Am I the only one that has been dreaming of heading out to the beach? A little taste of sun and I’m craving sand and fun. This time of year also motivates to me push harder on my workouts and say no to more sweets. I didn’t say I said no to all of them, but I indulge less! With all of the shorts, dresses and tank tops I’ve been pulling out of my closet, I want to look toned and tan! So I’m whipping out my sunless tanner and waking up earlier ever day, to make sure I get my workouts in.
What changes have you been making lately?
Have a great week!
– XO Brooke
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– Brooke
You’re doing great and I love how you mix it up some. It has been hard for me to say no to all of the Easter sugary goodness out there lately. I know, swimsuit season will be here SOON. I like how you add dancing as a cardio option! 🙂
Good for you for getting up earlier! I actually thought about trying to squeeze in my runs in the AM too before Mike leaves since its warmer out, that way I can get it over with before I shower vs having to wait until later in the day before I get funky. Problem is bay-bay don’t sleep…lol