more about her journey on her blog A Waste Not Kind of Life. But, back to the clothes:

Wardrobe Saving Tips & Tricks

Wardrobe Saving Tips & Tricks

Starting with Erica, she has been a boss at getting a lot out of her wardrobe this past year, but for the month of November, she challenged herself to avoid laundry, and she successfully did that! The less you wash your clothing, not only are you saving energy, you’re also saving your wardrobe from the wear and tear of washing. Here’s how things went for her and what she did to extend the life of her clothing between washes.

Tips to extend time between washings:

For the entire 30 days of November I did my best to keep laundry out of the wash by vowing not to wash any of my clothing (with the exception of underwear). This was brought on my wanting to try out various tricks aimed at extending time between washes. I figured what better way to determine their true effectiveness than by not having any other option?! When used together it really wasn’t much of a challenge to keep clothes out of the hamper while still keeping them freshy-fresh!

Rotate your wardrobe.

Got a favorite shirt you wear all…the…time? Wearing outfits on repeat is a wonderful way to get the most out the clothes we own, just make sure to cycle them. Not only does this help to make sure you’re showing all your threads some love, but it makes sure you don’t wear the same pair of jeans or shirt for several days in a row resulting in them becoming dirty faster than if they were alternated with other favorites.

Change out of nice clothes when home.

Keep nice clothes looking nice and minimize stretching and wearing out by taking them off the minute you get home. I have a set of clothes that I wear specifically around the house that I am less worried about them getting stained. Dark tops are particularly helpful for extended wear, as they tend to hide stains and just general dirt much more easily!

Use a drying rack to extend time before washes.

Hang/put clothes away immediately.

Put clothes away instead of letting them pile up on the floor, chair or in a laundry basket to avoid unnecessary wrinkles.

Spot cleaning.

Ever wash a pair of jeans or a top just because there was a single food spot on them? I’m so guilty of this. But food spots don’t mean the entire garment is dirty so sending through the washer may add unnecessary wear and tear to clothing when a simple spot cleaning would do the trick.

Spot Cleaning to extend time between washes.

Channel your inner domestic goddess and rock an apron.

I’m definitely not saying you need to turn into Betty Crocker or Martha Stewart, but aprons were created for a reason – to keep clothes clean. Cooking can be a messy business, which means food splashes on your clothes if not careful. Washing dishes can be just as problematic (particularly for me). Whatever it is, aprons are meant to get dirty so wearing them is basically like putting on a suit of amour to protect your clothes and keep them out of the wash.

Rinse it out.

Stuff like socks, sweaty workout clothes can sometimes avoid a trip to the washer simply by rinsing them out. This is what I did to keep my socks out of the washer.

Give your clothes some air.

Hang clothes up on a drying rack/line or hanger (out of your closet) to air out a bit after wear. This helps to get odors and creases that have made their way into your clothes and was particularly useful in keeping my bumming around the house clothes and jammies that were worn on a very regular basis feeling fresh.

Spray with water and essential oil for a little natural fragrance.

Part two to airing out is spraying with a little natural fragrant mixture of water and essential oils. I kept a spray bottle with water and lavender oil on my dresser to spray stuff down before hanging it up on the rack to air out. I’m convinced this step kept my clothes from feeling (and smelling) dirty.

Lavender and water for a natural clothing refresh.

Quickly re-shape in the dryer.

Jeans a little stretched out but otherwise clean? Instead of sending through the entire fiber wearing process, toss it in the dryer for a few minutes with either a drying load or a damp towel for an abbreviated way to get things back to square one.

Iron out wrinkles caused by wear.

You know those shirts that wrinkle around the elbows, waistline or back just from being worn? Maybe you got a little sweaty on the commute home so the back of your shirt got little creases in it or the insides of your elbows look like an accordion. Skip the wash if otherwise clean and simply iron out the imperfections.

General strategies to follow when washing/drying to keep clothes looking their best:

Wash inside out.

