This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and Walmart. All opinions are mine alone.#MyJergensGlow #CollectiveBias
It all started with my Junior prom. I had a gorgeous pink dress and I needed a tan. I started hitting up the tanning bed. It became a yearly tradition. Every spring, I would start my tanning binge until I was a gorgeous, dark bronze. I’m partly Native American, with olive skin, so I tan pretty easily. When I was younger, I thought the darker the better.
throwback to 2010
I would literally turn the color of leather. That was until about the age of 23 when I realized, if I kept up that binge tanning, I was going to leave myself with a ton of wrinkles and possibly skin cancer. So I turned to sunless tanners to get my summer glow and took all of the safe sun precautions. Every spring, when shorts and dresses start to make their appearance in my wardrobe, I whip out a sunless tanner. I’ve tried many lotions and sprays at home and salon sprays over the years, but this year, I wanted to try something new; a mousse.
I’ve been hearing a lot of great things about mousse formulas; that they’re light, easy to use and have good coverage, so I figured why not. When I was in Walmart the other week, I picked up JERGENS® Natural Glow® Instant Sun® Sunless Tanning Mousse, as well as JERGENS® Natural Glow® Wet Skin® Moisturizer.
The two together sounded like a lasting tan combination. The JERGENS® Natural Glow® Wet Skin® Moisturizer was a shelf down from the JERGENS® Natural Glow® Instant Sun® Sunless Tanning Mousse, so look around if you don’t see it at first, they were both in the lotion aisle at my local Walmart. Walmart carries all of the JERGENS® Natural Glow® products, so both will be there! Each product comes in two shades, to fit a variety of skin tones; fair to medium and medium to tan for gradual products and light bronze or deep bronze for Instant Sun products, check them out and purchase online, here.
Now, since I’m a veteran sunless tanner, there are a few tips and tricks I’ve learned over the years to get the best application. So I went to work, with my usual routine:
1. Exfoliate – Sunless tanners will absorb more into the dry areas of your skin, leaving you splotchy, so you must exfoliate and cleanse first. I apply sunless tanner before I go to bed, so the color will have plenty of time to develop. I just hop in the shower, shave my legs and give myself a good scrub with a sugar scrub before I apply.
2. Moisturize – On areas that tend to be a little drier, like my elbows, knees and feet, I add a light moisturizer. This makes it so the sunless tanner doesn’t absorb as much in those areas, making the tan even.
3. Apply – There are many great sunless tanner mitts available now that will keep your hand free of color, but you can also apply the mousse with your hands.
Apply the mouse to your entire body, in slow even downward strokes, avoiding your feet, ankles, wrists and face. If you want to apply color to your face, I recommend using JERGENS® Natural Glow® FACE Daily Moisturizer with Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 20, that’s a product you can use all over. Since I was using JERGENS® Natural Glow® Instant Sun® Sunless Tanning Mousse, I avoided my face. To blend into the areas I avoid, I put a pump in my hand and then apply it to a large area like my leg or arm and then whatever is left from that, I will lightly blend into an area like my ankle, wrist or neck. That way you get a little color, but not full on color. Before washing your hands, make sure all areas are fully blended in. If you want a more intense, darker color, you can wait five minutes and apply again. I only applied once.
If you’re like me and use your hand to apply, you’re going to need to scrub your hands immediately after application. JERGENS® makes an in shower scrub that is perfect for removing color from your palms, but I used a pumice stone to scrub my palms and all of the color came off. If you go the mitt route, you’re good to go!
4. Dry – Let your body dry completely before getting dressed. It’s best if you can wait 8 hours before showering, which is why I like to apply JERGENS® Natural Glow® Instant Sun® Sunless Tanning Mousse before bed. In the morning, the color will be developed and you can shower as usual! If you aren’t able to apply before bed, you just need to wait 4-5 hours before showering or getting wet. JERGENS® Natural Glow® Instant Sun® Sunless Tanning Mousse is a one day application, so after the color develops, you will have a nice natural tan. If you want a deeper color, you can apply again the next day. I really liked my color with one application, so I chose to maintain that shade.
5. Maintenance – To keep your tan going strong, you have to keep your skin moisturized! I chose to gradually deepen and sustain my tan by using JERGENS® Natural Glow® Wet Skin® Moisturizer. JERGENS® Natural Glow® Wet Skin® Moisturizer can be used to deepen your color in addition to JERGENS® Natural Glow® Instant Sun® Sunless Tanning Mousse or on its own, for gradual color. After showering, while your skin is still wet, apply the lotion, much like you do the mousse; all over but lightly on areas that tend to be dry, like your elbows and knees. Then you hop out of the shower and dry off. Toweling off is very important, so you don’t get any streaks. No need for any additional moisturizer, JERGENS® Natural Glow® Wet Skin® Moisturizer has it built in. This product will give you a nice color gradually and can be used daily to get a gorgeous, natural, color. Once you reach the color you want, you can apply it every other day, to maintain.
