This year marks the three year anniversary of when I starting working with my beautifully talented sister-in-law on Pumps & Push-Ups. Brooke had started up this blog the year prior, as a way to share her interests of both fashion and fitness, as well as her journey with eating healthy and getting fit after having a baby. With my background in dietetics and our shared enjoyment and training in fitness, she asked if I wanted to join her in this journey. I was immediately on board! We knew we were the perfect team and that together we had a lot we could share with the world. I remember the first post I ever wrote; It was February, which is American Heart Month, so I wrote about heart health.
When we first started, I knew zero about blogging and didn’t have an account yet, so I would send my posts to Brooke for her to post for me. It’s amazing how much you learn over just a matter of three years: from working with WordPress, to photography layouts, to social media and how the blogging world works in general.
Since fashion was always a big part of Pumps & Push-Ups, I eventually jumped in on the fun of doing style posts and brand reviews. Getting together for “photo shoots” always ended up being an adventure. From finding the right backdrop to doing outfit changes in the car hoping passing cars or nearby pedestrians didn’t catch a glimpse.
As a pair we have done SO many fun posts together from this Mommy & Me workout to the one where we drew our outfit inspo from old childhood movie favorites.
We’ve worked with some amazing brands along the way too! Take a little trip down memory lane with these posts from Fabletics, Boohoo, Plenti and Garnier.
While we managed to find a number of wonderful backdrops over the years, there was one in particular that was most memorable. As part of a sponsored post we did with Athleta, we decided to shoot on this small local beach that sits alongside the river that runs through our city. In order to avoid a potential audience of other beach goers, we headed to this spot during the wee hours of the morning. Not only was the hike there an adventure in and of itself, but the end result was perfect lighting and gorgeous photographs.
I love a good throwback, so two of my favorite brand posts that we ever did were this Christmas Sweater Flashback and this Summer Essentials post where we reflected back on how things have changed from our pre-baby pool side days.
And let’s not forget the Pumps & Push-Ups boutique and fitness collection!
We’ve had some changes here and there over the last three years but that’s what learning is all about, isn’t it?! Constantly adapting, changing your plan, and correcting your course until you get yourself right where you want, while having a whole lot of fun along the way! Recently we tried to shift the focus more towards fitness and nutrition, while adding a new element of waste reduction. But at the end of the day you have to stick with what works and in the case of Pumps & Push-Ups, its fashion and fitness. Since these are the two passions that drove Brooke to start this blog in the first place, it made sense to bring things back full circle to where it all began. So, starting this month, Brooke will be taking over as the primary blogger for Pumps & Push-Ups, as I focus greater attention on Project Less Waste.
While this isn’t goodbye it still fills my heart with overwhelming joy to look back and remember all the fun that we’ve had over the last three years working on Pumps & Push-Ups. If I wasn’t sitting in the middle of a library writing this right now, I’d probably be sobbing over a bottle of wine as I reminisce about the posts we created together and how enjoyable it is working with family on something you both consider special to you. Blogging is so much more when you share it with someone! 🙂
So, don’t worry – this isn’t the last you’ve seen of me. I’ll still be around as a contributor for nutrition and fitness related stuff. I also see a lot more fantastic collaboration between Brooke & I in our future!
Stay tuned for updates as to where you can continue to follow along on my less waste journey, coming soon!
xo, Erica
Now, let’s…get…linking!!
Link up any post you would like to show off; your outfit, home decor, recipe, workout. Anything at all! Because, oh, hey girl! We want to see it!
Link-Up ‘Rules’
1. Follow our blog on Bloglovin
2. Link back to our site from your post, you can grab our button if you like!

See who we link with here!
Best wishes to you, Erica! Glad to know you’ll be around and keep going forward!
What a fabulous journey! I wish you so much luck in your new path!
Wishing you so much luck and love in your new endeavors Erica! You are both a sweet and beautiful Inspration and we look forward to both your journeys apart and together!!
