I’m going to worry less in 2016. Why? Because all of the worry, stress and anxiety is making me crazy!
Everyone has their own worries, some big and some small, but in an effort to ease my own little worries and maybe help a few of you, I’m sharing my new point of view about some of the things that have worried me over the years.
You’re worried about your career. Did I pick the right major? Am I working for the right company? Where am I going? What is my future like? Do you ever find yourself asking those questions? I know I do. If you asked me where I was headed career wise when I was 20 I would have given you a different answer than I would today. I didn’t go to college thinking, I’m going to get this degree to be a stay at home mom, but that’s where life took me. It wasn’t my plan, but it’s right where I want to be. I still work part time, and I spend some time dabbling in little things that interest me; like learning more about photography, design and fitness. Erica and I started this blog and our boutique; where will it take us? Who knows. The point is, the journey changes, you can make plans, but instead of worrying if your track doesn’t seems as clear cut as you had hoped, enjoy the ride and learn all you can along the way.
You’re worried about your finances. The best way to combat worry over your finances is to make a plan. Always put money away. Have a savings for those rainy days or months or broken water heaters. Pay off your debt and then avoid it all together. Find comfort in knowing that even if you hit a low point, you have a cushion to back you up. Don’t worry about your finances, take control of them.
You’re worried about being a good parent. The fact that you’re worried at all means you’re probably a pretty good parent. Sure, no one is perfect and even the best parent loses their marbles occasionally, but chances are, you are an awesome parent. You spend your time reading all the books, Googling their cold symptoms to death and planning your days around their play time, meal times and learning time. Even if you don’t feel as awesome as that other mom on Facebook with the perfect crafts, remember you may excel in another area. Maybe you aren’t crafty but you’re funny and your kid thinks you have the best dance moves. So, no, my kids don’t have homemade Halloween costumes and sometimes my pot luck contributions are purchased at the store, but I am an awesome parent to my kids, I am the parent they need.
You’re worried about social situations. Whether you’re giving a presentation or just entering a room full of people you don’t know, if you’re an introverted type, you may be a little nervous. I tend to be one of those socially awkward people, but in recent years I’ve really challenged myself to be more at ease in social situations. When you walk into a party or a room full of strangers, look around, chances are there are just as many people looking all shifty eyed as you. You’re not alone. Many people just need an ice breaker to open up to you. Compliment their outfit, comment on the food or just say hello. A smiling warm face is received a lot better than a nervous tight lipped face. Worry less and make some new friends!
{Top – Banana Republic Painterly Top Blouse | Denim – American Eagle Skinny Jeans | Shoes – Halogen Olson Flats | Bag – Marc Jacobs Classic Q Percy | Bracelet – Loren Hope Sarra Cuff | Necklace – Kendra Scott Elisa Pendant}
Spend more time this year enjoying life’s little moments, lessons and new adventures.
– Brooke
P.S. Can you spot the heart in today’s post? (Hint: It’s not where you think it might be).
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Such a wise post and love this pretty top.
Worrying sure doesn’t help anything. The best you can do is keep moving forward. Great post.
I really like the shoes you are wearing super cute!
Candice | Beauty Candy Loves
Worrying less is definitely a good goal to have! it’s so easy to worry about things but it doesn’t have any benefits! Harder to stop doing it though.
I like your printed shirt, really nice with the jeans 🙂
Thank you for the link up!
Away From The Blue Blog
#Struggles Book giveaway!
Great tips as worrying is something I am terrible about!! I have gotten better with age and to “Let It Go!” Ha!! You look so cute!! Those shoes are adorable and suit you to a T!!!
As I get older I try to worry less since I know I can’t control everything. It’s hard though!
Christina :: Simple and Delish
Great post !! I can really relate to the career one ! Xx
Worrying less is definitely a good goal to have…I have found that the older I get the more I worry…probably because we have more on our plates! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Love your style and honest posts…very refreshing!
Such a well written post & really hit home because I definitely worry too much about all of those things!! Thanks for sharing this important message!
Worrying less is such a good plan of action. I feel like worrying only makes a situation worse sometimes. You look so cute in this casual and cute outfit! Those sandals are perfect with that top!
xo, Whitney and Blaire
Peaches In A Pod
So true! I’ve spent too much time worrying about things that in the end we’re all just fine!
Aw thanks Marta! I had to write it for myself as a reminder to let all that worry go!
Thanks so much Carrie!
Me too! I often think back to how carefree I was when I was say…20. The older we get the more responsibility we take on, which makes me worry more. :-p
Thanks Elizabeth! I struggled with that one for a while!
It is hard! I have to remind myself everyday to just let some things go!
Haha I need to let it gooooo!!!
So very true! Worry is never good, just makes you feel yucky!
Aw thanks Candice!
So true Bogi!
Thanks so much Rachelle!
This was such a great post! I worry way too much! Making it a point to worry less and take control of it is something I need to do! Your top is adorable and I love your heart necklace!
Doused In Pink
It can be so easy to become overwhelmed with worry. I like your tips on taking charge of some things and just letting some issues go!
