I have reached the halfway point! At first, I felt like this pregnancy was creeping by but now, the weeks just keep flying by. Before I know it this baby will be here and I still have a lot to do!!

How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: This past week I was up 7 lbs, I’ve been gaining a pound a week pretty consistently now. As much as it pains me to see that scale going on, I’m on target to gain roughly 25-30 pounds which is what I gained with my first pregnancy without any problems, so I’m ok with it!
Sleep: Sleeping pretty well lately, a couple of weeks ago I had a few nights in a row I would wake up around 1am and couldn’t go back to sleep until 3am or so, that was fun. Luckily, this past week I haven’t had any of those episodes.
Best moment this week: This isn’t pregnancy related, but celebrating Maddox’s third birthday was pretty special, he had so much fun and this momma loves nothing more than seeing him happy!
Movement: Lots! This baby wiggles around a lot more than Maddox did, nearly every time I eat, baby does the happy dance.
Symptoms: I’m still having issues eating. Obviously with my weight gain I’m eating enough, but I literally don’t want to eat. Everything makes me feel awful, I basically eat because I have to. Yet, I’m still starving all the time.
Food cravings: I’m really not craving much at the moment, except a turkey sandwich which I can’t have haha.
Food aversions: Still onions and rice big time, but like I said, I’m really not enjoying much of anything lately.
Gender: Our gender scan is this week!!!!
Labor Signs: Nope!
Belly Button in or out? Still half out. I almost feel like my belly hasn’t grown much over the last few weeks, I popped fast, but now I’m holding steady at somewhat the same size.
What I miss: Starbucks coffee, turkey sandwiches and the ability to drink a ton of water. <--same as a few weeks ago!
What I am looking forward to: Still so excited about finding out the gender, will be revealing that later this week! Thanks for reading girls, can't wait to share the gender with you soon!!
Looking good, Momma! Have you tried eating smaller meals throughout the day? Maybe your getting hungry because you aren’t getting enough protein in?
You are just too cute! Feeling the baby move is the best! It was one of my favorite things about pregnancy!
You are sooooo cute! Congrats on being halfway through! I love these bumpdates that you do! I hope your eating starts to get better. It’ be awful not wanting to eat ever 🙁
Come join us for Celebrate Southern link up today! We’d love to have ya join! 🙂
J @ Bless Her Heart Y’all
You ladies are so fabulous, I find it hard to keep up with all of your fun posts! You look amazing and when I’m preggers I hope to look just like you! So fun to read all of this! Thanks for sharing and I cannot wait to find out what you are having!!! I will be tuned in for sure! xo
When I was pregnant with my daughter the smell of everything made me sick. haha! It was horrible. So glad to hear that you only have a few. You look absolutely amazing!
cutest bump ever!!
Love this black dress and statement necklace. You look so pretty!
You look amazing. Pregnancy really suits you. Can’t wait to find out the baby’s gender!
Oh I am SO excited for you!! And despite the fact that nothing is appetizing to you, you still look BEAUTIFUL! I’m sure when I’m an angry, tired preggo I’ll be jealous of how good you look right now 😉
Daisy | Simplicity Relished
I can’t believe you’re halfway through your pregnancy already. I have to say how much I adore the way you dress. Your style is impeccable! I love your outfit! You’re glowing doll, looking beautiful.
–Me And My Mini Me
WOW! You look GREAT!
– Sarah 🙂
Oh my goodness you look so adorable!!! You pull off the mommy to be glow very well 🙂
Love your lovely dress. You look great in it. What a fun time 20 weeks is. I especially love it as it is baby gender learning time. 🙂 I felt similar to you not wanting to eat much in my last pregnancy. Hopefully in a couple of weeks, your appetite will improve, and you’ll take advantage of eating for two. <3 Looking forward to hear boy or girl 🙂 XOXO, Elif
You find out this week?! Ahhh how exciting!! You look so happy and glowing!
xo Erin
aww you are glowing, dear!!! 😀 love this dress on you!! good luck on your pregnancy!!
Animated Confessions
You are so beautiful!!!!
You look so pretty in your LBD!! Loved reading this post it reminds me of when I was preggers, it’s so true before you know it your little bundle will be here! Excited about the gender reveal. Hope you all are having a great week:)
love your outift! You re so pretty and amazing on your gestation! 🙂