Minimize fading and risk of damage to visible part of clothing from zippers/buttons by turning clothes inside out.

Wash clothes inside out for longer life.

Keel your cool.

Hot water can speed up the fading process, contribute to shrinkage or misshaping of fabrics and maybe even cause some stains to set! Not to mention it also requires more energy to heat up so reserve the toasty temps for sanitizing purposes.

Air dry.

Avoid shrinkage & breakdown of fibers while saving energy in the process by hanging clothes out to dry. Capitalize on the fast drying time and suns natural bleaching powers.

Follow instructions.

This is one time where its good to follow the rules. Read the care instructions on your garments as those that are dry clean only really may not do so well if cleaned any other way. As with most things in life, more isn’t always necessarily better so take care to follow the measurements recommended for on the detergent label.

When Erica first told me she was going to attempt to not wash clothes in November, I was like good luck! I’m really impressed she successfully pulled it off and totally has great tips for making that
happen. Besides your wash routine, there are other ways to keep clothes looking their best, which is the part of this post that I took on.

Refresh Your Winter Wardrobe

I tend to skip a few washes to preserve my clothes too, especially when it comes to clothing that is prone to fading. I also found a few ways to get more out of the items I already have in my closet. These apply to all seasons, but I feel like winter clothing really takes a beating. Between boots that encounter a little moisture damage and wool sweaters that pill – it’s hard to keep those winter clothes looking great.

Polish Your Leather Boots

I don’t know what rock I’ve been living under, but I didn’t realize the power of polishing my boots until this year. Real leather boots are expensive! So, you don’t really want to buy a new pair every year. I love my Sam Edelman Penny boots and have owned them for about three years now. They are still in great shape, but did endure a little water damage last year. I ordered Frye boot polish to try and freshen them up a bit.

Frye Boot Polish to Restore and Protect you leather boots

I’m sure any boot polish would work great, but this is the one I used. I was really impressed with how well it conditioned the leather and restored their shine! I now polish them every few weeks and give them an extra coat before going out in wet weather. Obviously leather boots aren’t the best for stomping around in snow, but I wore them during our snow this past weekend and there wasn’t a bit of water damage.

Water Proof Your Leather Boots

For the demonstration I used a pair of really old, really beat up boots to show how powerful boot polish can be. It takes away worn toes and really refreshes the leather! I bet this would be just as great on leather bags.

How to restore leather boots after water damage and wear and tear

Shave The Pills

I love sweaters…hate pills. Some sweaters, you can only wear once and they start to pill and it’s frustrating. Especially because a lot of sweaters are expensive like boots, you want them to last! The sweater I used for this demonstration is one of those you wear once and it pills. It’s a new sweater I’ve worn 1-2 times and it already has pills on the sleeves, boooo. In comes shaving.

How To Remove Sweater Pills

I even restored one of Erica’s sweaters while we were doing the post…the kids were obviously measuring something in the background.

Sweater Pill Hack

I saw a tutorial for shaving pills on pinterest, so I’m not a pioneer here, but my husband suggested using an electric razor. Using a basic razor works, but not as well as the electric razor…he’s so smart! You just have to take your time and go slow, so you don’t cut a hole in the sweater…I’ve done that. Especially around seams it’s easy to do. However, it takes away pills, and I’ve found sometimes if you shave the sweater once, the pills wont return. Not always the case, but sometimes it is!

We were going to attempt a natural dye to restore black denim…but it didn’t quite happen. Maybe for our next experiment.

So, the takeaway – next time you think about throwing out something in your wardrobe or replacing it all together, try saving it first!

Do you have any wardrobe saving tips?

– Brooke & Erica

Now, let’s…get…linking!!

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Pumps and Push-Ups


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Brooke of Pumps and Push-Ups - petite style blogger

Hello, I'm Brooke!

A petite (4'10") gal on the hunt for the best petite clothes. I show you where to shop for petite finds, and how to style them in my weekly style sessions. I don't alter or hem any of the clothing on my blog - what you see is exactly how the items fit me right from the store.