Thanks for sharing – yes worry/stress is a such a big deal in our world today. We just have to keep it together – More power to you!!
love this outfit (as always) but also love the message in this post. I’m doing my best to make 2016 a ‘happy’ year which definitely means trying to worry less. Who wants to spend all of their time worrying? Not this momma!
Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy
I need to worry less in 2016 too. I’m such a worrier by nature and it can be so easy to just get caught up in the worries and the what-ifs. This is good advice and a great reminder that life is too short to spend so much time worrying! Love your adorable outfit too, the print of that blouse is so fun!
What a beautiful, though-provoking and spiritual post. Thank you for writing this and for opening up. I loved reading this especially since I am the same way, I worry a lot about everything, especially where my daughter and my finances are concerned.
On a style note, you are beyond adorable. Those accessories. I seriously want it all: blouse, flats, bag, bracelet and necklace.
I loved reading this post and am very guilty of worrying myself. I have learned that you really just have to take life one day at a time and roll with the punches- worrying only wastes time! In the end, everything will be ok… 🙂
I can totally relate to every single word written in this post. Seriously I’m the poster child for worrying about EVERYTHING. The things I overthink and worry about are so ridiculous its not even funny, but I’m definitely trying to improve upon that and let myself be less consumed with the minutia of life, and live more in the moment.
XO, Jaime | RegallySoled.com
I so needed to read this today! Lately I’ve been a worry wart about everything and it’s making me crazy! Definitely going to remember some of your tips -xo
I definitely need to worry less, especially about being a good parent! I’m always wondering if I’m doing the right thing for my boys and setting good examples. Loving this look and the color of your flats!
Lovely post and great tips!
– xox Mary
I try not to worry too much and take every day day by day. Love your top!
Thank you for hosting and hope you are having a fab week!
Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
So Pretty! Love your flats!
xx, Elise
All beautifully said and just what i needeed to read. Love the outfit and i spot the heart ;).
Rachel xo
Ugh, worry and stress is my middle name… isn’t that sad? I’ve been trying to be better trying not to lately, but it is hard sometimes. A lot of my worry is over my kids, especially my daughter it seems lately! Ahhh! I need to just take a deep breath. I LOVE that top, I was hoping it was being sold in your shop! ha!
love your valentino rockstud inspired flats 🙂 So cute!
I can totally relate about not worrying about social situations. Going to church is the worst for me.
Such a cute look! I am in love with the top!
Love your post and your look. We all worry too much! Thank you for hosting.
I love your shoes! I have them and they are some of my favorites! You styled them so cute! 🙂
Simply Rachel Nicole
I love this worry less idea and your outfit is so cute!!
xo Lauren
I love this post, definitely what I needed to hear today. With the big 25 only a few months away I feel like all I do is worry, so thanks for the positive words! xo
It’s also a goal of mine to worry less! Awesome look and post!
I’m constantly working on worrying less. It seems that as you get older the worries change. But you’re right – the best thing to do is take action! Love your outfit today – so cute!
I am glad to know that there is someone out there that is a little socially awkward! Like you I am so being more sociably even in unfamiliar settings.It feels great to be free of that pressure and worry!
I love your blouse and your cute shoes!
Such a fun blouse and those shoes….oh how I love them. I have the leopard that are almost sold out and I had not seen all the fun new colors….ugh..finances right? I better put a pair in my budget right now!!
This is so relatable! I feel like I’m worried constantly about things that are out of my control!
I always love your posts! I totally agree. It’s so much better to stop worrying and just do something. Now I just need to do that, LOL! I am absolutely one of those awkward introvert types. I am working on being comfortable with who I am.
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
I think we all feel that way! Great to know, though, that I’m not alone. And funny thing, when I went to college, I thought I’m only doing this because I need a fall back plan, but I really want to stay at home with the kids, well here I am 2 kids later and still working, you just never know!
This is such a great post, Brooke! I can relate to everything you mentioned and I agree with all the tips you gave. Your outfit is really cute, too! Thanks so much for sharing and I hope you’re having a wonderful week so far!
What a fab outfit! Love your shoes so much! =)
– Cielo
Mermaid in Heels
Great style! Yes that is great to do in 2016 and in general. By worrying less you have less stress and more time for yourself 🙂 http://www.bauchlefashion.com
Really love your shoes – so cute. Less worrying is good too cause in the end, whatever happens, will happen and worrying won’t change that! Of course it’s easier said than done, but hopefully you can do it!!
BRAVO! Worrying less is going to be so great for you! Last year was my year to try and cut that out. It took quite a few months to really get it but you’ll feel amazing at the end of the year!
The Adored Life
I’m totally with you – worrying less is definitely a goal of mine this year. Thankfully the only thing I really worry about is whether I’m doing enough for my career, but I think that’s just something we tend to worry about for no reason at all! On a different note, I absolutely love your outfit, and how happy you look – your smile is contagious!
Great advice! I thing about these things a lot!
What great words! Worry less is always on my list of goals!
Mary Kate
What a lovely, encouraging and reassuring post! You’ve covered the main areas we most often find ourselves worried about 🙂 You look great in this look by the way, cute flats!
Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice x
Such a great post! We all worry way too much especially over past things or something out of our control! It is so unhealthy! Have an amazing day and weekend!