My results:

All in all I love #MyJergensGlow. My tan was lasting and natural! Plus, I really like that the application to tan length is 1-2 days. To keep the glow going, all you have to do is apply JERGENS® Natural Glow® Instant Sun® Sunless Tanning Mousse once a week. It can be a little bit of a production to put on sunless tanner, so I like that JERGENS® Natural Glow® Instant Sun® Sunless Tanning Mousse, has quick results!
On my skin health side, I recently saw my dermatologist for my skin check and she said I had really beautiful skin, especially for my age. She said I didn’t have any sun damage and to keep doing what I was doing. So, I attribute that to realizing early on that I was doing my skin harm by using tanning beds and worshipping the sun. I’m grateful that I can use sunless tanners, to get my yearly spring glow, without skin damage!
How about you? Do you like to use sunless tanners?
– Brooke
The instant sun is my favorite!! I actually don’t like to lay out in the sun anymore because I burn so easily and of course you can pick your tan with a self tanner 🙂 xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
I need to try the mousse because I am super white and need tanner year round. My poor skin burns so bad in the sun that I have to load up with major sunscreen therefore I don’t really tan, just burn. So tanner is the way to go. Great tips!
Whitney & Blaire
Peaches In A Pod
I use this self tanner and really like it!! I’m part Native American as well but I didn’t get the olive skin. Lol!!
You look so great!! I have been a loyal Jergens tanning fan for so many years!! Skin cancer runs heavily in my family, and I did so much damage to my skin growing up in Vegas, so now I am all about the tanning lotions! I haven’t tried the mousse though, so totally picking that up!
Jergens is always my go to self tanner! I have yet to try the mouse formula, but definitely on my list.
Jergens is my fav!! You are so so adorable in that sweet lil flower print, well, you’re always adorable!!
Jergens has so many great products for getting a safe tan. I love the idea of the mousse! I will have to pick that up next time I am at the store!
How cool!! My brother is darker than me and it makes me jealous, haha! But I’m glad I got a little olive!
You’ll love it! It was super light and worked fast!
Aw thank you Andrea!
Let me know what you think if you try it!
Hooray for tanning lotions! Because let’s be real, I need my yearly tan, haha. But, yeah can’t be out in the sun!
Boo for sunburns!!! Thanks for reading! 🙂
It’s great being able to build your own color!
Can’t believe how tanned you look (and how natural it looks too!!). Totally need to try this out.
This just sounds like an amazing product, I love how it left your skin like a natural tan!
My Vogue Style |
This sounds good! I will have to try this! Love your dress!
It looks super easy! And I like that you can buy it at Walmart. Sad that you didn’t link the dress, though!
Wow looks so healthy and natural!! Love this
Enclothed Cognition
What a flawless tan!
Ooo I need to try this!
I want to try this now! Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for reading! Hope you love it!
Let me know what you think if you do!
Thanks Kate!
Thank you Keri!
It’s sold out, boooo. When I snagged it, it was on major sale for $19.00 so I guess everyone else bought it up too! But, it’s from American Eagle and they have a lot of other really cute floral dresses and rompers similar to it!
Hope you love it!
I really liked the color it gave and also how fast it worked! Thanks Camila!
I was really surprised with the color it gave overnight! I’m used to gradual tanners, so this was different for me.
I love Jergens and sunless tanners in general. You look so cute in that floral dress!
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
I started hitting up the tanning beds for prom too, oh how I wish I could go back and change that! Love love love these sunless tanners, and how cool that they have a wet skin one now too <3
Green Fashionista
I love this stuff! Was definitely a tanning bed addict back in ol’ high school (we didn’t know any better!) but now I rely on products like this to get my tan on. 🙂
Le Stylo Rouge
Flawless application! You’re glowing!
Love, Lindsey
Jergens sunlass tanner is my favorite too! Someone was just telling me I should try the mousse though!
I used to tan all the time too…and I don’t tan easily. Of course I wish I could reverse all of the damage…but it is what it is.
And I’ve used the sunless tanners too. Tons. But for now, I’m really trying to learn to love my pale skin. Whatever shade it is. And I must admit, it’s a ton easier. But deep down—I miss my tan (but shhh…don’t tell my dermatologist..)
Great post!Thanks fot the tipps:-)
You look great!
You look great! I feel this is a more natural glow without the harms of the beds and sun itself 🙂 This product looks amazing 🙂
You do have a great tan! Love it on you and the dress is so pretty too!
Jessica |
I’m so pale, so sunless tanners are a must! I’ve used Jergens for years and I’m loving the wet skin moisturizer this year. Love that dress on you!
I’m with you – no tanning beds for me. I love sunless tanning.
I have been using self tanners for years, but I always feel streaky. I will have to try to exfoliate and moisturize, thanks for the tips! Love your dress and sunnies, such a great look!
xx, Elise
Great tips Brooke. I used to sunbathe so much under the sun especially because we spent our summers at Mediterrenean beaches vacationing. Being tan was the thing. As I got older I also became much more cautious and prefer self tanning like you. XOXO, Elif
You look so pretty! I don’t use any tanners (I’m so white!), but that mousse looks great. I love your dress 🙂
Miles of smiles,
Jergen’s is the BEST. Also, I NEED your shoes. #client