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  1. 12.13.17
    Living on Cloud Nine said:

    I am so saving these tips! The difference in those boots is incredible! You and your SIL are brilliant babes I tell ya!

  2. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    I was blown away by what a little boot polish could do!

  3. 12.13.17
    Rachelle said:

    This is such a great post I’m big on taking care of my clothes.


  4. 12.13.17
    Courtney Hardy said:

    These are really good tips. I need to start taking better care of my clothes because I don’t polish anything, or do that much to my clothes other than to wash them. So I’ll have to start doing some of these things because it does make a difference.

  5. 12.13.17
    Marta C said:

    Great post, I really love your tips about shaving the pills and polishing your boots!! Two things I wouldn’t have though of.

  6. 12.13.17
    Biana Perez said:

    These are fantastic tips!! I definitely am guilty of some of these things, but I really like the tip about wearing an apron and the pilling is something I deal with on my sweaters! I also take my nice clothes off as soon as I get home lol! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  7. 12.13.17
    Mica said:

    Wow, no laundry for a month is impressive! I always take care of my shoes and bags but I’ve ruined a few clothes by not thinking and chucking them in on the wrong wash in the machine! While I don’t think I could do a month without laundry we did upgrade to a better machine when ours gave up so I have more choices to match the delicate cycles some of my clothes need, and I know it will make them last longer 🙂

    Thank you for the link up!

    Hope you are having a great start to the week – less than two weeks until Christmas now! Luckily I finished buying all my presents yesterday. Hope your Christmas preparations are going well!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  8. 12.13.17

    These are amazing tips!! Totally bookmarking this for later! Thanks for sharing!

    Katherine | http://www.oneswainkycouple.com

  9. 12.13.17

    These are fabulous tips!! I love to shave the pills off my sweater, it is so gratifying, lol! I cab’t believe how amazing your boots look! I am definitely going to have to polish some of mine and restore their beauty.
    Great post!

    xx, Elise

  10. 12.13.17

    Awesome post! I actually do almost everything already. Not washing your clothes is truly key! Seriously, other than work out clothes and underwear, you don’t need to wash clothes after one wear! I hang mine up to air after wearing and I spot treat. I only wash them when they really need it.

  11. 12.13.17

    These are all such great wardrobe tips! I need that pill shaver because soooo many of my sweaters get like that!!

    Rosy Outlook

  12. 12.13.17
    Blaire Bingham said:

    These are all such great tips! My husband and I definitely have some sweaters that could use a good shave. I will definitely be giving that trick a try.
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  13. 12.13.17

    Great tips! Looking forward want to checking out Erica’s blog to read about what sounds like an amazing journey! Love the idea of getting rid of the pilling on sweaters! Will definitely be giving that a try 🙂


  14. 12.13.17

    These are all such awesome tips. I’m definitely guilty of putting something in the wash just because of one spot, or putting my jeans in the wash because they’re stretched out–trying the dryer trick for sure. And I’m looking down at my favorite leather boots that are looking pretty beat up… looking up boot polish on Amazon right now!

  15. 12.13.17

    Very helpful tips. Love that pic of the kids ‘measuring’ something. Too cute!

    Happy Wednesday!


  16. 12.13.17

    Here in Spain, everyone hangs their laundry to dry. Hardly anyone has a dryer. Since it takes a day or two for things to dry, I definitely try to think of ways to maximize.


  17. 12.13.17

    Such a great way to look at your clothes and the environment. I know I used to wear a short sleeve t-shirt under many of my nicer shirts, so I would only have to wash the t-shirt. This may not cut down on washing per se, but it made it easier because I didn’t have to iron the t-shirt and I didn’t worry about being so careful with it!!
    Loved seeing Erica again!!

  18. 12.13.17

    I’m loving all of these tips. I’m always doing laundry, and would love to cut back! I do need to invest in an apron, because I am the messiest cook.

  19. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    Makes it easier to justify buying more expansive/higher quality things, when you plan to take good care of them!