Wow, what a great read! Great tips, and it’s true.. sometimes you overthink the situation and forget the opportunities that it might bring e.g. making new friends.
It’s nearly Friday YEY!
This is very encouraging and motivational post! I really love the way it’s written and found few advises for myself there)
Love the print of your blouse! Such a pretty spring look!
Heidi || Wishes & Reality
These are so close to my own personal concerns (except the parenting thing since I’ve yet to have kids), but you are so right about them. Thanks for the advice!
xx Yasmin
It’s like you read my mind! Great post and adorable look. Thanks for linking up with me and this will be getting pinned to the linkup board!
Oh this post is so reassuring and true! We all worry so much and so think we’d all feel so much if we simply tried to relax! Gorgeous outfit too! xx
Filippa | Always a Dot
Love this post, I worry constantly about my kids, I worry when I reprimand them and lay down the law that they will hate me for the rest of their lives. I worry when I spoil them and gives them treats they will take advantage of me. There is always something to worry about with kids, I should take queue and try to worry less. By the way, I’m now hosting a weekly Weekend Wear Friday linkup and would love for you to share your styles. Have a great weekend!
xo Sheree
IG: @poshclassymom
Loved the post! Very pretty pics! 🙂
Thank you so much for your comment on my post!
Have a nice weekend!
Happiness is made inside; we have to still ourselves to find it. Hard for us as women sometimes with work, our kids, making time with the hubs, but relaxing is worth it! Your blog is a great distresser and helps me relate to other fab women out there. First time poster; keep it up!
Stress is definitely a negative aspect of ones life.So trying to worry less and focus on the things that are in your control is a very important thing!
This is a great post! Sometimes it is necessary to worry but sometimes not for example about finances. Like you said just take control of them. Great tips! xxx
Thanks so much!
I agree! Thanks for reading 🙂
Thanks so much for stopping by!! You are so sweet and so right!!
Thanks Clarissa!
I worry about those very same things with my kids! It’s so hard not to worry.
Thank you so much Filippa!
Thanks so much Monica!
Thanks for reading Yasmin. 🙂
Thanks you Heidi!
I’m so glad you loved it Tanya!
I hope you had a great weekend!!! Thanks for stopping by!
Ugh it is! I hope you had a wonderful weekend Danielle!
Aw thank you so much Gabrielle!
I think it will always be something I’m striving towards since it’s so hard to let that worry go!
Thanks Traci!
It’s hard to not worry, but I bet you’re doing enough and more! Thank you so much for the sweet compliment, you’re too kind!
That’s so awesome!! I’m still struggling with letting go, but I’m determined, it just weighs you down!
So very true!! Something to remember. 🙂
Yes!! I’m all about less stress 🙂
Aw thank you!!
You are sweet Jalisa, thank you!
That is so true, you just don’t know, so no sense in stressing over it! 🙂
Me too Amy, I think that’s the biggest one for me!
That is me!! I worry about every little thing, hopefully I can stick to my goal and tone it down!
I want the leopard pair!!!! They have a size 5 left and I normally wear a 4.5 but I have been tempted to rock them a little big just so I could have them 😉
Oh man I can be so awkward!! In high school people took me for being mean because I was just so shy, so I took to smiling as much as possible so people wouldn’t think I was mean lol. Now if I could just be a little more out going!
I know my worries will change, I can only imagine when my boys are teenagers and what worries that will bring!
Thanks so much Carina!
Thank you Jasmin!! The older I get, the more I worry. But I realized it was just taking over, so it’s time to let it go!
Thank you Lauren!
Thank you Rachel! They are my favorite pair too, I get compliments nearly every time I wear them!
Thanks so much Cherie!!
Thanks Annessa!
Ugh I struggle so much in social situations! You’re not alone 🙂
Thank you!!! I sure wish I could rock a pair of real Valentinos!! 😉
I worry about my kids soooo much! Your so not alone! I wish I could find a cutie pie top like this one for the shop! Lol
Wooo! You’ve got some good heart hurting skills. Thanks so much for reading Rachel 🙂
Thank you Elise!
Day by day is the best way to be!
Thanks Mary!
Me too Rachael! Its so hard not to worry when it comes to parenting.
I hit a crazy point with worry too, then I said enough is enough!
I need to live more in the moment as well!
So true Brittany!
You are so sweet Ada! I know you’re the best mom. 🙂
Thank you Shae!
I like that! A happy year is the best!
So true Rebecca! Thank you!
It too easy. Thanks so much Laura!
Thanks Jill! You’re not alone in the worry department. 🙂
I’m so here for this post! I need to stop worrying so much because I get stressed out easily. One of my biggest stressors is wondering when will I find a job with what I majored in (May 2015 graduate). The job market sucks (haha excuse my language). But I do have to keep telling myself that I should focus on the positives and what ever happens is what was truly meant for me.
>.< Raven
Such a cute look! I host a weekly fashion link-up and would love to have you join! You can find this weeks link-up here: bit.ly/1XmRwzv
One of my New Year’s resolutions was to try to not sweat the same stuff …easier said than done!