Good luck with your new adventure Erica! Sad I won’t see your face here on the regular but you gotta follow your heart! Come back and update us with what’s going on with you once in a while! 🙂
I love looking back at your blogging journey! Wishing you luck with your new path and I’ll be looking forward to your updates!
Doused In Pink
Good luck with your new focus! If you both are pursuing your passion that is a good thing!
Wishing you all the luck with your new venture, Erica! I’m sure this isn’t the last we’ve seen of you (and that makes me happy)! 🙂 You girls run such a helpful + happy space!
Le Stylo Rouge
What a touching post Erica! It’s always hard, but change can be a good thing! Good luck!!
Best of luck with your new project!
Good luck on your new adventure, Erica. I will miss you and hope to see you from time to time on here! I’ve been following y’all for awhile and have always enjoyed the blog!
Wishing you all the best Erica!! <3
Lee |
LegalLee Blonde
Good luck with your new endeavor. I have enjoyed each and every post! This refection on prior posts and photos is wonderful.
xx, Elise
Best of luck to you!! Loved looking back on all of these posts.
I really enjoyed reading about your blogging journey and wish you all the best with your new endeavour Erica!
Wishing you the best of luck Erica! This is such a beautifully written post, and I really enjoyed reading about your adventures. It really sounds like Whitney and I in a lot of aspects. You will be missed!
xo, Whitney and Blaire
Peaches In A Pod
Good luck Erica! Thanks for all you insight !!
Life is just Rosie
If my booty ever looked like yours i’d be the happiest gal on earth!
I’ve always loved how you two work together, and I know you’ll continue to find your way. Good luck in your next endeavor Erica!!!
Good luck, Erica!!! I’ve loved getting to know both of you over the past few months. Thank you both for being so inspiring each week! I look forward to your continued success! 🙂
Trendy & Tidy
Good luck!! Really nice sisters 🙂
Mónica Sors
Really nice summary of your beginnings to start blogging. Loved hearing how you found your niche with your readers in the past two years. I wish you continued success, have a great day.
Such a great three years of blogging you have both had. Good luck Erica!
I had no idea how you guys got started working together so it was great to take this trip down memory lane with you! The beach shoot you guys did is so gorgeous! I love the lighting in the morning! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
Fun trip down memory lane seeing all you have done. Best of luck Erica!!
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
Thank you so much Carrie!! 🙂
Thank you Shelbee!! Don’t worry I’m still going to be around. 🙂
Thank you so much love! You have always made me feel so special!
Thanks Sarah!! Don’t worry you’ll start seeing me pop in here and there. 😉
Thanks Jill!! 🙂
Thank you Laura! 🙂
Thanks Ashley! We always tried to and I know Brooke will def keep that vibe going (she already has done this so well)!
Thank you Jodie! 🙂
Thank you Traci!! 🙂
Thank you Carrie!! I always enjoyed chatting with you and following along with you as well. 🙂
Thank you Lee! 🙂
Thank you Elise! It was fun to look back but it definitely wasn’t a final sendoff – I’ll be seeing you around. 😉
Thanks Mary! It was fun to look back at everything we did and share it with everyone as like a time capsule of our time together as a full-time team for P&P! 🙂
Thank you Marta!! 🙂
I appreciate you being a part of the blogging journey!
Thanks girlie!! I always thought that same thing. 🙂 I won’t be gone forever – I’d miss everyone too much not to pop back in and out!!
Thank you! 🙂
That would be Brooke – continue following along for her workouts to get that booty! lol 😉
Thanks Lana!! Working with B was always the best and we have no intention of quitting and will always find ways to continue working together in some shape or form. 🙂
Thank you doll! I’m glad we could provide you with some inspo! 🙂
Thank you! I feel pretty lucky, to have a sister like Brooke. She’s the closest thing you can get to the real thing. 🙂
Thanks for joining us in looking back at our time together on P&P!
Thanks Rachael! 🙂
Thank you so much Pamela! 🙂
Thanks Amy Ann! It has been an amazing journey and its not over yet. 🙂
We’ll always find ways to work together in ways that compliment both our interests!