  20. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    I was really surprised by the boot polish, that wasn’t something I did before!

  21. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    When I first tried shaving the pills I was amazed by it!

  22. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    I just got a new apron and really need to put it to use!

  23. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    I was really impressed with Erica and the no wash for a month! I don’t think I could do it either, but I can definitely try to extend time between washes!

  24. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    Thanks for reading katherine!

  25. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    Yes!! I love it too!

  26. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    So true! I used to wash my things every time, but have really started to try and extend the time now!

  27. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    Such a fun trick! The first time I tried it I was amazed!

  28. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    I was surprised how well it works!

  29. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    Erica totally inspires me, she has really come up with so many ways to cut down on waste!

  30. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    I was really amazed by the boot polish! I even considered buying a new pair of penny boots until I polished them!

  31. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    Haha always up to something!

  32. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    Hang dried clothes always smell so fresh too!

  33. 12.13.17
    Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom said:

    Wow! Such great tips! I need to do this on my brown pair of boots!!


  34. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    I hate seeing something fade and wear so if I can skip a wash or two that makes me happy! Plus cutting down on laundry is always a win!

  35. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    They’ll be good as new!

  36. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    That’s a great idea Jodie! You’re always full of them!

  37. 12.13.17
    Maureen O said:

    Great tips Brooke & Erica! I have pairs of clothes too that are specific for home. I don’t have to worry if it gets stained or damaged. I didn’t use too but realized with a little one to look after it’s essential. Wow on those leather boots! You can totally tell the difference. Along those lines of using leather cleaners, after I wipe and clean my shoes or handbags I also place the item back in it’s storage containers. This to me helps preserve the item for 1) collecting dust bunnies and 2) from damage by other items that may be thrown in the same area of storage space or closet.


  38. 12.13.17

    Brooke, such great tips! How great your boots look after a good polishing! I need to figure out this pill shaving thing, too. And I hang almost of my clothing to dry. The dryer tends to fade the colors anyway. I am heading over to check out Erica’s blog now!


  39. 12.13.17
    Laura said:

    These are such great tips! I love the idea of spraying them with water and essential oil. And I need to be better about polishing my boots too. I used to do that and it makes such a difference!

  40. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    I thought the essential oil was a great idea too! I’m learning so many tips and tricks from Erica!

  41. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    I hang dry most of my clothes too, gotta keep them fresh!

  42. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:

    Great idea! I’ve definitely had dust collect on some of my things.

  43. 12.13.17
    Brooke said:


  44. 12.13.17

    These are so very clever Brooke- I felt a bit guilty because just last night i got a drop of sauce on the dress I was wearing and I did not even think of spot cleaning…. i threw it in the clothes hamper-

  45. 12.13.17

    What an informative post! I plan to utilize some of these tips. Thanks for sharing and hosting the link up as well.

  46. 12.13.17

    Love these tips! I use quite a few and totally agree that it helps with wear and tear on items!


  47. 12.14.17

    This reminds me- I DESPERATELY need to polish my boot collection, like WHOA. Your boots look amazing!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  48. 12.14.17

    These are all really good tips! The after of the boots is great! I definitely hang dry a lot of things and avoid extra unnecessary washes.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  49. 12.14.17
    Daenel T said:

    Whoa! The boot tip just blew my mind. How did I not know this? On a related note, I roll up old magazines and put them in my boots to keep them from creasing at the ankles when I’m not wearing them. That also saves on wear and tear.

  50. 12.15.17

    Omg such good tips! Those boots look like new!

    xo Jules

  51. 12.16.17

    Great post …..keep posting!!!!

    Customized Calendars 2018

  52. 12.18.17
    Jessica said:

    These are really awesome tips dear! Thanks for sharing. Would definitely do this to my boots!

    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

  53. 12.18.17
    Roxanne said:

    These tips are SO great! Good for Erica for trying to do better! This reminds me that I need to polish my boots and shave some sweaters, haha! The electric razor trick is so smart.

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